Pay close attention to the media, Holla Forums. What we're getting throughout this election is invaluable information on what we're up against in the case of reformation and revolution.
Donald Trump is not a member of the ruling society of America. We all know it. He is not an insider. He belongs to the upper class, but not the political ruling group. Everyone that has been in this position has gone through some indoctrination into this system, has made a place in the ruling class, and has belonged to the system of power before getting here. They have all gone to the same universities and have been in the same fraternities, they have all been in the cesspool of Congress.
Trump is a slimey, stupid guy. He's inappropriate, he's misinformed, and he's clumsy. He's embarrassing. But he isn't a part of the system that has the kind of indoctrination that has enabled individuals to go along with America's long tradition of imperialism. The kind of group think and disassociation that had lead to decisions to destabilize entire countries, bomb medical supply factories, and enable illegal civilian spying on a global level.
It's clear he is not going to be a good president. The majority of the changes he has already made, and most of the ones he campaigned for, are to help the high upper class. By abolishing the affordable care act he is giving a tax cut upwards of $1,000,000 a year to certain demographics. But whether or not he fits the mold for the center left criterias is not what I want to talk or argue about.
Throughout the election we witnessed the pull of the ruling class. We saw in the leaks that every major news outlet colluded with the DNC on electing Hillary Clinton. For everyone else who has been following all of this the whole time, who else here became completely numb to mainstream media after everything they put out was incorrect or absurdly exaggerated? For example, we knew that they were overpolling targeted demographics to show that Clinton had a large lead over Trump. They admitted to it over audio tape and e-mails. And then when Trump clumsily and idiotically tweets about not believing the polls, the same media who is implicated in overpolling makes headlines making fun of Trump for this. These news stories immediately reach #1 spots on places like Reddit. This happened over and over again. After seeing this so many times, who else here is immediately skeptical of anything reported in the news?
We saw leaked proof of logs between employees of CTR, and later leaked employee handbooks, all showing that what we suspected about fake posters on social media sites and fringe communities were true. If anyone else was looking at /r/politics prior to Bernie losing the primaries, the complete and total shift the subreddit made after the primaries was jarring. Overnight the entire subreddit shifted. Every comment that would have made #1 before the primaries was now mass downvoted. Wikileaks prior were celebrated, and every new expose of Clinton was discussed. Once the primaries were over, the subreddit increased in traffic and changed gears completely. Their fake comments and artificial rankings were rampent throughout all social media and parroted the sentiments of the media.
For anyone out there that feels insane right now when they look at this shit: there is real proof that they were doing all of this, you don't have to feel crazy. There are a ton of fake posts on all of these sites *still* and we know it.
Now that Trump has won the elections, it has been getting even worse. I repeat: Trump is not a member of the traditional ruling society of America.
If we ever wanted to see what kind of power or what kind of methods the ruling class would use if someone outside of their circle took power, we are finally getting to witness it. A war is going on. They are showing us that they control reality. They can rewrite history as it happens in real time. If the people in mass disagree with them on the internet, they can just replace the people until everyone follows suit. The riots over the inagauration- who remembers the recent media blackout on the Democracy Spring protests in DC? Anyone who has been interested in politics longer than this single election term knows that when a large movement in the US happens the media doesn't cover it if it goes against the political ruling class. If they do extensively cover something, you know something is wrong.
As leftists, we don't have a dog in this fight. The power struggle at hand is between a section of the upper class and the political ruling class. But we should pay close attention to how they wage this war, because if we ever want real change, this is the kind of thing we will be hit with.