dude youre being fucking ridiculous, you arent overthrowing capitalism in the US anytime soon, your position right now is worse than it has been since mccarthy probably
Thinking capitalism will be overthrown in the US in the near future is just as delusional as thinking you can pull off a color revolution in russia right now, you are completely disconnected from reality, and it makes me sad, its wasted potential
If you were a pragmatist that was actually looking to fight for the worker and the common man if you will, you would be thinking about this a lot more strategically and analytically, and you certainly wouldnt be calling for wasting effort and resources on demonstrations that are completely vapid, there has never been less program to an opposition movement than this bullshit right now
you are being none of those things though, it seems. you are trying to convince yourself that you are some kind of revolutionary right in the thick of it, and theoretically thats a good mentality to have, you should see yourself as a soldier for a cause with a mission, tis the noblest of pursuits
this shit right here is fucking retarded though. all these j20 purple niggas are being played 9 ways to sunday
you wanna fucking do something buddy? regroup, reconvene, establish staging grounds both physical and mental. now is the time to drasticaly re-examine both the intelligence you have about the state of the world/the simulacrum, and who exactly your friends and possible allies may be
so what youre saying is present day capitalism is not a gigantic scam? gee thanks for your input Mr. Romney
Its a scam buddy, and yes your success under capitalism correlates directly to how good you are at fleecing marks, obviously the kind of wealth you were born into is an even bigger factor but trust me nigger present day "free market" capitalism is a scam both big and small