Kulaks: The Movie
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How many trillions will it be?
So will this film have the black army and references to Nestor Makhno or not?
Over 700 gorillion
someone post that infograpic, that shows that ukraine had famines for thousand of years before holomodour but hasn't had one since
what do you think
Holodomor was an act of HaShem, outright revenge against the Ukrainian goyim who murdered the Jews for centuries.
This is a parody right?
Oh, never mind.
I don't know what Kulaks are, but they sound yummy. I bet they taste like little boy butts. mmm little boy butts.
Look at the comments: about half of them are commenting on British accents for Ukrainian characters.
Well shit, I can't tell a brit from a burger anymore
Probably not. The movie itself is about Holodomor, so that was a solid decade after the Free Territory was overrun and the Black Army was dead. I will admit though, it is rather confusing, as they seem to be implying that Ukraine hadn't already been under the control of the Soviet Union since the end of the Civil War and that the collectivization process hadn't already been long under way.
I don't doubt the fact that there was famine in the Ukraine at that time, but to imply this boldly that a bunch of sadistic men sat in meeting rooms and declared that "all must die" is a bit heavy handed even by my standards.
Well its debatable that Stalin caused it but he was pretty cruel so I wouldn't put it past him.
Hollywood backed Ukrainian propaganda due to current conflicts.
stalin was a gud boy he dindu nuffin
Fuck off. He was no better than Hitler and not even a socialist.
What filth. Holodomor was KAGANOVICH, not Stalin.
Lel. There are about 200 tiers of evil between Hitler and Stalin.
meant for
Lets see
Let's just ignore the millions of Russians, Caucasians, and Kazakhs
Honest question: why does ANYONE on the left still give a fuck about Stalin? We can talk about Stalin's USSR from the point of view of theorists or historians, i.e. discuss what he did right, what he did wrong, and so forth, but what the FUCK is up with all the fanboying of this man? No one else aside from Russian nationalists and tankies gives two shits about Stalin. Even most communists across the globe don't care about him (look at images of Maoist guerillas in Latin America and you'll see how they always hold up images of Bolivar, Zapata, Che, and their local heroes along with Marx and Lenin and maybe Mao but no Stalin).
There was no genocide, the famine affected the entire country.
Nazis invaded and annexed Poland, the Soviets occupied the Curzon line. It was the best thing to do in their position.
Real as in "no food for everyone". It was a "no food for just *you guys*" famine.
did i get baited?
sounds awful. Stalin doesn't look like Stalin.
but maybe this movie will prompt people to look up the actual story of the holodomor?
anyway, Stalin spoke with a Georgian accent for all his life. If you were casting English speakers, what sort of accent would you seek for Stalin? Welsh? Jamaican? the hollywood Russian accent?
I hope you are aware that this film is made by Ukraine and backed by Hollywood and the reason it was made was to show Russia the giant middlefinger, due to Crimea and Donbass?
Expect some Stalin = Putin references.
"We have to kyell deh kulacks mon"
in this case this movie blatantly depicts a fictious version of the holodomor, and would seem to taked planned genocide, confiscation from common peasants by Russian imperialists, Kulaks were poor farmers, not reviled petit-bourg landlords at best, crop speculating bandits most of the time. That's the problem.
You're retarded there is literally NO PROOF that the famine was targeted at any specific groups
Do you think that revolution and then protecting said revolution would be free of bloodshed? Communist's beef with Hitler in a pragmatic sense is not that he killed millions people. In that he is no different than imperalistic, capitalist countries. It is that Fascism acts as a last ditch resort to crack down on revolutionary elements when capitalism is in crisis. Cease your moralizing of the actions of the USSR to hypocrtical, bourgeois standards; too renounce the necesity of violence in class struggle means you should not be here. The criticisms of Stalin should concentrate solely on how he furthered socialism because if those deaths resulted in nothing, only then can we hold him accountable from a moral point of view.
probably some western or mid-west american accent
You answered your own question. Russian nationalists like him because he marked some of the biggest triumphs of Russia in the was most conservatives understand "success" (winning wars, expanding territory/influence, consolidating authority/hierarchy, promoting traditional values, etc). (Most) Tankies adore him because their ideology is (usually) based on his application of Marxist and Leninist thought, so they revere him much in the same way other Marxists might revere Marx and Engels themselves, perhaps even moreso because they see Stalin as "more practical/real." You have plenty of theory buffs who defend Stalin due to personal theoretical conclusions, but for most others it is nostalgia for "the "socialism" that was and can be again if only we emulate the man who made it happen."
why do film makers keep doing this ?
Man this movie looks so good I almost forgot for a millisecond that the US is supporting a Nazi like regime/outer elements in the Ukraine currently.
This is like a few years ago when all those anti Iran films came out strangely at the same time the US wanted a war with Iran. I'm sure this was just a coincidence. When that peak liberalism hits you, damn son… I need air, too much hotboxing.
And they say the commie jews are behind hollywood.
"Ukraine must be taught to bow to our will"
"Who in the world will know"
Based Stalin
To be honest I'd rather have communists being depicted as cool villains with leather jackets than skinny transgender college students.
Don't mind this.
Actually the Soviet government tried to prevent the effects of the famine but we live in a harsh world where food scarcity is a reality. The kulaks were the ones to make it worse by hoarding the food.
The real world is harsh, you need gulags, firing squads, etc to maintain control.
The Polish empire after world war one, imperialistically with the help of the most monstrous group of imperialists in history the allies of World War I took up land previously occupied by the German Empire and the Russian empire both of which ceased to exist after the war. In this context, the Soviet government with the help of the new German government agreed to help liberate German and east Slavic people living in the Polish empire and they were both welcomed as liberators by the people there when they entered Poland.
dat unshaved comissar has some STYLE
Poland was full of fascist fucks on a power trip after they managed defend Warsaw against the Russians. Poland constantly portrayed as victims is fucking twisted, considering they were gladly delivering the Jews to the Germans after the conquest.
I am just exited for the historical accuracy reviews that this movie will get, i hope Stephen Kotkin will give it a slack.
all these alt right mongs in the comments lmao
It was also full of Germans and east Slavs not to mention Czechs and Slovaks as they invaded Czechoslovakia after the Munich agreement. It was this reason that there was good reason to liberate the people living in "Poland" who didn't happen to be Polish. However, the British and the French imperialists, who had the biggest colonial empires used this as a pretext to start WW2.
Look at the paradise of Ukraine!
Oh the evil Bolsheviks!
Look! Look at the pretty and noble Ukrainian women!!!
It's not like we are promoting Nazis, or anything…
The depiction of Ukraine looks like some kind of fantasy movie and they all speak English. Not sure if it will be so bad it's good or just rage inducing.
It's funny, they had no business for holodomor until they started to stirr up shit against Russia.
So, it was basically like humans versus orcs?
peak liberalism
they were socialist not fascist
but against bolsheviks
God fucking damn it
My fucking sides. Amerifats need to be nuked.
the man stood up and yelled at the cinema screen: "the kulaks deserved it!"
he was escorted out.
Because having people starving because of mismanagement in times of turmoil is totally the same like, you know, intentionally killing people.
It's really interesting what kind of picture they paint of Ukraine. In the wake of German nationalism by the end of the 19th century, nationalist circles promoted the idea of Ukraine as the "mythical homeland" of the European race - based on the theory that the Goths originated from there and that the origins of the Indo-European language are with some archaic culture north of the Black Sea. Anyway, they believed that the Ukraine would be the breadbasket for the Aryan race and images of blond maidens harvesting grain in endless fields under a blue sky started circulating in the heads of nationalists and fascists. There is a reason why Hitler was so focused on "Lebensraum im Osten" and gave the order to conquer Ukraine even though it would have been smarter to press advantage on Moscow.
This new fabricated idea of an Ukrainian nation is entirely different from ideas about a state in Ukraine before. The Hetmanate of the Cossacks or the Khanate of the Golden Horde never integrated the idea of an Ukrainian nation. To wake up this old spook of Ukrainian nationalism, which has always been a Nazi scheme, was a dangerous idea by NATO. Ukrainian nationalism was always tainted with fascism and should go into the dustbin of history, especially after Ukrainians turned out to be absolutely vicous in WWII. There are letters of German officers complaining about the atrocities committed by anti-Bolshevist Cossacks and tell Ukrainian SS-Division.
And now Hollywood makes a movie pandering to fascist imagery - really makes you think.
Everyone comment 'kulaks deserved it' till there's no more top comments by revisionists
How are Kotkin's works on Stalin?
He's pretty anti-Bolshevik but at least he escapes the liberal narrative of "that happens when people in power are BAD" and delivers a consistent analysis of how system and ideology lead to the historical events that happened.
You don't need to read the book but you should watch this video of Kotkin and Zizek discussing it:
In that case he did nothing the further socialism because after the NEP it was all state capitalism and they actually gassed workers who wanted to self manage.
fugging this
usually this is followed by excuses for why movies like Red Dawn or any film from the McCarthyist period aren't "explicitly anti communist"
Imagine an Anne Frank but with petit-bourgeois Ukrainian peasants.
glad you get to feel like me every time this shit comes out
seriously though it reeks of propaganda against muh russian boogeyman and won't last long, if anything it will backfire
the only good thing about this is that it will be harder for tankies to spread their faggotry any further
This dialogue sounds awfully cheesy.
If anything it will get people into actual research about this era of which "tankies" can only profit.
After all the Holodomor is not as taboo as the Holocaust and you can pretty much freely discuss it without going to prison - even though Hollywood tries hard to change that, see this movie.
Who else /amazedbybourgeoisideologicalapparatus/ here?
Oh my god, this will be golden, I know it.
What is successful propaganda, if not cheesy and simple for the masses to identify as?
It's amazing at how many assmad liberals here are still in total denial of it too, screeching "that's Holla Forums" if you laugh at them
Ok that I'm fine with, a legitimate criticism, but user wasn't doing that at all. He was saying "hurr durr executions hurr durr therefor Stalin was as bad as Hitler". It's stupid moralizing.
Can someone red pill me on the holomodor? What are some good sources that are as unbiased as possible? I'm interested in hearing about how the West got its information about the famine.
who do nazbols root for in this?
nationalist poles or bolshevick russians
Both. It's called the dialectic. Look into it some time.
check out what i found, comrade
wow looks neat
post link to patreon?
crap you got me
ahaha okay, i'll donate
isnt this that malaysian guy
i really like pepes does this guy make them?
I'm prolepilling people in the comment section
in this battle both socialists and nationalists fight side by side to stop russians
the second polish republic was bourgeois
dictatorship lead by Piłsudski leader of socialist party
Daily reminder that most of the kulaks didn't deserve it and that Stalin used them as a scapegoat.
All you need to know is that there isn't a shred of evidence for any of the claims put forward in this film. It's all made up really, the weaponization of a tragic famine to justify the porky narrative.
So wait I thought the capitalist narrative was that Stalin's collectivization program is what starved everyone (because lol socialism can't into markets and resource allocation).
Too complicated for proles. Portraying the opposition as Saturday morning villains works better.
Yeah but in the end it just makes Stalin look like kind of a badass.
> born in Russian Empire, in a peasant caste - as a glorified slave
Very unlikely. While kulak gangs did enact some violence and did attempt to turn it into a full-blow Civil War, they did not use Anarchism in any way.
Except not.
You surely meant "saved half of Poland from Nazi occupation".
It's not about Stalin. It's not even about Left. It's about Right.
Fake Stalin is a major focus of anti-Socialist propaganda. "Good" "Democratic" Capitalists against "Evil" "Totalitarian" Socialists.
It might seem irrelevant, but once you start bending to this pressure, accepting propaganda, you'll have to start making concessions. Concessions to Capitalists. Rejection of Central Planning, of Vanguard, of Dictatorship of the Proletariat, of the Revolution. And then, when the Revolution comes a-knocking, you'll have no other "reasonable" option, but to join Fascists and protect Capitalist State against Evil Commies.
Pretty common in Asia (India, Philippines, Nepal - and Russia, of course). Also a perfect litmus test for supposed Communists.
It's actually Anti-Russian, Pro-Nazi in Ukraine, because NATO and missiles.
If Ukraine is filled with Nazis why does Putin want it so badly?
I was talking about the fake Stalin in general. Stalin the Dictator. Not movie.
They're talking about the fucking RUSSIAN EMPIRE. How is this possible to even think this, let alone publicize it? Have we reached peak ideology?
Cause Nato wants it. Cause the gas goes through it. Cause he had it and wants to keep having it.
Also, it's getting filled with nazis, exactly because US wants Russia not to have it.
I don't have the "we don't want to be turned into slime" meme available.
Based moustache poster, I have nothing to add except that east of the Curzon line wasn't Poland in the first place and polish imperialists deserved it.
Executing people when they aren't a threat isn't nice.
Poland invaded parts of the Soviet Union aided by Britain during the interventionist wars.
Poland had a pact with Nazi germany.
Poland attacked Czechoslovakia together with Germany.
They denied the SU to send aid for Slovakia before Germany went on and took it all.
Brits and French didn't respond to Soviet proposals and didn't bring any themself, they even came up with driving Germany into Czechoslovakia in the Munich treaty - in absence of the Czechoslovakian government even.
I've got to say, this is the only good tripfag on this board. Consistently good posts.
The film takes place in the 1930s though.
That was some seriously fucking intense propaganda.
Nazi's will eat this shit up and share it to gullible liberals.
That's the point. The character looks like he's in his 20s, so he would've been born when the Russian Empire was near collapse.
fucking kulaks
lol at the wikipedia page
do a search on this guy, GUESS WHO IT IS
(via @getfiscal)
Hitler: So it is agreed. If I promise not to invade for ten years, you will make me Head Hitler in Charge of Germany. This will give you enough time to destroy this so-called Ukrainian nation, which is threatening both of us with its love of freedom and democracy.
Stalin: Excellent. I will give the order to kill all the livestock soon. Then our stores of grain will be shipped to the west. Ensure we are paid in gold bars - this is the only currency that the people building my grand palace will accept, given the fact the Russian economy is in ruins due to socialism.
Hitler: Please allow me to ask, President Stalin, how do you intend to hide the deaths of fifteen million Ukrainian nationals, more than I will probably ever kill in my whole life, from the world?
Stalin: A good question with a simple answer: I will make up lies about the Ukrainian patriots, calling them Nazis when all they want is a country for themselves like every other people on Earth. Then people will say that the 17 million people I have killed in the well-documented terror-famine were probably anti-semites, which is obviously not true, and actually more people died in the terror-famine than the Holocaust, so we should think of it the same way.
Hitler: You can't hide the truth from people forever, Stalin… But I respect your evil, which is perhaps greater than my own.
a lot of this tankie shit is just imperialism but change the name
Its just that nobody expect anarkiddies like petit-bourgeois.
Jesus why are they so obsessed with us?
he just wants the east.. i think.
maybe he wants the russian empire back, ukraine was one of the most valueable parts of the russian empire
he got to see those neat ohkrana raids
You're not fooling anyone you shill, we've see these narratives a thousand times before
Let's be honest, being a communist was always always worse than being a Nazi.
even if you buy the 100 gorillion mindset, one of those made countries undeveloped and the other actually developed the periphery.
Implying the truth matters one iota to them.
You posted the same image in relation to the same subject last time but I'm pretty sure you got BTFO when people brought up actual historical facts. You didn't even try defending the McCarthyist talking points you sperged out when others criticized it.
This trailer just killed 50 more million
Someone mention Grover Furr.
Why not Duranty?