Self-defense thread

So, it seems that violence at protests will become pretty normal now:

So let's discuss self-defense shit here. I mean, exclusively legal, non-LARPing self-defense shit, like what to buy, what to learn, where to do it, how to get away with it.

Also, anyone in Holla Forums interested in managing a Youtube account dedicated to upload these videos?

Other urls found in this thread:

Get a gun, 95% of people can not fight.

I'd tell you do compound weightlifting, go jogging, maybe take BJJ courses and lay off the dude drugs lmao but I'd be called a red fascist.

Wouldn't that mean that learning to fight is effective and you don't need that gun?

From what I get from those videos, most fights are way too crowded and convoluted for grappling-oriented stuff like BJJ. You'll be trying to apply ground techniques and get kicked in the head by two other people.

No, it means you may as well teach them to play chess well. People just are not going to become good at it to fend off street attacks, which are usually 2 or more on 1.


If you go out into a protest crowd, wear an Iron Man suit. They're not difficult to make. Tony Stark made on in a cave with a box of scraps.

You'll be fine.

Plenty of BJJ dojos teach you proper striking techniques and footwork. Even if they don't wherever you may find a BJJ club a conventional boxer is never too far away.

I love Pana so much


While no one volunteers, here's one youtube channel by a black bloc (I think) who kinda does that.

Let's give them some support.

Working out is great over all, helps beyond just fighting. If you want to improve your punches, you should get a hand grip. With speed, learn to jab.


I've just stumbled upon this guy. His channel seems to be good overall.

Pretty much this. This isn't the middle ages anymore, police and neonazis have guns now.

Uh that's not how muscles work. You're training your muscles to only perform the task at which the training is put; simply put, if you practice lifting things, you are only training your muscles to lift things easier, this doesn't go over to fighting. In order to train your muscles to fight, you have to fight. Building mass a la weightlifting is impractical because the mass of the muscles slows down the speed and force of the punch, force is mass X acceleration. This is why no boxing trainer will ever recommend "bulking up". Again, train your muscles by doing what you're intending to use them for - fighting. Practice punching things.


You must admit it's absurd to oppose the police force as being "capital's enforcers" or whatever and then cry for assistance from the same


Oh shit I just watched the video, I didn't see much about it on twitter, only fun when the neo-nazi gets sucker punched I suppose.

Well I laughed, he clocked her right in front of the cop lel

I think it might be a while until this is the main way to solve political conflicts bro. I'm not saying fighting is either, but violence in times of peace (stable or not) will be 98% like this instead of lethal.

And don't underestimate this shit. This may not happen in the US yet, but anywhere else in the world including my own shitty Brazil groups of unnarmed far-right people physically intimidating students, activists and protesters are pretty common.

Wisdom i got from a 70's anarchist:

How so? Seems like the most pragmatic thing to do. Get them to attack your enemies for you.

Having a strong core is essential. Don't be stupid. Compound weight lifting can be done with high reps and moderate weight. Any boxer worth his weight does compound lifts. You don't have to lift for a three rep max like a fat fuck powerlifter to build a strong core. That's not the only way to do compound lifts look up barbell complexes.

Dumping /k/ folder








Most posters on Holla Forums are not from the USA, neither the neo-nazis nor the police carry guns to their demonstrations in most countries.







please do this. shoot an unarmed person at a protest. go to prison for 20+ years. please please do this. all of you.


The only grappling martial art I'd recommend for a street protest is something like Judo and just strictly for acquainting fascists with the pavement. In a street fight you're not gonna have time to gain side control or anything because of



start fucking lifting you god damn pansy ass faggots. you must be physically fit if you want to survive without the state protecting you. do military style calisthenics regimens, power lift, eat big, get solid sleep. do not get hooked on opiates and do not smoke weed when you are going into an area where combat is going to happen (amphetamines are your friends here). learn to box, learn to kick box, learn to make slighshots and make shift spears/clubs, travel in packs. do not start shit with fashy's by yourself you will get rekt as they actually do lift and have heavy military background. bear mace is awful and i would not wish it on my worst enemy, so go ahead and use it on fashy's. come up with something better than molotovs. gas masks, wrapping your knuckles (not advocating agressive violence, just discussing hypothetical self defense mechanisms fbi), wearing thick toed shoes, maybe wearing a knife or bullet proof vest are all precautions you should consider.

again: this is for WTO type shit, actual riots where fascists are going ape shit. if you're trying to start fights with porky or fascists you're a fucking moron and you deserve to get stomped out

only for self defense OP

Let's just face it, our strong suit is numbers. Per average, fascists are reactionaries and with a wish to return to those ""Better"" times, they emulate them. Most of them are pretty strong, but like I said we have numbers. Germany had superior troops in WW2 but Russia still captured the Reichstag right? So we might be "weak cucks", but together, we form a unit of working class strength than can not be denied.

I would tell you to exercise, but telling people to do that on the internet is a dumb idea because no one will ever do it. Polearms might be a good choice here. Like the long stick that guy had. Just wack someone with it, don't fucking leave it where you hit them otherwise they'll grab it and you're fucked.



most leftists are just by nature smaller than dumb right wingers who are from the military castes of society. stay together and coordinate group defense. otherwise avoid direct confrontation as you will lose 9/10 against someone whose entire family was in the military and who played highschool football and has a fucking hunting knife on them

Sorry OP but that isn't how armed insurrection works.





Most have never serve nor been in these families you faggot.


You have no idea what you are talking about.

That's the lot. Good luck comrades.

Rookie mistake #1: don't wear your messenger bag from hot topic on your back if you are expecting violent confrontation. Immobilizes you.

Also your androgynous anarcha fem comrades are fucking useless as men naturally rush to the defense of women even those who supposedly do not believe in traditional gender norms. Women are weak and a liability.

Your welcome, cucks.

But what does my welcome cucks do?

Your entire life is unnatural


HAHAHAHAHAHA you weaklings will never be strong. None of you have the discipline it takes to learn how to fight. There are heaps of vids where large groups of antifa get rekt by a single guy.

Even if you could develop physical strength, none of you have mental or spiritual strength. If you ever developed mental and spiritual strength, you would stop being commie weakling untermensch.

Where have you been?

I did work out when we had the Rojava threads

I sincerely hope you're fellow Holla Forumsacks larping as self-degrading pseudo-intellectual commies. If not Holla Forums is far sadder a place than I ever imagined.

Make no mistake, we will destroy everyone that opposes us.

Childish worldview.

holy shit

Such dedication

all of the right is neets

Your dubs agree, cuck.

Kill yourself

This isn't JoJo you faggot

Said the Holla Forumstard as he sweats and pants just typing like the lardsack he is in his chair in his mom's basement.
Speak for yourself faggot, I'm doing just fine.
Are you retarded?
I'm ready to kill. As for spiritual strnegth, fuck off with your spooks.
If you actually stopped tipping your fedora long enough to read Nietzche you would know he was vehemenently anti-nazi, he didn't even attend his sister's wedding when she was marrying one.

not paying attention to the social caste systems that have always existed and are clear as day by studying people's physiognomy

Are you really so terrified of us you need to try your best to push terror manuals, which all your own hardliners own, off the top of the thread? Do we scare you?

Cuck = neet = cuck = the right = projection = the right = failure = the right = homelessness


the military caste is always reactionary and right wing, you're a nazbol so it would make sense that you are suffering cogdiss and can't understand why tankies and nazbols are the same as monarchists and fascists in action

here u go again

t. numale faggot

Even a swarm of you little insects couldn't touch the guy in the video.

t. doesn't know how human anatomy works
Read a book faggot

What does the physiognomy of the girl who got punched around tell you?

Seems like the descendant of generations of upper middle class office workers utterly shocked when she's exposed to laws of the jungle for the first time in her life.

None of these "people not profits" types stand a fucking chance. They are genetically degraded.

Blow me retard you'll never work a day in your life and your mother will always bully you

1917 would like a talk with you

The fact that you don't understand the mental and spiritual aspects of self-discipline (let alone fighting) is all that I need to know about how weak, ineffectual and inexperienced you all are.

The only thing you guys will ever be a threat to is yourselves. Pathetic tbqh fam..

you are a neet, stop projecting

Remember how much we make the world weak at the knees, how the imperialists cower at the very thought of our existence. Everyone that doesn't see this is either a government agent, a deluded fool, or someone that sees profit for themselves in the current order.

We will win. We have gunned these people down in the streets before and we will do it again. All they have is passive aggressive sarcasm. We can overcome them with theory and failing that, violence. Death to imperialists, long live The Internationale.

/r/ing Ihatetheweak.jpeg

neets gonna neet

This level of delusion.

Why is a woman out trying to get in altercations with men? (not even Fascists, just regular inauguration attendees?)

Is it because her life has been a lack of having to deal with the consequences of her behavior, now she has a fat lip and her friend is facing 10 years in prison for helping her.

i agree, i am accelerationist, i think the left is dysgenic and impotent. its only hope is MAD with fully risen techno-fascism and this is what i hope for. so the right and left can be purged by their own chimping behavior

tfw make six digits
tfw lefties project their problems onto others

Holla Forums do you believe in speciation and by extent the rest of Evolution?

That dyke got what was coming for her. I can't wait until one of you guys tries to stop a construction worker and he lays you all out flat. Get fucked leftists.

Why is a boy trying to get in altercations with adults

You aren't making six digits

I think I'll be fine.

Lol half of the military fought for the Capitalists and the Monarchy. This is one rate instance of Leftist politics taking over a large military caste. And again tankies and State Socialist Totalitarians aren't leftists at all. They're left leaning reactionaries

I can't wait until one of you actually tries becoming a construction worker

This nigga serious.


Get back in world history class jimmy


lmao spindly armed cucks only now realizing that their actions have consequences
get rekt, faggots

There he goes again, projecting his problems and failures onto others

Still doesn't say much about the quality of the alt-right tbh.

A woman fist fighting a six foot plus man, there were no boys, bar the cucks who did nothing but scream at the cops to help



Well yeah, what did Holla Forums expect?

Show of hands, how many of you here googled "How to throw a punch?"

Might as well be, you all look the same.


That isn't you, I doubt it will ever.

You might as well inject roids and shrink your testes like thegoldenone;

No hope unless you get hooked on faggotry and meth like the aryan brotherhood

I find that patriarchal and excellent. Show of fingers please.


The only one taking this thread seriously is the autistic Holla Forums fatass that started it. The rest of us are just here to derail it.


What's your income like

Who's going to be first when you ever become the social darwinistic hell hole you want

That looks like the average Holla Forums poster though

Just add 200 pounds

Typical filthy bourgeouise.

I have put people in intensive care.

Oh believe me, I'm shaking

Well since you're a fat race-fetishist cuckold you're hardly an expert on what qualifies as "discipline"

lol Holla Forums are such cowards


Asians are disgusting soulless people who only define themselves by how much money they make. Sad!

No argument, again, this is textbook female nonsense, I think you may actually be a female gook.



I'm judging you by your own standards of success.

Clearly you've failed

he wasn't implying it was him, you dolt. Answer his question: why is a female picking a fight with a guy much bigger and stronger than she is, if she is just going to turn around and complain (with all her friends) about the consequences of her actions?

Equality means equality. Women are constantly demanding it, and that guy treated her like she was an equal man in a fight, and punched her directly in the face. Either you don't have a problem with him doing that, or you're a hypocrite and don't believe in equality.

Only Holla Forums would sympathize with prison released meth heads lmao


Because you're on the internet and you can't do shit but whine about it.



You're right. How can we possibly compete with you when you have allies like this?

You either pretend to be in the aryan brotherhood or rot away in the dark.

The fact I have less pictures of you is extremely amusing.

Why is the landwhale in the back left being obscured?

Doesn't seem very inclusive. Even leftists despise the obese. Human nature strikes again!

The dead actual Nazis mixed in made me kek.

this is low-key bait



W-we're g-g-gunna get y-y-you, d-d-d-degenerates!



For once, Holla Forums was right.

And a big step back.

I like this thread.
Can we please have a Holla Forums / Holla Forums crossover board?

But I'm in a university with my own car

You're the neet


Yes I am.


Isn't it funny that the best pol can get on us is this one LARPer?





uh. ok.


Never change, Holla Forums

You aren't even honest with yourselves


All your board is NEETS and people who could argue all day about evidence of the world being flat lol

Checkers, is that you?

Has this been posted yet?



Stop making bait that does not illicit what you want it to illicit among demographics that are pointless to illicit


Nobody is in statistically more room to be harmed than a neo nazi protesting among colored populations, even by your own admission.

Most of us aren't white. I for example, am not white.

So can you explain to me, what a Holla Forums protest would look like?

That does not end in a shooting?


I'll take a side of Chile deteriorating next to Uruguay of all places please


How pathetic.
How autistic can you get?

Can we stop all the altright vs antifa posting? Both of you are faggots who can't fight.

This guy isnt a nazi or an antifa. just a regular joe trying to get to work. And I'm glad he punched those antifa faggots.

Shh the antifa and altright are just trying out their new internet fight moves. Just shut up and watch.

They wouldn't win anything, their entire ideology is founded on bitching about self imposed problems



Know how to hold a gun first faggot


Try and figure out a way to shoot yourself. Pulling the thing on the top of the gun is a good place to start.

There's one thing you'll get out of this and it isn't trigger discipline

I dont understand what "aryan" means.

-the post-

Did the nazis lmao

USSR BTFO germany, tell me more about how muh mustard race was superior

Commies and nazis are shit.

The American race is superior:^)

Why not just buy a fucking knife


How do I prevent people from planting CP on my computer and on my person?


I already use a VPN.

Nazis have been banned and their posts deleted, any further Holla Forumscrossposter will be banned too

Now please return this thread to its original intent and do not replay to Holla Forumsposts

Are nazbols banned from now on too?


Not available in every country? and the transaction leave tracks i guess.


really? that sucks.
I mean, they're cunts but how will we sway their opinions?

Get a firearm, full size if you plan to carry open, something you can conceal if not. Learn basic unarmed combat strikes and weapon retention.

t.fake cop (security guard)

You faggot commie kikes


Oh and if you carry open get a retention holster so some asshole can't just grab it from behind you. If you cant, then keep your back to walls and shit.

I know there's gonna be a bunch of autism over it but you did the right thing. It was a straight up raid.

I'm not a Nazi, far from it in fact. I visit both Holla Forums and Holla Forums and I'd say I'm somewhere in between lol both sides are dumb or what ever I would say you should let people from Holla Forums post because it's the most autistic thing ever. I was chewing on the red pill before the whole "gas the kikes, Nazi masturbation fantasy now" thing went on and I realized they were retarded.

I like that filter, sorry for newfagging. I'm a tentative convert.

I agree on letting them post, and BTFOing them. You should stay for a bit, maybe make a debate thread up.

We let Holla Forumses in if they behave and make toughtful posts, only the memester and shitposters get banned

You mean you would only ban them for derailing threads, not for trying to have a real debate?

Those seem unnecessary when porn exists.

Don't you want a stronger grip on it? ;^)

i got you right on my crosshairs :^)

i entertained ancapistan and fascism until i realized slavery/statism/virulent racism/genocide were tied to both of them

so does that mean you no longer feel safe anymore, Holla Forums?

good of you to keep meme magicians off this board their chaos magick is v powerful and could infect the newfags from reddit before they've been innoculated against infographic based theorycrafting

I feel fine tbh.

i don't really go to rallies and protests anyway

so you don't even belong to a group
you're just another user shitposting on Holla Forums


Never go to the ground in a street fight, especially not when you know for a fact that you're fighting against more than one person. Judo is overwhemingly composed of standing takedowns, and that's what you need. Just toss them to the pavement and move on. Even BJJ experts who specialize in ground fighting will tell you this.

I would but I'm actually having trouble disagreeing with most of what this board seems to believe. I think the only issue I'd have is the authoritarian bit. As far as I can see you don't want to kill anyone just for being the wrong color/ethnicity ect.

This instantly makes this board more appealing. If you even hint that not all jews should be gassed on Holla Forums you get banned. I don't agree with everything most people on this board seem to think but I'm pretty sure I might make this my new home.

The violence is only really necessary in preventing policy, not so much out of simple disagreement. I can understand the fun of gulag memes though.

Some of us are authoritarian/believe in a state and some of us don't.

antifa doesnt have to know how to fight we just gotta know how to hit faggots with sticks

I honestly cant tell if this is real or not.

don't attack people, unprovoked violence is wrong and only makes your views seem violent and crazy

What kind of policy?


Well in self-defense, it is typically advised to strike an attacker at a weak point, typically the eyes, throat, or groin.
So your best bet would be to grab them by the pussy.

I almost felt bad for the chick. A lot of communists just seem like good people insulated from the harsh realities of the world and the eternal fascism of the human condition.

Almost every regular on Holla Forums is a neet, don't throw stones in glass houses. No matter how hard you push that you're more than that, you're not. This is Holla Forums.

This. Every user needs to realize that the primary demographic during Holla Forums's inception was pedos and still continues to comprise a majority share of the userbase.

I'm part of the non-pedo NEET crowd though fyi. It's about 3 out of 4 anons are pedos or hebes tbh.

Then you're confirming they are in fact pussies and cowards, and quite a number of people believe Spencer was directly aware of the sort of risk he was at in simply engaging with people without bodyguards.

It's not as if he didn't know about the inherent risk of being who he is now when random trump hat wearing nobodies are being attacked.

fuck off pedoscum

The tweet? It's real.


You are, by definition, terrorists though lol

j-just redpill her bit by bit bro

nah her Dad's a kike



Pretty much this.

I don't know why you would do this, but put gasoline in the bottle, and a few bits of styrofoam. Tape a survival match to the side. Now you have a proper molotov.

Karatefag here, here's a simple, extremely practical universal tip for when one of your limbs has been grasped and you want to free it. Move said limb in the direction they're applying force, then quickly move it in the other direction. It's something that is never expected and the resulting confusion tends to work so well that you don't even need to study more complicated means of joint freeing and pressure points.

It's original intent was to shit up our board & it's still happening. The thread is too far gone to salvage, at this point & should be deleted. It's pure autism.

The one upside to being in a hardcore Republican state like I am is that I already have a concealed carry permit from when I was like 21. I regularly go to the shooting range too.

If you can't do these things like I am, hit the gym, comrades. Learn martial arts, boxing, etc. too.

Well you can start by ignoring the advice of just about everyone in this threat recommending serious bodily harm to their assailer. Shit like "hit first and don't stop" is not self-defense and excessive use of force will get you into a lawsuit if you're not careful.

Also it's a lot easier to cripple or kill someone than people seem to fantasize about. Out on the street all someone needs to do is lose their balance and land head-first the right way and that's a concussion or worse. Real life is not a boxing ring.

on the third picture, it's also totally valid to hold your knife with all four fingers and thumb wrapped around, point down, blade away from inner arm.

It prevents you from stabbing yourself, either on accident or as a countermove, and it provides extremely strong stabs. It's much easier to keep the point away from yourself and at the opponent while maintaining a defensive posture, and it fits in many martial arts "sparring stances" where fists are held up, thumb towards the face.

If you want to see just how much more naturally it can flow when pointed downward than up, try holding a pencil upward and throwing a few punches and blocks, then do the same with it held downward.

Yeah, this is knife-wielding 101. I've seen people cut themselves, by their hand slipping & running down the blade. The thumb provides stability to prevent this.

Also, never carry a knife or gun unless you're willing to use it. Otherwise 9/10 it will just be used against you.

Self-defense in a street escalation is fundamentally about being alert. When someone wants to hurt you they usually try to do it stealthily, unless they're drunk. So for instance, when someone is getting a little too aggressive, try to defuse the situation with raised hands–both to gesture to them physically that you don't want violence, and to get your arms in the right position to block a sudden surprising attack should it be throw. Sucker punches are what you're really watching out for.

That "healing bullet wounds" has lethal advice.

There is no reason at all to try to dig bullets out of your own body. Unless you are a trained fucking surgeon you should not be doing it on anyone else. You are going to get more contaminant in a wound trying to get a bullet out than the bullet did. You will cause more bleeding than the bullet did. You are going to cause additional tissue damage. You are going to make the injury worse in every conceivable way, for the sake of removing a bullet that may well be pressing down on something and preventing further bleeding.

The only advantage to taking out bullets is removal of sharp fragments that can cause further cutting when moved. But guess what you're going to do trying to take them out? You're going to be moving them around, a lot by trying to dig them out. So what do you do for a bullet wound?

Clear the wound of the most obvious debris sticking out. Get it antiseptic as possible. Use a ''small' amount of alcohol in cleaning the wound. You want enough to clean it, but not enough that you start killing off your own flesh with isopropyl alcohol or something. Bandage the fucker up. Your bandage should be sterile. If you are not sure if it was sterile, or it was improvised, it should at the least, have been boiled thoroughly and treated (not soaked) with alcohol. You then make attempt to keep that body part from moving much. Take away bandages when they are heavily laden with blood. You don't want to apply more bandages than is necessary because you a. don't want to keep moving the injury if not strictly necessary and b. don't want to keep wicking away blood that's drying.

After that, you leave it. Don't even worry about "cutting away any dead flesh" or any of that shit. I guarantee you that you are going to make it worse. You are not going to DIY a bullet wound away. You need well-trained medical personnel to actually fix it. Your goal is to stop the bleeding until you get that. Anything else and you are just going to make it worse.

LOL faggot lefty sees vioolence from an antifa march mainly populated by leftists. "Hey guys, violence has been normalized (by us) so we should know how to use it"
And you have just found the root of why your beloved socialism is fucking retarded. good job. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

you do know shit like this is only useful for sparring with explicit rulesets right? like in a real fight (especially one where you're fighting for your life) you and/or your opponent are gonna maybe take one punch before closing the distance and turning the fight into who can get who on the ground first-type thing. no one likes getting punched and no one has time for fuckin mma strats when it really matters. what actually matters is how effectively can you get someone on the ground in a position where you can choke them or otherwise incapacitate them. real life isn't a fuckin bruce lee movie regardless of how cool you wanna look beating up nazis or whoever the fuck

In a real fight your opponent has a tendency to stack the odds in their favor however they can. This usually involves a) attempting to surprise you and b) coming with friends. Going to the ground outside of a one-on-one encounter is a terrible idea, stop getting self-defense advice from the octagon.

Oh and c) coming with a weapon of their own.

Holla Forums is the only board that consistently blows nazis the fuck out

This autism isn't fun. Our board is better than this. We have fun on a higher level than lazily shitposting in bait threads.

How does one treat something with alcohol, rather than soaking it? I'll delete the image from my hard drive since what you say is pretty much "FIND A FUCKING SURGEON" and the image is larping bullshit.
I just dumped the images tbf and don't even recognise some of them, I'd never attempt removing a bullet myself.
Jesus Christ this sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.
Is vodka a good disinfectant? What about cheap, possibly contaminated, third world gin? Where is the line for this?

Yeah; standard grip, fencer's grip, reverse grip. I know.

some of those improvised gun tutorials are pretty dope

cause I live in noguns: the country

Disinfection is pretty much the same as most wounds. You get some gauze loaded with alcohol and you pat it. You could pour alcohol on too, but you're going to need to wash and clear away the excess blood anyway.

Yes, drinking alcohols can work. 40% ABV is definitely going to be strong enough to keep it clean of most any microbes. You'd be more worried about chemical contaminants at that point. I would still want something with a high alcohol content.

If you can get it, though, isopropyl alcohol is available nearly anywhere and is probably the best choice for this.

lol if theyre coming with friends youre basically fucked no matter what unless you have a gun


I already have some. Fun fact: You can use it to make hash too.

Not sure if I saved this to be a shitbag or if it's true now.


From Reddit.

It looks like it might actually be a legit method of water filtration when I googled it

thx for these infographs n shit