Bestiality thread

should bestiality be legal in socialism society?

Yes. It's legal now in a lot pf places.

fuck yes

socialism for the animals as well, eternally fucking in a circle with humans and animals

so hot dude

why are you so obsessed with fucking kids and horses. seek professional help

Honestly I don't see how meat can be legal and animal screwing be illegal, it's just reactionism.

Yesterday r/soc went into discord using a secret account and forced the topic of pedophilia to come up, which they used to take screenshots of how vile we were. but no one is convinced by their obviously contextless screenshots, and no one will give them kisses that these narcissists so desperately need because they think we are perverts.

Hi TheAmazingAtheist

It's a pretty obvious argument, not watched him in years

What?! that fat ass now says that meat should illegal? kek

No, he says bestiality should be legal because meat is


Yes but only if its consensual.

No, unless you create inteligent animals than can talk or at least express themselves. AKA make chimps with better brains, ok. Make catgirls, ok. Sex with sheep isn't ok.

"Why can't I eat you, if I can have sex with you?"


Carnivorism exists in many, many species.
Fucking another exists in very few.

Can I eat you after we have sex?

It's not really the same.
It'd be like asking:
"Why can't I rape you, if I can have sex with you?"
Obviously by consenting and willing it it cancels out the rape part. Animals however, do not have consent, and since they don't give us consent to eat them…we eat them anyway.

Sex = Death

Actually… hmmmm….

IIRC this is actually a thing.

this isn't wrong
I'd rather no one fuck animals and we grew meat in petri dishes

Never change.

But that's not what I'm saying.
I'm saying that people find rape to be disgusting for humans but consensual sex as desired and normal. Whereas for animals all consent is denied, and no one would be as silly to ask a horse for permission to inseminate it.

That's the exact opposite of what was being said.
If people are allowed to torture animals to death to make foods such as foie gras, why do people suddenly start screaming "think of the poor animals" when you give your dog a hand job?

The only people who have any right to criticize bestiality are vegans.

The current approach for dealing with children is harmful and counterproductive too. As a society we need to get our collective heads out of our collective asses and start figuring out the optimal solutions to these problems rather than just carrying on with the obviously failing approaches we use now because they appeal to our paleolithic emotions. At the very least we need to do away with the idea of punishment being a solution to anything.

ayy lmao

Is that an actual image of Jason Caden?

Holla Forums here, you Cultural Marxists are fucking degenerate!

drink bleach. This is either from you or /r/soc

Only legal bestiality should be male animals mounting humans.

I don't want virgins abusing animals and using them as flesh lights

get back to me when tumblr starts advocating pedo, zoophile, and necro rights. Oh wait, they never will

How does horsecock taste like?

Yes. Murr.


Get some fucking taste

Back to >>>Holla Forums you go, faggot!

There's nothing wrong with mounting an animal, but first go slow; if they try to buck you off it's obvious they don't want you and you should stop right there.

fuck off /r/socialism

You guys need to leave.

Preferably >>>/gulag/


If we can, through science & philosophy, figure out a way to tell whether or not animals consent, then sure, consensual sex between species should be fine. That's easier said than done, though.

The moment you make it legal you just know worthless pathetic virgins will jump on the opportunity to desperately stick their dick somewhere.

At least if a man takes the knot in the ass it is the dog that is in control and wants to do it, if a female dog doesnt want to be fucked he is at the whim of a pathetic virgin

It already is legal in ton of places. Virgins don't fuck animals because they don't want to.

Yes, and?

totally not a Holla Forums false flag

If a dog is willing to fuck another dog as well as a human, his dick can't tell the difference.

So then what difference does it make? He's not being raped, he's willingly sticking his dick in a human and he likes it.