Bang bang bang

How many of you own guns and go to the range on a regular basis?

I am looking to purchase a firearm when I have some more money, possibly either a pistol or rifle but I'm leaning toward a pistol at the moment.

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If it is your first gun get something that uses cheap ammo so that you are able to shoot more with less money

can't afford guns and I live with my liberal parents

Guns are a waste of money. You should be spending your time and resources on education or activism instead.

Are you a burger?
What caliber pistol she what caliber rifle Are you looking for?

Any Makarov will do exept the Polish one as it's actually a different design.

Get out of here with that shit an armed proletariat is a strong proletariat


1. You need a class concious proletariat to wield weapons, primat is education.
2. Weapons can be taken or given out more cheap and effectively if you prepare.

My comment was more aimed at guns being a waste of money really. If you think about it guns are a part of education and activism because you should be learning how to shoot while learning theory and activism without threat of force behind it is an empty pursuit that merely serves to make liberals feel good about themselves.

I just think the stage of violently reinforced demands is a bit out of reach. Not the original commenter you replied to but i'd agree withim insofar as he means they're a waste of money in the present situation, unless of course you have a well enough funded organisation to stand with.

Even in the present situation they're useful. If you plan on being a revolutionary you should know how to effectively use a gun. Also, thinking that guns will become freely available in the revolution is wishful thinking and putting the chicken before the egg; a revolution is started with guns, and guns will likely become less available in the future, not more.

pistol: get some concealable steel frame surplus gun, it will be cheap, have good power since it was designed for police and military use, and you wont be supporting the reactionary gun industry. Something like a P63, p64, p83, Makarov, etc. 9x18 good.
Rifle: build an AR-15. Kalashnikovs are great guns, but are more expensive.

Wow surprised to see all the "lol guns wut ?" responses here.

Even if revolution is not imminent, not wanting to train or familiarize yourself makes no sense – look at the fascists at /k/ and tell me "guns are a waste of money" … get fuckin' real

I can understand not having money, no shame if you can't afford them, but if you do I am surprised socialists have to be arsed to commit to arming themselves, even if only for self defense

Thing is, I want something that's effective.

I am thinking about getting an AR15 if its a rifle, and possibly a Glock 19 if its a pistol. Any opinions on pistols/rifles?

Not surprised to hear a demsoc saying "guns aren't needed" tbh but I don't know how you can be so lax about it when right wingers are armed to the teeth all around

Depends on what your definition of burger is. I am sure as fuck not poor, if that's what you're asking, but I'm also not rich. I work in IT for a decent salary but I'm not immune to capitalist exploitation, nor am I blind to the suffering of those around me.

I would own a gun if I didn't live in Australia.

Being Australian is suffering.

Reddit was a mistake

This. I would if hunting/target shooting clubs weren't so goddamn expensive.

From what I know from people into guns, those are good choices. Although you'd probably want to get a .22 to practice with since the ammo is cheap AF and the recoil is basically a pellet gun.
He means an American.

AR15 is a good choice. Ammo is cheap and common. In a shit hits the fan scenario it's going to be easiest to find ammo that is commonplace.

Stay away from Mosin-Nagants as a practical firearm. Use it as a "for fun" and conversation piece. They wouldn't be practical in the situations where you'd find yourself needing a reliable, modern firearm.

shit costs money

I'm looking into getting something if/when I get the cash to spare for it

My bad. In that case… yes, i'm a burger. A proud burger, but still a god damn burger haha.

Thanks for the feedback.

I think you guys have a good point about .22 ammo. I'll take that into consideration for sure.

Good points all around that I agree with. I see a lot of LARP'ers toting Mosins or telling me to buy them, sometimes unironically.

I don't know how one would expect to defeat the local fascist paramilitary with something like that.

My main thing with ARs is they're so prevalent in America already, so its a pretty safe bet that there will be a great abundance of 5.56 ammo if there truly was a SHTF scenario, as you say.

you think you have it bad, trying being in Britcuckbongistan

I need help deciding on what to buy as a decent first pistol. My budget right now is like five hundred dollars, if that helps.

for Full Sized
Polymer frame: Springfield XD, Glock, M&P 9
Steel Frame: Trade in Browning Hi-power, CZ-75, CZ-85. Beretta 92s
P63/P64, P-83 Wanad, Makarovs, CZ 82.

Stay away from: anything made by taurus.

also check out Steyr M, CZ 52, Bersa 380 and similar PPK clones, and the compact versions of all the polymer guns.

Not that I disagree with the concept of an armed proletariat - but america has the most well armed in the world and they are also among the weakest.


Unless you want to conceal carry, I would get an AR-15. I think rifles are more fun to shoot and would probably be more useful in the revolution since the rifle will be able to penetrate light body armor and other thin barriers. Also, if you get the AR-15 you can buy a 22LR adapter kit. It's a replacement BCG and mag. It takes two seconds to install and two seconds to uninstall. This way you can use cheap plinking ammo for fun and 5.56 greentips to fuck shit up.

Another plus to 22LR is if you want to kill something small like small game or shit you won't have to waste your 5.56/.223

That would be a 9mm

Trust the soc dem to be against owning a gun.

Protip: if you are buying online use a gift card so your cc doesn't get stolen. Get a rifle. If you can't, get a pistol. SCCY cpx-2 or Ruger LCP-2.

Depends on what country, but I recommend buying in the cheapest/most popular caliber if your first gun is a sort of "shtf" kind of thing (in the US that would be .223/5.56 or 9x19mm). If it's for home defense I suggest a pistol or shotgun. If you gun want something exclusively to shoot targets with I suggest a .22 caliber rifle or pistol

Do you have to use a different barrel as well because of the twist in contrast with smaller grain of a .22lr?

.22LR is expensive, though, because of artificial surges in demand by inbreds that think Obama will put them in FEMA camps.

.22LR is one of the cheapest, most abundant ammos on the market right now. At least where I've shopped online and irl, one of the lowest price/rds, at least out of all the calibers I use