Is human nature real?

Is human nature real?

Other urls found in this thread:

humans aren't real. how can we really tell one arrangement of subatomic particles from another arrangement of subatomic particles

But is human nature real?

How can something that isn't real have a nature, that's ridiculous get the fuck out of here

Is unicorn nature real?

What about the nature of non-existence?

Non existence exists though

If there is a dog nature…

And there is a cow nature…

Why shouldn't there be a human nature?

So humans are a part of human nature?


If there is, it's obviously changing all the time. It's not like we were necessarily selected to be shitting in pipes or sharing information across metal slabs.

Human nature is just "acting like a human." And that's ever evolving.

Yeah I'm really not sure what the logical connection is here?

I meant to write non existence.

Well, there's basic instincts, like to eat when you're hungry, and flight or fight. And neurochemistry, hormones, etc do influence one's thoughts. But they influence them based on an individuals living conditions. I think we have tendencies and instincts, "nature" is too broad.

cats have a nature, dogs have a nature, gorillas have a nature, no reason humans shouldn't too.


Depends on what you mean by nature.
Outside of the basic requirements of shitting, eating, sleeping, dying, basic self-preservation, etc., I would say the rest is a spook.

No, the human is ever changing and isn't restricted by instinct like animals. If human nature was true, it would always be static and you wouldn't see sudden changes in our society every decade or so.

Saying a broad but concrete human nature doesn't exist is pretty absurd. Humans all have the same basic needs and desires, respond similarly to certain stimuli, and have certain pretty universal behaviors.

Those changes are a result of a broad, universal human nature. That's why human revolt under oppression, become lazy during abundance, and become radicals in shitty environments. That's why bullied people become bullies, cared for people become caring. If a human nature didn't exist it'd be impossible to make any predictions with humans at all and stuff like psychology would just be random guessing.


So ever changing
also subservient under it as well
can also lead to greatest due to creative thinking
also some improve that environment as well
Some people look past it or even become weak because of it
or become spoiled brats and force themselves on others

but it is, there are many theories in psychology that are not popularized because of their outdated use. I mean would you agree Sigmund Freud wasn't a nut?

Not changing. People are different because different circumstances cause different responses, but the same programming is inherent in everyone, it just manifests differently.
And opportunistic as well. But what a person does can be predicted based upon their personality, and personalities share features which each other and usually develop under certain circumstances.
If that was true talk therapy would be useless, there wouldn't be books on how to win friends or influence people, how to raise children, how to be a leader, how to self-improve, etc. Anthropology also shows certain universal human traits, like the near universal tendency to live and work together, to try to build relationships,; psychology shows that humans become mentally ill through abuse, isolation, trauma, and become well and happy through connection, stimulation, productivity.

Just because people are widely different doesn't mean there aren't core parts that all humans share. All other animals share a core nature with an individual personality on top, why not also humans?


One of my favourite tracks from Thriller.

probably. but it hasn't got shit to do with capitalism. it's also probably best to subvert it anyway.

