Support the Comrades!

On Friday, January 20, more than 200 comrades were arrested in DC during the protests against Trump and the hatred and bigotry he represents. They risked their freedom not only to confront individual fascists, but the fascist agenda itself—and to show that no matter who is elected, we are ungovernable. Throughout the day, hundreds have gathered to receive the arrestees as they are released from jail: as each person is released, at times escorted by riot cops, the crowd cheers and chants as they welcome them back. But many will be facing serious legal battles in the coming months. Let’s show them we are willing to support them in return for the courage they have shown for us! You can donate to the bail and legal support funds by going to



Enjoy the spectacles guys, but I'm afraid I can't make it.


Nobody that stupid is my comrade.



Come on man.


But like, I don't even believe in money man.


When did Holla Forums turn into Holla Forums?


About a week ago.

everything is a joke to you. you won't even recognize a revolution if it happens in you neighborhood. even if millions of people starts an armed revolution tomorrow you will find excuses not to join them and criticize them pathetically on their looks. "lol look at that skinny guy, he thinks he can shoot that AK, lmao. I ain't risking my life for these idiots lololo more memes pls."

fucking pathetic. fuck this board, I'm out.

Good, I'm sure you'll fruitfully use the extra time to LARP more.

It's probably just Holla Forums… Right?

it didnt, this thread is just full of polacks

smash fash

kek thats good

Smashies confirmed for liberals.

hmmm I wonder who could be behind this post

What the fuck is with all these retard comments? Idiots? Seriously? They're actively fighting the fucking fascism and corporations that fuck everything up.

The only thing that this will do is decrease the amount of those that will surrender and thus will kick and scratch their way out of the next time they're cornered.

The fact that barely anyone supports them because oh no they broke windows of banks and McDonalds is a fucking travesty in America where riots and belligerence brought about a country. You should all be fucking hanged for traitors.


Wait, you want me to do something over than spend 6 hours on Holla Forums everyday?


It's not all "antifa", of those arrested and being prosecuted with FELONIES are 6 journalists, 9 legal observers, and 5 minors (under 18)

Tell me one thing wrong with hurting fascists.

Who cares man? They're in opposition to fascism, so they must be bad, right?

Kill. You. Are. Self.


we've been invaded by Holla Forums feeling insecure lately about /theirguy/

chin up comrade


Tell me the non-idpol reason that you denounce action taken against king porky. No matter who the leader of the most powerful capitalist country on earth is, they still have that role. They're still the enemy. I don't care how offensive and funny they are, they're the enemy.

I will donate, but first, it says it is part of DisruptJ20. Isn't that a Soros organization.

I'm all for helping out fellow comrades but I am weary of Soros and his liberal agenda

Because protesting against Trump, on the day he takes power, sends the clear message that you were fine with Obama and that another candidate (Hillary?) would also have been fine. Also, giving 'bigotry' as the reason you oppose Trump shows that you care more about idpol than anything else. The protestors were speaking in liberal language and appeared to have liberal complaints.

Would have protested Killary as well. Gaining support of liberals and radicalizing them through their hatred of Trump, and turning it into a hatred of capitalism is good, bolstering our numbers is good, fighting against the leader of the most powerful capitalist country on earth is good.
Defending Trump shows your obsession with idpol more than attacking capitalism shows mine.

hahaha no anarkiddes are not allies silly op

How does it feel to know this socialist, cucked this nationalist?

Antifa is retarded, but so I rightists, so I'm siding with OP on this one.

Serves them right for being opportunistic.

Name 1 (one) thing retarded about beating down fascists.

Fighting the leader and not the system is not helpful. The idea that replacing the figurehead will change anything is actively promoted by people who want to preserve the system.

I'm not defending Trump, you moron. Honestly, the more I argue with you people the less respect I have for you. It's always this binary 'if you're not with me you're against me' crap.

that's all you've been doing ITT

That's much less the case here than it is on Holla Forums or in alt-right land.

Why are you so triggered?

You fight both the leader and the system. Putting an ugly face on your enemy isn't "not helpful" I've already told you why it's incredibly helpful. We can radicalize liberals who currently only care about cultural issues and make them hate capitalism.

You are defending Trump. You're denouncing people for attacking Trump. That's defending Trump.

like what exactly, ending the tpp, not getting involved in foreign wars, imrpoving infrastructure and manufacturing?

Listen you fuckin mooks, if pence starts zapping the gays, if we get involved in some bullshit war, or abortion is made illegal, or if they actually start rounding niggas up Ill fucking support you, until then you are basically useful retards getting played like a fiddle, its pathetic and it shows how indoctrinated you are and how little you understand actual realpolitik, youre a bunch of fucking western liberals

It's still america.

so what youre saying is youre a disingenious fucktard trying to get other fucktards to side with you through deception

I prognosticate failure, youre not good at running cons, son. If you were you would be successful under capitalism

what the fuck are you talking about muchacho, we have no fucking idea what trump is going to do, Im not saying "support merka" you armchair guerilla, im saying be wary and observant and voice your policy suggestions instead of going out and throwing a fucking sponsored tantrum over basically nothing yet

Sounds more like you mr "let's not attack the president of the united fucking states"

Way to out yourself as a Holla Forumsack to everyone else.
Fucking damn that's see through as shit.

You're saying
Unless that's the united socialist states, you better have a really good reason to want people to leave those poor innocent capitalists alone.

Your tactical expertise is null.

his cabinet is filled with billionaires
believing that he will protect the working class, is like thinking we should use a wolf to guard the sheep

The dude's advocating we politely voice our ideas for reforming the system. It's impossible he's not a Holla Forumsack.

As opposed to which cabinet? Trump's starting point is not socialism, but neoliberal kleptocracy. We're already near the bottom. He's not only planning anti-globalist protectionist policies and an infrastructure investment plan, he's probably going to fix a lot by accident simply by changing something at all.

And then people's lives will get better and your complaint that he's only preserving capitalism, however obviously true, will convince nobody if you have a history of protesting in defense of a fucking status quo ante. All because you believed the lies that the only actual alternative is literally fascism.

Sounds like a bunch of compromise bullshit to justify sitting on your hands.

you mean like a sheepdog?

Different species. Wolves aren't known for attacking people, though dogs are.

dude youre being fucking ridiculous, you arent overthrowing capitalism in the US anytime soon, your position right now is worse than it has been since mccarthy probably

Thinking capitalism will be overthrown in the US in the near future is just as delusional as thinking you can pull off a color revolution in russia right now, you are completely disconnected from reality, and it makes me sad, its wasted potential

If you were a pragmatist that was actually looking to fight for the worker and the common man if you will, you would be thinking about this a lot more strategically and analytically, and you certainly wouldnt be calling for wasting effort and resources on demonstrations that are completely vapid, there has never been less program to an opposition movement than this bullshit right now

you are being none of those things though, it seems. you are trying to convince yourself that you are some kind of revolutionary right in the thick of it, and theoretically thats a good mentality to have, you should see yourself as a soldier for a cause with a mission, tis the noblest of pursuits

this shit right here is fucking retarded though. all these j20 purple niggas are being played 9 ways to sunday

you wanna fucking do something buddy? regroup, reconvene, establish staging grounds both physical and mental. now is the time to drasticaly re-examine both the intelligence you have about the state of the world/the simulacrum, and who exactly your friends and possible allies may be

so what youre saying is present day capitalism is not a gigantic scam? gee thanks for your input Mr. Romney

Its a scam buddy, and yes your success under capitalism correlates directly to how good you are at fleecing marks, obviously the kind of wealth you were born into is an even bigger factor but trust me nigger present day "free market" capitalism is a scam both big and small

some valid points right here, muhahah

That's you. When you said.

I'll add more.
Refusing to combat capitalism because it's not one week away from collapse is stupid. "wasting effort and resources" is bad, and you know what a huge waste is? Politely voicing our ideas for reform. Reform in general is a massive waste of time and you're an idiot for suggesting it.

I know, I know, if I don't do petty vandalism and alienate actual working class in the process, I just don't support revolutionary socialism. Smash the trash.

And then right-wingers take up the reformist ideas, implement them and get all the credit.

Sure, capitalism stays either way, but now they have people's attention, and you don't. Enjoy your "revolution" with no popular support.

If you endorse this bullshit

Then yes you are counter-revolutionary.

The right wing won't reform capitalism because doing so would mean helping non whites and "degenerates"

So unless you think their plan is to upset the global capitalist order, institute socialism, and THEN kill all faggots etc I find your proposition unlikely.

Good post. Leftypol has become liberalpol

I agree with you and I hope smashies smash as many fascists as they can, but pic related still holds true.

Hardly. It's more like butthurt fascists are raiding us.

When you think your enemy is a cartoon villain, you're bound to underestimate him. Surprise surprise.


Maybe once you stop advocating the destruction of, what is probably more than half of the human population, people won't treat you like a murderous maniac.

I'm not really sure who do you think I am, but you're clearly wrong.

I get that your trying to make some kind of autistic point about how im a filthy reaganite or something and that I have a severe case of internalized capitalism but youre fucking wrong, and youre being naive. Present day capitalism is a lot like organized crime, those that are the most perfidious and machiavellian tend to get ahead, you need to be good at fleecing people with a smile on your face, its why bankers and CEOs have such a high percentage of "psychopaths" in their ranks

anyhow have fun with your constructs bruh

im not saying write up a fucking petition for white you obtuse nigger, im saying make a plan that isnt reactionary retarded shortsighted nonsense laced with identitarianism

if the "revolution" is about wasting everyones fucking time and driving more people away from actual coherent leftist thought then yes

One would think that a self proclaimed anarchist would understand the effectiveness of organizing out of view of the law - and of how ineffective the law is at everything it does- before deciding it needs be punishable to speak about things they don't like.

You can join your fellow retard liberals on reddit, please

again youre being dogmatic, you can call for reforms and literally "work together" with your percieved enemies while at the same time taking part in much more direct action, the two are seperate but interconnected theaters

Just because voting wont necessarily change anything doesnt mean you shouldnt vote

Bro are you fucking stupid

They fell for an obvious honeypot. organized against insured franchises and vehicles, ran to the cops when annoyed normal people retaliated, and did nothing but alienate more proles and grant porky some entertainment.

You and every single one of those arrested can get your throats slit

If you're not advocating for the death of capitalists and their ideological backers (which is likely half the fucking population) then I don't know what the fuck you're doing calling yourself a leftist

Kill yourself, holy shit

Full of shit anarkiddie senpai.

also its not that these protests will not accomplish "the demise of capitalism", its that they will accomplish literally nothing and probably be counterproductive

the only benefit I can see from outside is networking with other western liberals and their token causes, but the reality is that you will just be swept up into the web of "N"GOs, most of the people demonstrating against trump are probably relatively honest in their intentions, the organization that are bussing them there are most certainly not

you are one retarded faggot

go back to reddit

People who crybabby about violence should shut up, honestly. Especially in America's 'go-along to get-along' liberal political culture. The fact people see violence as a political tool is a good thing.


They aren't a minority at all are you dumb

Everything right from socdems to nazis and ancaps are obviously fucking capitalists

Ask for your pal Soros to bail them out and pay for the army of lawyers liberal cunt.
I like that USA is ruled by Trump, may he stay there for 8 years and changes the constitution to stay 8 more. Everyday i have been laughing like an hyena. I want to see that country in the shitter.

Read a fucking book.

They necessarily have to be a minority.

You're in need of Marxist theory, friendo.


Ideology isn't constrained by ones material relation to the means of production, you fucking morons

There will be hordes of proles fighting you on an ideological basis, against their own rational self interest

Capitalism, separate from the prole and the bourg, is an ideology

"Read Bookchin" isn't just a meme in this case, faggots

Read Bookchin

Workers are not a revolutionary class

No but being a member of the capitalist class is.

Most people don't have an ideology. Have you ever met someone without autism?

Is this nigga srs
a b o l i s h c a p i t a l i s m

No, im not from SRS, but I am kinda serious. Let me rephrase that mein Kind, if you were at the helm of the USofA, what would you do?

pretty simple really

What, you mean other than live a life of obscene self-enrichment in faithful service to my capitalist masters?
Spend every third weekend golfing at Camp David, probably.

Muhahah I fucking like you baathist bro, we'd have to work out some of the particulars but this is workable. how about some ecconomic/infrastructure plans go

so what your saying is you have no program and would turncoat immediately if you were given some smidgen of power

idk really never thought too much about it but maybe move to a soviet style council system with areas probably still subdivided by traditional boundaries. Nationalize all major industries beginning with energy, agriculture, and currency. By the time that is accomplished you'd probably be fighting counter-revolutionary terrorism for the rest of your life.

Polfags hate cuckoldry because they're always the ones getting cucked and never the ones doing the cucking




No, I'm saying the problem of class rule cannot be solved by simply voting """good""" """socialists""" to the head of the apparatus designed to administer class rule. The hell kind of socialist are you if you don't realize this?
You need massive parallel organs of workplace democracy and so on