You guys just saged that race realism thread?
My response took fucking time scrawling through that dogshit survey and looking through my own personal folders so i had some evidence instead of spouting racist (justifyed, but easy to do).
leave those threads alone, they can educate and infuriate, and its how we have discussions about wider issues.
i can see saging shitposts, but dont fucking overstep to legit debunking threads. If it had the title "ITT debunk race realists" it would be pinned you mugs.
Other urls found in this thread:
Maybe you should stop being a worthless socdem first
It's always a healthy exercise to reflect inwards on what you could improve before insulting others
Fuck you
Nice blog post
lol give it a rest. Regular poster in that "ban socdem" thread? How about you reflect on how i, another lefty poster, can be roped in with your misguided image of pure ideology, and how im a taxpayer claiming capitalist shill.
im angry cus i gave myself a papercut on a graph about differential achievement
hello, i am a socdem
we fuck little kids in the ass and murder communists
please rape my face
see this post?
don't do this shit, then you can talk about "race realism". until then, fuck off.
i probs wasnt born when most of the killing of whoever happened, these screen pixels obvs dont condone it. if it causes this much trouble ill get rid of the flag and you guys can stop wanking each other off about how evil i am.
i think race is of most importance and we should kill niggers and kikes.
ok i shitposted under false flag as a Stalinist but they are slavic subhumans anyway!
(i'm actually and this is merely explaining why the thread OP mentioned was shit that nobody needs here)
unless you're talking about a completely different thread, the "race realism" one was clearly a false flag against Mustacheflag posters and just as much useless spam/bait as that webm of a lard woman being eaten out by a black with some stupid ass question coming with it.
it has nothing to do with socdems.
would it not be beneficial to newbies and lurkers (which there have been a rise in, ive noticed) to critically debunk rather than shitpost and sage. I can appreciate if it were a constant, but i get pissed off when i see weird anime threads which happen more often than the race baiting threads.
i was talking about thread mentioned and the information youve said i wasnt aware of. Literally only got on about 15 mins so i didnt realise the previous threads happened. My reply was to the murdering and raping communist kids or some shit. Yes, i am a cockdem, sure i can be a pantomime villain for a ten minute thread.
Socdems and nazbols are trash.
Holla Forums here.
Honestly, can you debunk "race realism"?
Specifically, do you take issue with the commonly posted "8 myths about race"?
the other 7 can be found at the bottom of
did you sage so that this thread wouldn't be bumped?
It's been debunked time and time again, once even non-stop to the same autist for a whole month. Nobody can really be bothered arguing against it anymore as all these posts seem to ever end up being are veiled attempts at recruitment and 'ebin red pilling' us since after around 50-100 posts it turns out there is absolutely no intention to argue in good faith and the OP eventually starts spouting shitty memes and being a faggot in general.
feel free to provide an archive link or something
He did, but we do it quite a bit around here when we aren't actually posting anything constructive.
I don't think anyone was prescient enough to do it at the time.
that's nice. Honestly, do you believe that everyone is equal and has an equal capacity for intelligence? Is there a single shred of evidence for that belief?
Lrn 2 anthropology faggot
… the old trick of the reactionaries: first to misinterpret socialism by making it out to be an absurdity, and then to triumphantly refute the absurdity! When we say that experience and reason prove that men are not equal, we mean by equality, equality in abilities or similarity in physical strength and mental ability.
It goes without saying that in this respect men are not equal. No sensible person and no socialist forgets this. But this kind of equality has nothing whatever to do with socialism. If Mr. Tugan is quite unable to think, he is at least able to read; were lie to Lake the well-known work of one of the founders of scientific socialism, Frederick Engels, directed against Dühring, he would find there a special section explaining the absurdity of imagining that economic equality means anything else than the abolition of classes.
anyway just to quickly debunk your image:
confirmed for fake social "scientist"
It's not an absurdity to most people, most people BELIEVE that everyone has the exact same capacity for intelligence
The researchers performed MRI scans on the brains of 90 volunteer students who had indicated their political orientation on a five-point scale ranging from 'very liberal' to 'very conservative'.[5][6] Students who reported more 'conservative' political views tended to have larger amygdalae,[5] a structure in the temporal lobes that performs a primary role in the processing and memory of emotions. In addition, they found clusters in which gray matter volume was significantly associated with conservativism in the left insula and the right entorhinal cortex.[5] There is evidence that conservatives are more sensitive to disgust [7] and the insula is involved in the feeling of disgust [8] On the other hand, more 'liberal' students tended to have a larger volume of grey matter in the anterior cingulate cortex,[5] a structure of the brain associated with monitoring uncertainty and handling conflicting information.[5][6]
A study by scientists at New York University and the University of California, Los Angeles, found differences in how self-described liberal and conservative research participants responded to changes in patterns.[12] Participants were asked to tap a keyboard when the letter "M" appeared on a computer monitor and to refrain from tapping when they saw a "W." The letter "M" appeared four times more frequently than "W," conditioning participants to press the keyboard on almost every trial. Liberal participants made fewer mistakes than conservatives when they saw the rare "W," indicating to the researchers that these participants were better able to accept changes or conflicts in established patterns. The participants were also wired to an electroencephalograph that recorded activity in their anterior cingulate cortex, the part of the brain that detects conflicts between a habitual tendency and a more appropriate response. Liberals were significantly more likely than conservatives to show activity in the brain circuits that deal with conflicts during the experiment, and this correlated with their greater accuracy in the test. The lead author of the study, David Amodio, warned against concluding that a particular political orientation is superior. "The tendency of conservatives to block distracting information could be a good thing depending on the situation," he said.[13][14]
Persons with right-wing views had greater skin conductance response, indicating greater sympathetic nervous system response, to threatening images than those with left-wing views in one study. There was no difference for positive or neutral images. Holding right-wing views was also associated with a stronger startle reflex as measured by strength of eyeblink in response to unexpected noise.[1] A study of subjects' reported level of disgust linked to various scenarios showed that people who scored highly on the "disgust sensitivity" scale held more politically conservative views.[25]
I don't really care if you believe me or not. The alternative is having multiple threads of someone trying to redpill me on shit I don't care about, as I'm European and we don't pump our minorities with crack to stir up trouble and make a quick buck for our black ops slush funds.
What always seem to get me about the theory though was that the Jews are the most troublesome race on the planet, yet the the highest I.Q, whereas the blacks, the second most troublesome race on the planet, had the lowest I.Q. Why is this?
Not that guy, but
Houses are not equal to cars, yet they are both property and treated as such. So when two humans, with slightly different genetics, are presented - it is ridiculous to say that these cannot be treated equally. They are certainly not equal, but nobody is equal to anybody else, as each person is unique, even twins. The equality aspect comes from equal treatment regardless of condition (eye colour, disability, "race" etc.). It does not come from the idea that "all people are the same", because that's obviously not true, and not even us dumb leftists are stupid enough to believe that.
There are obviously genetic defects and factors during the development inside and outside the womb that contribute to having reduced "intelligence". But it is not based on "race", rather it is based on genetics. I find current "evidence" for the idea that "blacks are stupider than whites" to be unimpressive.
I don't think economic equality ought to be the only kind of equality in society; there ought to be social equality, too. But that is also different from saying "everyone is equal", it is more nuanced but in the same line of thought.
you're right, I was overly vague in my phrasing. My question is:
Do you believe that the average intelligence capacity for all the races to be essentially equal?
In short:
Either take the socialist approach of "it doesn't matter for the cause" or continue down the path of faggotry but don't expect people to not accordingly dismiss you as inferior as proven by data.
Anyway, you might want to look at Carl 2014 (yes, Carl with a C)
Does it matter? Blacks on average may have a lower intelligence capacity than whites, but Nigerians may also have a higher intelligence capacity than Britons. What matters is the particulars of a situation, ignoring the particulars you play a dangerous, and autistic game.
Aren't almost all "Nigerians" in the UK from the Ibo tribe, though?
I mean it's a big country for you
The question is entirely irrelevant. The quality of life people have shouldn't be determined by their innate level of intelligence any more than by what family they were born into. One is just as arbitrary as another.
So even if there was a significant difference in average intelligence between """races""" that doesn't impact on the goals of socialism in any meaningful way.
how do you reconcile those two beliefs, considering the races have evolved separately for thousands of years, and given the high heritability of g?
Really? How much clearer can it be from the Minnesota adoption study that even if you take the average black and give them all of the muh privileges and Autism Level-increasing things that middle class white kids get, they're still many marks below the average white?
In some situations, yes. For example, I believe the situation in South Africa justified apartheid because the blacks there are too stupid (and Marxist) to be trusted with voting rights.
not everyone is a commie life-denier LMAO
I don't really agree with that, they're very hard workers and (as noted) intelligent.
Kek, the eternal opportunist.
hmmmm I wonder who's right
i-it's just opportunism and worker oppression! They don't DESERVE to be more wealthy!
Maximum spook
maximum pleb
Honest question. Do you think South Africa was better before or after apartheid? Most S. Africans (including most black South Africans) say that life was better under apartheid.
I wasn't calling them the opportunists.
oh. How am I being opportunistic by not defaming the Chosen ones?
also why sage when I'm just going to point it out in a strategically timed second reply post?
Ask the same to American blacks about segregation.
This thread is shit
what does that even mean? Can you try being comprehensible when spouting your religious beliefs (all men are/deserve to be equal)?
why would you say that? because nobody has provided any evidence other than me?
how embarrassing!
It means ask American blacks if they were better off under segregation. You were implying that the experience of South Africa was universal. Pay attention, will you.
Because a huge chunk of people who believe in Race Realism (not racism)™ seem to also blame the Jews for everything, the same group of people who just so happen to be on this very same website. Obviously the two are contradictory, but the entire Nazi ideology is so it must survive off this constant flow of coincidental overlaps, which anonymous imageboards suit perfectly.
I wasn't really saying anything important and there are threads I'm more involved in being rotated around at the top of the page.
If it's a shit thread but you had a good reply, you could have just started this thread with a repost of your good reply and something like "race realists debate me."
No, I didn't
apples to oranges, and you avoided a direct question. I will ask again:
Do you think South Africa was better before or after apartheid?
Why bring this up if you weren't trying to make a larger point?
It was better immediately after apartheid. After apartheid is some 20 years. The reasons for the problems of its economy are many and complex.
Haha, well I had something to say! Really though I don't have much to say on race realism because different races don't really cause me any trouble here, because as I said I'm European. As a socialist too I believe the material conditions effect the person, and your CIA has deliberately flooded black communities in the US with crack to hinder their civil rights movement, which was bordering upon Marxism in some members. Never underestimate the level of shit the CIA will cause to stop commies, even if they aren't/weren't soviet backed.
The biggest problem we have here is Islam, and since that falls under ideology more than anything it can be dealt with by the systems I want. If a communist revolt started in Europe then I imagine a lot of Muslims who are just pretending to be Muslim would crack down on the fundies hard, like the Jews did in the USSR.
You okay buddy?
the increase in crime and the ridiculous racism of the ruling ANC doesn't bother you?
my point is this: not all groups are equal, and anti-racism activism can have disastrous effects (Zimbabwe and South Africa, especially) both on the "oppressing" class and the "oppressed" class.
oh so racism is suddenly bad now?
well if it is, then you should support policies that minimize it, like apartheid
please disregard this post
everything works fine :^)
Convincing people race isn't real was the greatest Jewish psyop of all time, but even then people don't really believe it they just pay lip service to it race society revolves around race more than ever before.
more than the 1850s in the US?
Cultural Marxism at it again
They anchor threads all the time. This place isn't much better than /r/socialism tbh.
Convincing people that biological race was real is the greatest Anglo achievement of all time. 10/10 memes
top kek. even if you can say the ANC is racist, you can't say the old governments weren't racist.
You didn't debunk literally anything, you just made… assertions? Like you just claimed things with literally nothing to back them up
Back to Holla Forums with your autism.
There is no real evidence you just jump to conclusions to make your sad self feel better thus anything you post is biased and inadmissible
Fucking idiot
Eat dick.
user, nobody is winning in this. the sooner you see that, the better. segregated societies would be collectively much happier and healthier.
You missed the point, social attributes, etc.
His argument isn't that intelligence has to be unchangeable, but that support for the bell curve's racism has to be; if a black man is as or can be as intelligent as a white man then the whole argument is for naught. And as it happens to be, this is the case. The Bell Curve is bullshit.
Genetic fallacy.
The 1,000 sample size only applies to surveys you retard, take a fucking psychology/statiostics class. Or I would say to, if it weren't for the fact that colleges are filled with muh kultural markerists and evidence is a jewish conspiracy. No wonder you retards never learned anything.
In response to what amounts to harmless noise, yes it is.
If Germans didn't fight in fucking WWII who the fuck did? Aliens? Retard.
[citation needed]
We really don't need the same thread a thousand times over. Maybe the mods could just make a single cyclic thread for the debate.
Is born out of this thread:
top kek. only on a commie board do I have to prove this
No, YOU missed the point. Intelligence is DIFFERENT from genetic fitness and social ability.
Are you saying that if there's even ONE black man that's smarter than the average white, or smarter than any white, that the observed differences in the distributions of the races as a whole don't exist? Don't you feel even a little bit intellectually dishonest making this claim?
says the guy who didn't google Carl 2014 despite it being relevant evidence
do you want me to debunk this line by line? He never introduces very strong evidence that intelligence is mostly environmental, the best of which are severely outdated and small-sample-sized tests (a cursory look at the reviews of Eyferth 1961 show a fairly flawed methodology). He also introduces GSCE scores as if they were an objective measure of intelligence, and completely ignores the effect of self-selective immigration on, for example, the average intelligence of 1st or 2nd generation Britons from Ghana.
I'm not asking for 1,000, kek, I'm just pointing out that smaller sample sizes (yes, even ones NOT used for surveys) yield less accurate/generalizable results, and a sample of 90 self-selected students in a university in New York is far from generalizable to the US as a whole.
fuck off retard
also fuck this polcuck with the inferiority complex that thinks he knows anything about anything
top kek. Your low intelligence is consistent with the results of Carl 2014.
bumperino :^)
eh, honest mistake, I'm not too scientifically literate.
Really though, what is the difference between saying "intelligence has a heritability of 0.6" and saying "intelligence is 60% heritable" (ignoring the . vs % variation)?
Notice how Soc Dem wants to clear the air about muh race realism (racism)but doesn't provide any cogent arguments against race realism. Almost as if Soc Dem is Holla Forums pretending to be a moderate leftist slowly """"""""red pilling"""""" us on race. Meanwhile Nazbols and Muh Market Socialists and Nationalists populate the board. slowly we morph into basically a pseudo-reactionary hell hole
juss saying
yes, infighting, good! fuck you Marxist devils!
That's the problem here. Not that much people do have the necessary background to properly interpret, let alone criticize scientific studies. The specific jargon being one of the numerous trap in this journey.
Even with my health formation i'm lost half of the time.
That's true. See what I quoted here. While it seems like really a minor thing, misinterpreting heritability as
is completely missing the point and leads you into the opposite conclusion of what science says. Buy hey, they're the """""""realists"""""""!