You want something fucked up?

You want something fucked up?
A lot of the 'feminists' on r/soc and r/FC hate 'TERFs', and joke about how it's okay to beat up and kill 'TERFs' because they are 'reactionary', when most 'TERFs' are women.
Yes, nothing says feminist more than telling a woman to choke on your dick. Nothing says feminist more than men talking about wanting to beat the shit out of women.
Also, pic related, apparently language is violence. Now that I understand that the policy of political correctness is based on "language is violence" tells me that these dumbasses are just liberals. It fucking pisses me off and disgusts me that I agreed with them about this stuff. If they think that 'language is violence', then they're in for a wild ride when we have a revolution.

Other urls found in this thread:

If language is violence I should meet their violent acts with a knife to their throat

seriously why has nobody doxxed r/soc mods yet

you cant ALL actually have lives to live, right?

BREAKING NEWS: Feminists are hypocritical and unethical. Sky is blue. Pope is Catholic.

If woman want to be treated as equal…

We're leftists; we actually have to work for a living.

it would be so gratifying to purge these people and send them to a gulag or something

It'd be most gratifying to actually solve the problems which give rise to symptoms like feminism, allowing everyone to live happily ever after. Unfortunately that's far from a trivial task. I guess throwing people in cages until bad things stop happening is easier.

Tehe fuck is TERF

dumb feminists who are hated by other dumb feminists

Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminism

Actual feminists

No such thing.

My gott

Same fag here. Maybe I'm being too rigid here but it seems to me that what gives feminism its internal coherency is the idea that gender (i.e. the oppression of women by men) is the main contradiction in society. When people lodge the complaint that feminists are not caring enough about trans or gay issues that undermines the internal coherency of feminism as an ideology.

Whether this is good or bad, I can't say, but it seems like the "inclusion" of non-feminist elements into feminism makes it into a big soup with little holding it together. I honestly don't think the logic follows that fighting homophobia or transphobia is part of the same struggle as fighting the oppression of women. What does two men having sex really have to do with feminism? Its a strange leap of the imagination which means nothing except its common trajectory as post-traditional ideological and sexual cultural practices.

The fuck is this?

There is no such thing as coherence in a pure antagonism. It's purpose is to limit and effectively undermine every possible identity that can be constructed for oneself.

The woman is a fiction.

This is basically how the LGBT "community" deals with lesbians right now.

Refusing in dating a "transbian" (who is basically a straight dude in a dress) will either get you a gay conversion therapy or you become a TERF.

Lezzy bars are already taken over by transbians and manhaters who are not actually into women. Guess it's back into the underground for us.

You deserve to be collectivised and insemination by the state reactionary identitarian.

TERFs are irrelevant soccer mom liberals.

Don't like em, don't fuck em. It's simple.


Trans Exclusionary Feminist.

are you my parents?

I try to avoid them as good as I can, but an alarmingly increasing number started to occupy my favourite pub, scaring all the cuties away.
I miss the board games evenings and the play dart while drunk evenings.

Your parents don't matter. Pretending you deserve a safe space from icky men because you have a vagina is reactionary and not at all related to the advancement of any sort of society but your most puerile fantasies.

How can you say you support all workers when you can't even use a person's pronouns correctly? Bunch of faggots in here I swear.

It's less a safe space from icky men and more a place where you can flirt up girls, without getting screeched at.

I don't hate men. Some of my best friends are men. My brother is a very manly man, who managed to father 4 children (quads) in one night and who also frequents Holla Forums.

You mean where special snowflakes get to socialize with other special snowflakes so that you are protected and kept from screeching back yourself at so oppressive the man. Lesbian and gay clubs are profiting off your sorry ass and all you care about is that you can waste your life away every weekend pleasuring yourself. Pure late stage capitalism.

yes that's the general idea

I have difficulties reading this sentence, could you use a better google translate?

And so do Turkish, Greek and Italian cafés

This I admit, I am an unashamed hedonist during the weekends and I fail to see why this is a bad thing. Occasionally I play vidya alone on a Friday night sometimes.

It means that you are complacent. It means that you only care about being catered to. As long as the corporations can keep your identity, your inane "orientation," right together to be picked up like a little snack, you have can never lead an emancipatory politics.

No, that's bullshit. She's a cisgender woman who wants to fuck cisgender women, not transwomen.

Bars are where people go to meet people they want to fuck.

The cisgender women she wants to fuck left the bar and now it's harder to find women she likes fucking.

You can't use identity politics to force people to be sexually attracted to those they're not. There's nothing classist about that.

Where did I say this wasn't so? But she goes even as far to say she deserves a separate bar. And how proud the capitalist class is to serve them that separate bar, to steal their money in easier, saccharine ways.

Makes sense, that's why I browse Holla Forums. Because am fucking complacent.

This pleases Stirner

I love to fuck women. Why is it when I do it "inane" and when you do it "not inana". I will consider fucking men when you do it first.

Use better google translate

I do suck dick. Im just not a neoliberal bourg shit who thinks the market should commodity that dick for me. I can easily get cock in a "straight" bar.

Why does it rile up you so much?
It's not like we prohibit men from entering, it's just that they won't have any fun there, because why do people frequent bar? To hook up and how can dudes hook up if everyone in there is lesbian? Or used to be.

Stupid. One of Holla Forumss banners is about being an armchair academic. I hope you feel so proud.

I don't get why there are no Trans bars yet. Shouldn't that be a thing?

I've never met a lesbian that wasn't a reactionary nazi cunt or a neoliberal shill.

This is the dirty secret about the LGBTQIASMDHFLACUD coalition:

The more groups you add into the identity pile, the more foreign the group itself feels to each of it's members.

Only one way out of this mess and it's mass redistribution of billionaire wealth.

Good for you. The thing is there are far fewer lesbians than gays, so we have to look extra hard. And whoever claimed that every woman is bi is a fucking retard.

I was sarcastic, but I can't read out if you got it or not.

LGBT is the most retarded shit. Still only the most politically correct can run their ranks. I would never bring all that sexuality out into the public unless to make a joke. People who base austere politics around such an identity are reactionary Cunts.

i got it.

Yeah, have you considered that most women don't want to spend their time around sour shit, probably with plenty of daddy baggage?

most women don't want to spend their time around anyone that won't give them money and unearned compliments

But seriously fuck TERFS
they're the most autistic and literally worst feminists who actively ally themselves with right wingers just so those evil trannies would stop trying to steal their victim status

The ones who occupy our location don't want to fuck each other, ironically as it seems. If you put away the dresses, that would simply be mad gay. So it seems they have a little TERF problem themselves. Since idpol change their rules of conduct on a daily basis, this could become an issue once the L problem has been dealt with.

I know what you mean. I actually dated one of these political manhaters once. It turns out she only "identifies" as lesbian, because she hates men so much, she must be one.
Makes sense doesn't it? She even broke up with her BF when she "realised who she truly was". Coincidentally she realised it when she was taking Woman's studies. Of course she didn't told me that when we hooked up or I would've rejected her sooner.
But when I fucked her (it took me a long time to get to that point, this is where Lesbian Bed Death apparently comes from), it was like fucking dead meat. It was obvious that she wasn't attracted to a female body. And there are more of her kind around than the ones I'd like to hook up with. Y'know the ones who are actually attracted to woman. The bar was a nice spot to fetch the genuine ones. Was.
It used to be so much easier during the 00s. Where the fuck did everything gone so wrong?

What can I say. You seem to know me better than me or the taxman.
Nice assumptions though.

I don't really believe that at all

It's easy to blame the Trans people, but the turth is the majority of the awful trans people we hear about never even go outside: The IDPol trans essentialists have somehow amassed insane amounts of power on the internet.

Most trans people aren't doing this crazy shit. They're working to put food on their table just like all of us.

I won't exclude the possibility. But the people who do this shit are clearly politically motivated since one day they appeared en masse all of a sudden and they brought pamphlets with them. A hostile takeover in all but name.

So if there an organized group wouldn't it make sense they aren't hitting on each other? I mean they already know each other and the ones who had chemistry probably already got together way before this little bar coup or whatever

That is how the first and second waves viewed the issues. The problem is "women" includes women outside of one race and in wanting to adapt free love and gender equality it looked hypocritical for most feminists to ignore lesbians and trans at the very least. So they had to adapt and make their movement everyone's movement basically.

A lot of right wing/reactionary causes in a philosophical sense are about the definitiveness and overly "purity" driven views of language. In wanting to transcend those aspects of patriarchal culture feminists went post-modern to try and transcend the gender limits of our current culture. In the same way Marxists try to see beyond the current paradigms of capitalist ideology. Accepting trans and gays is an implied way of doing this since they "seem" to break down gender norms in a non traditional sense. Some people like Zizek show that in their difference and idealization of gender qualities they end up reinforcing rather than transcending norms. Maybe, maybe not.

I think you meant trans supremacists* We must forcefully make these cis surrogates and inject their offspring with hormones so that they can experiment with their "dysphoria"
We will amass the greatest futa death squads in all of mankind's history!

yeah, but the question remains, why they were aggressively hitting on the regulars.
If it was intentional, then they basically did what they accuse >le ebil white male of doing by being creepy rapey and all that shit.
Full circle status = reached.

I mean that's just a consequence of idpol ideology though not being trans in itself

You're trying too hard, Holla Forums

no u

intentional misgendering is violence and should be met with intentional misgendering

Agreed, bacon. Virtuous terror.


What if I'm so primitive and I don't go outside a lot or engage or with society so I don't even know the concept of gender. It's okay if I refer to people basic on their sex?

Gay bars and hook-up culture in general is stupid and as far as I know, most lesbians who actually just like other women (i.e. not 'political lesbians) don't really engage in it the way gay men do.

I'd be 100% not upset if you started addressing me with she/her/hers.

Actual feminists. As oppose to liberal feminists that are busy appeasing men in dresses.

Can a trans apologist here actually explains what it means to "identify as a woman".

To identify as a woman means that womanhood has some sort of exclusive and defining criteria that isn't sex. Yet no one can explain what that is.

Most lesbians nowadays use tinder.
I hate online dating though. A high probability to end up with weirdos. Or I was just unlucky.

Our bar was not a pure lesbian bar though. During derbies a lotta guys came to watch football there, too.

Seems to be gender dysphoria is cause, trans children quite literally tell their parents 'there is something wrong with my penis/vagina'.

radfems are about the only type of feminist I can tolerate tbqh. They're damaged, but at least they recognize porn and raunch culture for the disgusting, degrading thing it is.

It's a Stirnerfag accidentally encounters the world outside their basement episode.

idpol is dead end to nowhere

You know, Holla Forums used to be a place to discuss leftism without getting flooded with idpol. Thanks for that.

This sounds awfully familiar.

There are measurable differences in a whole range of personality traits.
If you want more evidence than that you'll have to wait until we have a much more detailed understanding of the human brain.

Personally, I suspect that it's a real physiological condition which shows the symptoms it does because of the highly gender-oriented nature of society. If a trans person grew up in a very different society, I imagine they would show completely different symptoms or possibly even no symptoms at all.

Oh, it's another game of Fundamentalist or Feminist. I love that game.

I never got that either.
The fact that transgender identify as something implicates that gender is NOT a social construct, or else we would not have this fucking discussion.

what changed?

Gender isn't a social construct. Science has already confirmed this. Furthermore, it makes no sense from an evolutionary point of view for women's brains to not be slightly different from men's. Hell, there are species out there with much, much bigger differences in psychology between the two sexes.

That isn't inconsistent with the idea that "male" and "female" are not good labels for a tiny minority of the population. In anything biological, especially something as complex as the human brain, you get outliers - people who don't fit neatly in either category. This has likely been exacerbated by human activity polluting the environment with all sorts of hormone-mimicking chemicals. We are living in a chemical landscape unlike anything before seen on Earth, so we never evolved to deal with this kind of pollution.


Designer babbies soon.

This is actually true and it actually makes feminists dislike feminism.

So… It's good!

Hopefully. Unfortunately the human body is exceptionally complex. I don't think it's a stretch to say it's more complex than anything ever designed by humans. It comes with no instruction manual and most experiments we could perform on it are unethical.
Basically we've developed the technology to edit genes, but we are nowhere near understanding enough about what those genes actually do to actually make significant changes. Sure we can mess with hair color and maybe fix a few genetic diseases, but we won't be giving babies Autism Levels of 150 any time soon.

Porky will use it to create a new caste system and seal of social advancement forever.
HR will basically become a planned economy.

But yeah, new scientific progress uncovers new problems and mysteries. Communism may still have a chance.

By that logic, if I intentionally misgender a tranny they could retaliate by intentionally misgendering me?

Wouldnt that be the most proportional and appropriate response? To respond in kind.

Leftypol will support ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING as long as the government is paying for it.

neurobiologist here, and you're talking out of your ass mate

there are brain dimorphisms, mostly in the amygdala and in the corpus callosum, but that only affects some specific things like emotional responses to stress and again this varies from individual to individual

gender is clearly a social construct, but i do agree that trannies probably have some problem in their brain physiology that manifests the way it does because society pushes the gender spook.

What should be done is therapy from a young age, which in most cases helps people. The only reason genital mutilation is even an option is because "trans-rights" atm serve as a pseudo-cause for the neo-liberal petty-bourgeoisie. It's become a trend in the us, and everyone is a special snowflake these days, with the real victims being people with actual gender dysphoria.

Sex, is biological.
Gender is a social construct and thus… IT DOESN'T EXIST!

Call it a spook and be over it. Simple.

You sound like a SJW faggot OP.

Theres two lone things that make me puke.
A hog eating slop and a big black spook.

I've never seen a trans-allied feminist define what a woman is, since she is not a woman because of her biological sex. They will usually say "a woman is anyone who identifies as a woman" or give a similar non-answer.

I respect trans people and wish them all the best, but trying to alleviate their dysphoria (usually trans women's) in high-minded, large-scale discussions on gender and how and why the vast majority of all female-bodied people to ever exist ended up with the short end of the stick obfuscates the role of social, sexual, reproductive, and menial "household" labor and inheritance has had in the thousands of years of oppression of females (who are groomed since birth to best fulfill their largely arbitrarily assigned tasks, as are males). A woman is not "anyone who identifies as a woman", but a female socialized to perform social, sexual, and reproductive labor, mostly for male consumption, because of their sexual and reproductive capacity.

Trying to include trans people in discussions on gender and gender-based oppression throws a wrench into this because well-meaning people want to be considerate of their feelings too, however it is to a fault. Trans people are also generally against gender abolition, which further frustrates me as a leftist.

My writing is super messy. If you want me to elaborate further or clarify, just ask and I'll give it a shot.

Disclaimer: I spent most of my teenage life thinking I was trans.

Gender means the same as sex. The fake distinction is newspeak.

That's going to happen with AI anyway. We need to face the face we're not the end-point of evolution. Our only hope is that the minds who replace us are smart enough to solve the problems we couldn't.

What do you think is meant by gender?
The fact there are differences is gender. It isn't what clothes you wear or how long your hair is, you idiot.

everyone's brain is different you fucking retard, that doesn't mean everyone is their own gender

gender is the stereotypical behavior appearance and division of labor expected of each sex.

In fact, you said almost exactly the same as I did, except you prefixed it by saying I was wrong and followed it up with some dubious ideas of a possible solution which probably won't work.

Gender is the range of characteristics pertaining to, and differentiating between, masculinity and femininity.

AKA a spook.

inb4 wikipedia. Wrong.

Fucking semantic arguments. Please kill yourself.

The stereotypical behavior appearance and division of labor expected of each sex is a social construct.
The differences in brain structure which give rise to different preferences and behaviors are real.
Are you fucking happy?

So, everyone is defined by their group and are not individuals..

Hmmmm… Were did I hear that last time?

pick two

yes they are, but that doesn't constitute a gender. it only means that there is a statistical chance that a woman's brain with process certain stimuli differently, but a woman could still have a more similar brain to me than another woman. it's not some clear line that dictates behavior in every woman, but a statistic tendency. there are many physiological statistic tendencies among different populations of people, not just sexual dimorphisms

i think your reading comprehension is somewhere between 9th and 10th grade mate

In that case Im going to have gender with your mum tonight.

So you think sex only happens if there's a penis? Or, a penis and a vagina?

If two or more people are consensually doing something which can cause at least one of them to orgasm, it's sex.

So I've had sex with myself all this time?

Can you guys not be terfs?

What is a terf?

Someone who uses "feminism" to justify bigotry

Might wanna read my post again, buddy.

I have a female friend, that is a feminist, and didn't even like my edgy humor, until the idiocy in trans cyrcles and "if you don't want to have sex with trans people you are transphobic" made her herself edgy and started thinking about joining TERFs.

I on the other hand, have nothing to do with feminism, and am pretty ok with trans people (though I still don't want to have sex with them).

As you can see, TERFs are created by feminism itself.

So feminism?

So rape isn't sex? Necrophilia isn't sex?

Mostly insane feminists who spend all their time hating transfolk, there are a few here and they have their own little crazy subreddit.

It's technically sex, but it uses sex as a weapon, and so shouldn't be elevated to the same level as consensual sex. It's also hurtful to young rape victims to consider rape "real sex".

This started with me trying to point out someone's homophobia so maybe they and like-minded people might reconsider. I'm suspicious of why you want to be pedantic about this.

that's kinda the idea
You pulled definition out of your ass. Man on woman is sex. Everything else is just dicking around.


Good to know it's impossible to have gay sex then.

u r so cool and logical

Arguing with you people is pointless. It's completely unproductive when every statement is intentionally interpreted in the least forgiving way. If you want to feel smug about "winning" the argument but leave the other person just thinking you're an aggressive moron, you've succeeded. Have fun being wrong.

I don't care what some liberal on the internet thinks of me mate. you're objectively wrong, both theory wise and biology wise

i suggest you open a book

What if I have multiple personalities?

test 1

test 2

most terfs are liberals and non-marxists (no matter how much they insist otherwise) who hold essentialist views of gender and view patriarchy as transhistorical rather than a result of the class society. their ideology completely falls apart with even a little bit of analysis and today they're largely irrelevant outside of small corners of the internet.

TERF is most definitely a slur against women. I think transwomen need to avoid using it.

pic related, it's the anfem's haircut

TERFs are idpolers and not the moderate kind. They're the kind of people who would be in white power gangs if they were white men, but instead turn their hatred on the opposite sex.

Just because they get into fights with other (if slightly less) shit ideologies doesn't mean they deserve an ounce of our sympathy.

r/soc prioritizes the identity issues of 0.05% of the population above all other issues.

truly this is the basis of a functioning coalition.

the ruling classes tremble at their ruthless determination and their angry, angry tweets.

has such a terrifying revolutionary force existed since the jacobins or bolsheviks?

thanks to their efforts, HRT will remain widely available in the encroaching post-nuclear neo-feudalism.

But it's a term invented BY women, adopted BY women, used BY women.

But I thought they were against trans women… … or are you saying trans women are not women???

this is a thing?

no wonder the lesbians i meet are so often bitter, lel

I tend to agree with this user. I'm pro-trans and pro-women's rights but I think trying to integrate transwomen into a broader definition of women ends up causing more harm to both groups by erasing a lot of the unique problems that each group faces.

You know, this is the whole reason feminism was created in the first place. Trying to find definitions for an identity will always fail since it is always shifting and subject to new interpretations, no matter how right or wrong they are.

TERFs certainly don't think transwomen are women. TERFs' justifications for their views are more often than not little more than misandry dressed up in feminist language.

Also I don't think I've ever met a transperson who wanted to keep gender stratification. This whole 'trans people are just trying to stereotype the opposite' is a right-wing lie, and women stereotype themselves much more often than anyone else. If women didn't want boys to become vapid whores, then they should stop letting everyone think they are still vapid whores.

It's a quirk of the English language, where they have 2 words for the same thing, because one originated from the germanic language and the other from the romanic.

Gender and Sex both translate into one and the same thing in my language and radfems in my country use English terms for it, which sounds pretty retarded. Like old folks who want to connect with kids by using unnecessary Anglizismen to sound hip and cool but end up making a fool of themselves. This on a political level.

how does it erase unique problems? i don't think i've ever seen any feminist suggest the problems trans women face are the exact same as cis women and vice versa. they usually emphasize those things instead of painting over them with a broad brush.

both the fundamentalist and feminist interpretations are Correct in that post you quoted

Im a masculine identifying transbian pre-transition

im a pretendbian

No, it makes feminists hate little girls who use their sexuality as a base for their politics. Shilling for the status quo because you're afraid of some external force invading your identity is literally the definition of reactionary.

Their justification for hating transgender people is that they're either gender traitors if FTM or male infiltrators if MTF. Behind their targeting of transgender people is a hatred of the opposite sex that makes /r9k/ look tolerant.


I'm not sure what you're trying to tell me.

I mean most trans people are against the abolition of gender (the social role assigned according to biological sex/identification with biological sex) because they see it as destroying a very important part of who they are.

There are, of course, trans people who want the opposite, but in my experience, they make up a very small percentage. And believe me, I've looked.

What do all of you get out of hating trans people? Even if everything said in this thread are true, why should trans people not be allowed to do what they want?

My language also has separate terms, so it's not just English.

Maybe bitches like Caitlyn Jenner, who deserves no recognition while thousands of transwomen are still turned homeless, raped, abused, murdered, et c. But, no, I dont think that a trans person wants to keep gender roles. It is these very gender roles that are as yet still a hindrance against them. They say that a person with a penis can't play with dolls, and I see this at daycares where the staff will purposefully segregate children by gender, take away their toys, et c. This stems from the very way parents fail to incorporate their own offspring into society. No one is born wearing a dress, and yet they will make the distinction between a skirt and slacks for the little alien people who can't even speak, only farts, et c.

Yes, see, but trans women can't be women if women don't exist because woman is a social construct and being a woman is kind of a big deal to most trans women. Same goes for men. Most aren't interested in eliminating gender, the social construct, because to them it is taking a big chunk out of who they are as a person and how they relate to the rest of society.

Shiggy, bad theory.