There are people on Holla Forums right now who have never read any of Marx's works beyond The Communist Manifesto
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Im busy, get off my back. Ive got the jist from >lurking moar
>there are people on Holla Forums right now who would recommend The Communist Manifesto, a document made by Marx for a specific movement at a specific time under specific conditions, to individuals new to the communist movement as an introduction just because it's a historical epic
That's not by Debord actually
I prefer the order suggested by marxists.org which is Theses on Feuerbach into the German Ideology, then the Manifesto
That would require people to actually seriously look into Marx instead of just reading (the first chapter of) the most famous title and then calling it a day.
Look I'll read it once I'm free of school, ok?
I read Stirner at least.
There are people on Holla Forums right now who haven't read Bordiga today.
There are people on Holla Forums who haven't read Clausewitz's On War
Planning on it. Got a copy on my shelf.
why should i?
It reminds me of the Ziz man
I've been found out
So what it mean?
So you can actually have meaningful discussions about the subject matter instead of just regurgitating what you heard other people on the internet say.
there might be people on this website who have never read harry potter
it all makes sense now
There are people RIGHT NOW on leftypol who haven't read Bookchin.
The Communist Manifesto is an outdated political program aimed at the concerns of a particular period which has little relevance for our present day situation. So for Mein Kampf to be unlike it, it should be a timeless classic which proclaims universal truths which remain highly relevant.
There are people on leftypol RIGHT NOW who haven't read Althusser. Fucking disgusting.
fucking plebs
Me as fuck. What else should I read?
PDFs please?
I can't read Capital yet
why is that bad
This is good
Also the 18th brumare one by marx is better to understqnd his philosophy
Here is Otto Rühle's abridgment of Capital vol.1; it is only the same length as the communist manifesto and infinitely better at formulating an understanding of Marx as compared to Manifesto
At the very least going through the first 3 chapters will put you above the average knowledge of the average tankie plebbiter
And then you can feign intelligence and posture like a leftcom
Even Marx said the manifesto was outdated and not very good after he wrote it.
Why not?
He didn't. Engels said some aspects of it had become antiquated, it's purpose as a populist pamphlet is why some aspects of it (like class reductionism) should be taken with a grain of salt, and this is what Marx and Engels stressed.
It doesn't provide any systemic insight into Marx's thought so its not really good in teaching you how to apply Marx to our current surroundings; it was written for a specific party, at a specific point in time and has almost 0 political relevance.
Yes you can, you live it everyday.
the librivox of Wage Labor and Capital is pretty good friendo
And if you actually read capital you can do the same. ::DD