Can any of you commies explain to me how white liberal feminists risk against the patriarchy and then do a 100%...

Can any of you commies explain to me how white liberal feminists risk against the patriarchy and then do a 100% reversal and fetishize it like this because muh poor brown oppressed people?

I understand you're not Democrats but you're still basically in the mold of "emancipatory" and when I lurk I see people apologizing for Muslims all the time her nonetheless.

Holla Forums thinks that baiting themselves as slightly less Holla Forums, their reverse psychology will bait us into an argument.

fuck off.

Liberal feminists are usually wealthy and can insulate themselves from poors regardless of color. This is why their favored immigration policy is just "let them all in." It doesn't matter to them how many are let in because odds are they won't ever have to come into contact with any other.

'Islam' is not an eternal and unitary body of doctrine, but an historical, constantly shifting phenomenon as all ideologies are. SDF held territories in Syria are probably more advanced than any Western country in matters of gender equality.

Arabs publicly cane their women.

Inside every white female feminist is a woman longing to be put her in place.

Ever notice every radfem takes the natural submissiveness and desire to be dominated every woman has and ramps it up x1000 when you're fucking them?

And yet it managed to preserve itself in pure form. Christians stopped crusades. Buddhist stopped shipping their religion to undeveloped countries. Communism stopped being a thing.
And yet fucking islam still beheading "unbelievers". It must be condemned in all civilized countries for radicalism alone, but it isn't.

It's really telling when liberals point to the merely aesthetic value of 'diversity' or to hip ethnic restaurants in their hipster neighborhoods as a reason why immigration is good. They don't really care about non whites except as fetishised difference,

Salafists, like ISIS or al-Qaeda, don't consider Shia or Alawites muslims and think there's nothing wrong about killing them indiscriminately. Islam has spawned many sects across the centuries, much like Christianity, you can't say Catholics, Mormons and southern baptists are exactly the same, can you?

Lmao I've never fucked a radfem can anyone else confirm?

If you don't hate Muslims and want them fucking gone you can't call yourself a socialist


Islam had different centres.
It used to be Kairo, Damaskus, Bagdad and Istanbul.
Basically whoever controlled Mekka and Medina.

Now it's the Saudis and you know how rich they are with oil money and trading with the west.

Since they already have 10 cars, they decided to spread their brand of Islam right now. Wahabism.
Truth is, while the other Muslim centres were flourishing, the Arabs were just a bunch of nomadic people. During WWI, it was Lawrence of Arabia, who taught them how to organise. After WWI Nejd used this knowledge to conquer Hejaz and other tribes and become what we know as Saudi-Arabia.
Now they have the need to compensate for something.

And they already have successes in small Islamic countries such as Maledives, Brunai and the Gambia.
Basically every country, which deals with Arab investors also get imports with Wahabi muftis.

lol just please shut the fuck up before you make yourself look silly

They do not live around conservative communities, whether they're Christian or Muslim, nor do they think it is possible for those to gain any political influence there - hence the meltdown whenever the republicans win the elections.

Liberals view people as commodities to add to a collection.

Can confirm. They melt like jelly.

Religion is a spook.
It's in their best interest to give up on it or to move away.

Muzzies have a vague socialist bent from the 20th century that weakling fags on here harp on to justify allowing islamic theocracies to do whatever they want as long as its Russia supporting them and not us. I personally despise Islam and would have been one of the first people condemning both Assad and Immigration if i was at all stupid enough to waste time on individual outbreaks of chaos instead of staring into the abyss as a whole like i do everyday

No they're not go jump in a pool of lava you faggot. Islam is evil and needs to be purged

Well they won't. So now watcha gonna do? I say make it socially unacceptable to be Muslim. Nothing is more convincing than peer pressure

do you speak at schools about bullying or drugs as a day job and use that same dumb logic about people you dont like?
my actual sides.

White feminist organisations are funded by businessmen from Saudi Arabia.
I'm not joking, there is a King Abdullah centre in Vienna.

It's easy to move them.
The current government won't because they have "investments" going on.
Right-wing parties too, so prepare for a lot of disappointment once they are in power.

Wtf? No. You just ridicule Muslims. Make them feel unwelcome. Make towelhead and terrorist jokes. They'll be forced to be secular

Islam like Christianity has revolutionary potential.

Don't be so quick to write off a 1500 year old religion

This. Don't blame Islam for what porky is doing with it. Remember that they did the same thing with Christianity during the colonial and imperialist eras.

There's nothing wrong with being Muslim. Afghanistan at one time was a country where over half of those college educated were women. It's simply a non-sequitur when people say Muslims are inherently a backwards and barbaric people.

If America was constantly bombed to fuck and the most rabid right wing christians were given a platform and openly endorsed by outside political forces, you too would think this place was a backwards shit hole.

Iran was pretty progressive at one time too. In general, there has been leaders in the middle east that were not "progressive" but were on the path of embracing more secular ideas. Countries like the US wouldn't have none of that. The imperial core couldn't allow that. Look at Gaddafi, and even Assad. Gaddafi would send people to get an education in America if they couldn't find one at home.

Even in the current time frame, people in Tehran are embracing secular ideas and shedding the old conservative "Sharia" style Islam in favor of something less rigid. They like to party, they like rock and roll, they go clubbing and do normal American style shit all without the permission of their government. The tides are changing and right wingers simply will not give them credit where it is due.

With that said, the way the right expects me to sell some of these folks out in the name of American jingoism is idiotic and counterproductive. These people should be encouraged to continue on their current path rather than bullied and belittled for their beliefs to a point where reaction is the only thing they can embrace.

As for shit like ISIS, yeah, fuck 'em. That has never been something the left has "defended" but I feel like the right constantly plays up this false image that communists support terrorism or something.

Took the words right out my mouth. Or right out of my reply box I guess. Get ready to be called a Islam apologist liberal cuck my friend

The Repub version of patriarchy is an autistic version based on butt hurt white guy propaganda because the dumb broads wouldn't go back to the kitchen after WWII and old re runs of leave it to beaver.

The Islamic version is rooted in 100s of years of tradition and culture from the greatest civilization ever.

No wonder why white girls are running to it

I think they are too afraid to stand up to them so they just believe what brainwashed Muslim women tell them. It's not all feminists though, a lot or very anti islam still.

Pretty futile endeavor, about as futile as wanting to make it "unacceptable to be christian."

By banning shit like that, you make it inevitably more popular. Like the prohibition of alcohol.

it's like they specifically designed that cover to piss off right-wingers holy kek

for example, suicide bombing wasn't a thing until the 80s

Calling me a cuck is a sign that I'm winning, seriously. If some right winger wants to resort to name calling, that's their prerogative, but I feel like I am making a decent point here and to not respond in kind is being intellectually dishonest.

And also, just to ward off the whole "cuck" shit, like I said, I hate ISIS and I think only the most deranged asshole would defend ISIS under some misguided notions of them being "anti-imperialist." I mean, even the most basic bitch pseudo-Marxist sees how ISIS is enforcing their own little caste/class system within. It just doesn't make sense when people try to make such a loose association.

It's liberal logic at its finest where they say revolutionary violence is *automatically* the same as terrorism (violence targeting random civilians).


Suicide bombing was a thing in WWII…

Considering Nazis fetishize the shit out of anything that is "white" and vaguely reminiscent of "german" "culture" I feel I could make the same argument in reverse quite easily. In fact, aesthetics are a cornerstone of fascism, they don't seem to care about much else than collaborating with the exploiters.

Neoliberal capitalism is fascism, it's just very quiet about it.

Did this idiot seriously make the claim Islamic concepts of patriarchy are rooted in hundreds of years of history while Western ones are not?

The subjugation of women and taxes based on accumulated wealth are elementary to Islam in everyone of its iterations. These aspects make it completely incompatible with socialism.

An ideology that battles another form of imperialism is not inherently anti-imperialst. It just makes it another flavor of imperialism that is competing.

I said the Republican version is. Seriously they talk about a 1950s that never fucking existed.

Women always worked outside the home in the US

Fucking this, do you let leftists manipulate the history and write them in the way who could put their party in the history and nobody never questions their history and they never are forced to prove nothing

See democrasts lying, trying to manipulate, dumb people who fall for them today, imagine how many lies, manipulations and trash was made by these same groups in the past without internet and everyone forced to believe in the establshment who we know today are liars, corrupt, try every dirty trick to get power, disgusting evil democrats, and dumb libtard people who fall for them.

Sorry for the libtard but it's so much stupidity, and have so much dumb women in the US who looks that are easier to manipulate and democrats and other left-wing groups try to get advantage of this do create some scapegoat, demonize someone, and try to create a dirty strategy of power based in lies, shaming, demoralization, demonization, race baiting, manipulation, narrative, monopoly in the media, ad hominem, straw man, propaganda

And 90% of the sickness produced in American society was made by democrats who need to create these things to get power.

CNN is fucking Bizarre, democrats media is fucking corrupt, liar, bizarre, evil, fake, PR of democrats, race baiter, hipocrites, Hillary Clinton had a silver plate, questions, cover up, bizarre the democrats and that have dumb brainwashed stupid people who let to be manipulated for them or want to believe, support them because are enjoying something, enjoying some cover up, enjoying some fake narrative with some scapegoat, enjoying the manipulation of news, the things hiden, the things show, the narrative who need to be keep as strategy of power of democrats, every sickness!