Whats it like to have the most laughed at and unworkable ideology in human history, ayncraps?
ITT: We bully the ancaps currently browsing this board
I mean, Anarcho-Capitalism worked fine for a few centuries. Only back then it was called "Feudalism".
That shit was all bloodline based, an cap dominion is assured by way of thrift and wit. Fraud and coercion not domination and outright theft
At least they're not monarchists, I guess.
We actually just had a thread were some insane ancap was saying that monarchism is libertarian. Ancap…not even fucking once….
They are essentially monarchists in practice though.
this is the 2nd time I fully agree with an anfem.
I've always found it interesting how they can't seem to realize how their system would devolve into feudalism within a single generation.
they usually turn monarchist or strait up fash if you confront them on the state being the only thing the protects property rights. they are the right wing version of the "its not a state if we don't call it that" maymay
Zizek went back in time fused with Karl Marx and got a tan. Slajrl Mizx.
At least they advocate destroying the state and recognize all the evil it does, unlike all the statist fucks on here who think "Finally this time it'll be a Dictatorship of the Proletariat and not another oppressive state-capitalist system". Ancaps just don't realize the contradictions in their philosophy or that it'd eventually stop being anarchy or start being socialist.
They would turn out to be the ultimate Ideologue.
Fucking ancoms I swear
They dont want to abolish the state, they dont even belive in the market
Ancaps are no anarchist, just see how triggered they get when you ask about private property
Why is making fun of ancaps so fun? I mean, there are plenty of shitty, unworkable ideologies out there but what makes this one particularly zesty?
ancaps don't want to abolish the state they just want them sweet sweet capitalist gibs
They want to abolish the state and let capitalism reign free, they just don't realize that under their philosophy either the state would essentially be recreated or capitalism would be destroyed. They're not anarchists, sure, but they are anti-statists, just too short-sighted to see how they're indirectly advocating for statism. They still have plenty of arguments for why the state is oppressive and the root of most problems, even capitalist problems, which they rightly blame on the state's existence but yet don't realize capitalism cannot exist without the state.
Some are starting to embrace that consequence.
What contradictions faggot
Well, for one calling yourselves anarchists when you're perfectly fine with rulers as long as you're their employee or live on their property.
Or wanting to abolish police but being fine with private security.
Or being against the state's monopoly on violence when you support a landowner's monopoly on violence.
Or supporting the non-aggression principle but saying that it's not aggression if it's your property.
Or simply by just supporting capitalism when capitalism was created with the help of the state and can't exist without it.
The state exists to protect private property
It's as if you ignored the market anarchist tradition after Rothbard went full retard and joined the paleo-conservative movement.
Is it me, or is every post by an ancap worse than the last?
In the 60's Murray Rothbard was allied with the new left. In them he saw an anti-establishment force that was pro-liberty, anto-war and anti-government. A great article by Rothbard in this period would be 'All Power to the Soviets' which I have attached to this post.
Rothbard broke off with the new left in the 70's as it died down to join the newly forming paleo-conservative movement, eventually founding paleo-libertarianism with people like Hans Herman Hoppe.
However there were people who used some of Rothbard's theory for left wing ends, often combining it with 19th century individualist anarchist theory or with Proudhon's mututalism. The most prominent examples would be Samual Edward Konkin (founder of the left-libertarian Agorism) and Karl Hess, a former ancap who later renounced capitalism but still advocated for free markets and a stateless society.
That can't be real… can it? "YOUR BREAKING THE NAP DEAR GOD THE NAP"
It's still bloodline based.
theres reasons why i lean left libertarian economically
If you mean "socially liberal ancap" and not socialism I dislike you.
ancapism, like libertarianism, neoliberalism and any capitalist ideology presupposes an infinite amount of land and resources. it is therefore an infantile ideology which does not account for climate change and scarcity of energy resources. this is why they are compelled to deny climate change.
Hayek`s "basic" economic theories about how market functions are fine.
His rants about socialism are screwy.
Neoliberals drawing from this and creating their own ideology doesn`t invalidate basic economics.
You can "use the knowledge" to understand markets to better advance socialism, you don`t need to become a neoliberal nor privatize jack shit.
Yeah but that's just a facade.
Rothbard even says that the state should be privatized ffs.
we all know that only they dont know it or they are just freaking posers.
they got the half of it right, they just have to figure out that capitalism and private property as you say can not exist without the state.
That ones that do embrace it.
Except control over property implicitly suggests control over how that property is inherited, so except on rare occasions where someone hates their kids it's gonna be bloodline based.
What Ancaps actually look like when you put the glasses on.
well that figures
Have private entities create the roads.
Didn't even read the thread, just wanted to get that out of the way.
Also fuck you with all the pedo shit. ancap has nothing to do with pedophilia you mongs.
That isn't AnCap. It's pretty much Carsonian Mutualism. Stop being a faggot and drop the yellow from your flag.
You don't worship a man who insisted on a market in children or anything
are you retarded?
You guys know what I love? Toll rods, yea I fucking LOVE toll roads. I really wish that maybe when I went out on the street I would be CHARGED for the amount of time I spent on them, It's like an exciting FEE for going OUTSIDE but you know that the money is going to someone's bonus instead of better roads or services so you can feel good about the free market.
You know what else would be great? if they were all filthy and dilapidated like most Wal-Marts and McDonalds I am forced to visit, you know where they're only upkept if they have a certain amount of profit rolling in.
Oh and you know, Traffic laws can be enforced on a street by street basis by private security! So the speed limit can vary wildly and guards can even set up traps where the road is set up to cause an infraction and get you a nice big fine! But it's ok because the fine is going to someone's bonus so you can feel good about the free market.
I read all of that in my head and somehow still feel out of breath.
A scenario doesn't automatically get funnier by making it more convoluted
you started out at you and then got to he for the propertarian character
sure it dosen't
fucking anarkiddies
tbh child labor wouldn't be that bad because it would prevent the fucking manbabies we have now that graduate from college with $30,000+ debt and can't get a job or move out of mommy's house.
Only medieval ancap was from 800-1100 Iceland.
Feudalism is capitalistic but not anarchistic you moron.
Man hating carpet muncher detected
Nah, she's living with some guy with her contribution being "cleaning and cunt".
How do i reply
The three dots on the lower right hand corner.
Are you not going to let him finish him sentence first?
You mean I'm not allowed to make hardcore newborn porn under an ancap society? Wow, what a shitty authoritarian ideology that supresses peoples freedom!