Holla Forums is threatening lefties
Holla Forums is threatening lefties
How much faggotry can the autright contain?
An entire fag club full.
Antifa should carry guns
One guy has an unloaded 10-22
They tend to be noguns fags don't they?
Keep doing this, Holla Forums. This is how you stop the commies.
Why do fascists claim to respect only success, yet worship and idolize failure?
Failing is alright with them, as long as people they don't like get killed? My guess anyway.
because they are failures
The poverty thing was because of the swift transition from socialism. After a few years the economy in Chile go much better than it did under Allende.
this. I hope they go to the brown reaggeton shithole Chile is because of that fascist faggot
Makes sense I guess, they usually drool on Reagan's cock too because 'hurr hurr fuk hippeis and gommies XD' even though he shat all over the economy, infrastructure, nuclear family and most of the other not-always-shitawful things he could.
The economy improved after Pinochet abandoned a lot of the neoliberal bullshit his American-trained advisers had forced him to do. Even then it was awful.
Holla Forums doesn't like Reagan. That's like saying you guys like Hillary.
Removing Marxism was positive, but listening to Talmudic economists was mistake.
Should have brought guns themselves. Antifa needs to get real in America. This isn't Europe where almost no one is packing. This is America where people will be able to carry guns inside fucking schools soon. Lock and fucking load.
The FBI would flip the fuck out if antifa groups started arming themselves.
Holla Forums is sure willing enough to get behind the economic policies he championed.
And you think they will respect what Holla Forums really thinks?
They just spout what they want to believe.
Holla Forums doesn't read, and just accepts whatever their fuhrer or infographics tell them to
I don't really give a shit.
I'm glad the internet hasn't turned my brain into absolute mush like this. Memes for thought.
Look at that fucking pot belly.
potbellied incels think we find them threatening? over what? their memes?
the idea that the Talmud is a 1:1 blueprint for classical liberal economics is so batshit i can't find the correct adjective for it, dangerously insane isn't adequate because its not like Charles Manson where maybe a few people would die because of that thinking. Millions of people died (the majority of whome were non-jews) because of that thinking (almost 2 million of them were Huwhyte people too)
the left has truly fallen…
I've got guns and saw a lot of other lefties starting to get armed. Even some liberals are buying guns since Trump got elected.
Apparently gun sales among blacks have jumped like 200% since the election.
From 3 to 6 legal guns
Reminder that just buying guns isn't enough. You have to use it.
Now get out and go blow some fashies brains.
One of the black bloc dudes has a rifle on his back…
This. Need more rifles with bayonets
Because he didn't start the Holocaust 2: American Boogaloo?
Uh, hasn't almost every state founded on ostensibly socialist principles failed?
Wait a minute which raging faggot blurred out their eyes? I'm sure that wasn't there when it was posted in another thread.
Sick WP logo
also known as statistics, you know, the thing that disprove socialism
keep raiding your fairy tale dialectics though
how to spot a member of the tribe
you memeing lad?
did they fuck him up and take his sign?
Is this the man with the ebin sign?
Is that the Orlando shooter with a Mao Zedong t shirt?
I think old podge in OP deserves to be added, along with a couple MAGA kids. This image is really bare.
All these Holla Forums did this, Holla Forums does that threads are cancer.
Stop paying attention to them.
It's the inauguration, of course Holla Forums and the smashies are getting premium air time.
I understand you've now started talking about Nazi economic policy, but even then marginalism is completely divorced from Smith/Ricardo.