In order to fight in the meme wars I need poignant communist/marxist memes, I have but a few and need some help with getting more.
In need of memes
Just visit leftybooru.
You'll find most of what you want
Spooky comrade skeltals need to be more of a thing, so start with these.
Meme wars are fags.
tnx comrade, did not know about this site
Stop pushing this shit, reddit.
I like communist bears
Kill yourself.
Woah so intolerant of someone like something else, you sure you arent fascist Holla Forums?
le mother Russia meme, simply epic tavarisch xD
It's not just one person telling you to fuck off, irritating newfag.
Fuck I hit the plus key as I pressed enter
I have a whole folder dedicated to mocking Holla Forums and Holla Forumstards, shall I post it?
Go ahead.
that's all for now
Dat second one
Source for 5th pic?