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A trash can of PURE IDEOLOGY.
Is that the same fucking video they repeated over and over again of like 4 retards doing shit
What would the Hilary protest have looked like?
a herd of filthy unwashed bernie bros savagely beating every woman within 10 miles
Just like any other day
Why would there be? Wouldn't want to be sexist :^)
Same shit.
the eternal teenager
Someone is going to have to pick that up.
There wouldn't have been one.
Uphold Anarcho-Window-Smashism
I know, these people are fucking jokers.
I'm perfectly fine with this tbh
shop windows are covered by bourgie insurance. it's perfectly fine to smashie smashie
it's almost like it achieves nothing at all
Rioting is a valid form of protest you liberals
Rioting about an election is fucking laughable
US "elections" are fucking laughable.
not rioting, armchair warming is more laughable
Underrated post.
except they are literally rioting because a liberal lost an election lmao
relly maks u think
Im torn on this issue. Rioting itself is the apex of societal decay.
It can bring about legitimate change, but not through the riot itself, but rather by other's reaction to it.
A riot has never taken down a corrupt politician or changed a government. But, it does show people how fucked up certain things are
A handful of anarchists uncomfortably marching surrounded by armed right-wing militias
It gets you into the news
As Mao said: "everything under heaven is in chaos - the situation is excellent"
They literally have.
Exactly. My interest in leftism started when I was watching anti-G20 protests as a young teenager. If there hadn't been any rioting I wouldn't have looked into why people were so mad about it and discovered the truth about global capitalism. My liberal parents told me that rioting and engaging violence was no way for them to get their point across, but seeing people smashing bank windows and burn cop cars was the catalyst that made me aware of the extent of rage people possessed against such institutions. Hopefully the new US government continues to inspire such similar rage.
They did tho
Getting pelted by females for being bro-narchits woman haters
Hi reddit
Im not familiar with Thatcher.
The point I was making is that a riot has never directly deposed a politician..
I stand corrected after thinking about it.
The French during their revolution stormed Tuileries Palace causing the king to flee. This was bascially the direct cause of the crumbling of his monarchy
"System will crash itself aaaaaaaaaany day now"