Could Bernie have beaten Trump?

Could Bernie have beaten Trump?

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Anyone but Clinton could habe beaten Trump to be fair.

The russians would have still hacked it

Why? Sanders and Trump are both against anti-Russian sentiment.

If you ask liberlulz who vote D every time anyways, no. If you ask Trump voters, yes.



Ye, that actually.
It takes tallent to lose to a moving joke.

Probably, but Bernie can't change the USA when the Democrats aren't even supporting him and the Republicans think he's literally Stalin. He'd just have been an ineffectual failure and discredited socialism. This was probably the best outcome in the long term.

Because Russia is not so much interested in making allies, but rather aims to spread confusion, mistrust and damage Western society. They finance and strengthen far right political parties all throughout Europe and obviously have their stake in the Trump administration as well. A weak West means a strong Russia.

If trump got away with saying shit like Grabem by the pussy then Sanders would still be able to slaughter him.

It means Russia gets an opportunity to recover. I still believe the most likely future for Russia is total degeneration into being China's little helper.

Liberals pls go

just read this book, OP

reveals everything

Fuck Horsey, that worthless pole smoking cunt. He spent the whole election shitting on Bernie.


What? It's no secret, this has been the official Russian strategy for decades now.



So? Autistically focusing on it is as bad as Holla Forums claiming all credit for Trump. Everyone keeps rambling about the Russians and it's pathetic.

This is so catchy, incredible

It's still true.

champagne socialist please go.

r/socialism is the place for you.

I am not speaking on behalf of Bernie a savior of the working class

Just that he probably would have won against Trump because he appeals to the working class voter more than Trump

Read for understanding, do not get offended at everything.

I want to fuck that female ass in the suit

The primary model predicted Trumps win and it would've predicted Bernie's win, too.

"White people dont know what its like to be poor." Im sure he wouldve gotten all those rural white states.



Indeed. Hillary's campaign was an utter trainwreck from the start. Even if the hack didn't happen, you still had Hillary attacking voters, funneling funds away from down ticket races, and letting Trump have free reign over the battle ground states. I'm not ruling out it hurt her some, but most of the damage was her own fault.

Short answer no.
Long answer, not as badly. Face it Bernie was weak and there were many angles he could have been crushed. Bernie was weak and Hillary was evil enough to stump him to the ground and bring him to heel. But at least, he wouldn't lost this badly and would retain his electors votes.

Yes. Trump won by only 80,000 votes. Prols were mostly either unmoved by Hillary or saw her as worse than Trump. Hillary lost counties that Obama handily won two times in 2008 and 2012.

Bernie was a social democrat, but if all he had done is restore US infrastructure, increase employment and thereby remove any stigma surrounding the word "socialism", he would have done socialism in the US a big favor. If Trump does the same with infrastructure and jobs, then the right will seem to be the side of the working class, at least in the US. Which means many more years of right-wing administrations and faux-populism. You don't need to have any illusions about the Sanders candidacy or Sanders the man to recognize what his campaign and presidency could have done for us.

He consistently appealed to just about every demographic. He was the only candidate with a functioning and healthy relationship with his spouse and people noticed that.

If it had been a fair fight from the start, Bernie would have crushed all comers. The only one that could have beat him would be a reanimated Roosevelt.

Sitting in your mom's basement talking shit about a 75 year-old man on Holla Forums doesn't make you a true left, retard.

How would he have done that with no control of the senate or congress and probably with the Dems backstabbing him at every opportunity?

This is a meme.

Well it seems lately that "executive order" has become the junk-drawer of presidential powers now. Let the emperor proclaim, carried on the backs of the proles.

He did have a response to this, but I don't fully remember it. He described it as a "protest presidency". He would call for public demonstrations to pressure senators and congressmen to change their votes. A similar strategy was used by the Tea Party movement.

Who cares? If Bernie had won, all his plans would have been stymied by a super-hostile Congress and 'socialism' would have been blamed for all the bad shit of the next four years. Bernie was never meant to actually win, only to rouse the rabble.

Bernie's programme was heavily based on spending, and Congress has to approve spending. Of all the candidates, he was the most in need of a compliant Congress and the least likely to get one.


Liberals are just living memes at this stage.


murican propaganda at work ladies and gentlemen

I think his relationship with congress would've been better since he would've campaigned for candidates instead of picking their pockets.



alex jones is very pro russia
i think he said RT is one of the best channels
you're thinking of nazi's and neolibs

I can never understand the Trump supports who say Bernie would have been crushed by Trump - because I've actually spoken to Trump supporters who agree that Sanders would have won
Lets look at it logically
Sanders consistently had extremely high support in comparison to Clinton
Clinton only just beat Trump in the popular vote
I think its fair to say that Sanders would have gotten more votes than Clinton - and don't say that many who voted Clinton voted for her because they couldn't vote for Sanders - how many didn't vote at all because they hated both candidates.
The democrats are to blame for the current situation. The republicans even tried to stop Trump.
Clinton, Schumer and all the rest need a fucking gulag for their idiocy.

I'd rather see them hang from the street-lights

This. The Dems lost due to arrogance and alienation. Pissman at least gave lip service to pretending to care about issues other than vaginas and wanting to start WWIII. Shrillery tried to browbeat, insult, idpol-guilt and fearmonger everybody into voting for her and failed miserably. And hoped everybody would forget how flagrantly she stole the primaries. And supported the TPP when it suited her. And what a political dingleberry she is in general, who – ironically for somebody so concerned with advancing feminism – wouldn't have a political career if it wasn't for sleeping with Bill. And what a piss-poor job she's done in New York.

If DNC got shot by a vigilante tomorrow, the world would feel a little lighter.

Without Bernie, I would never have dug deeper into what socialism actually is, and would still be a democrat sheep, and I know I'm not alone on that. No, Bernie isn't fully automated luxury gay space communism, but its a start

This is a huge factor that nobody is reporting on. The overwhelming majority of voters saw this election as a joke, a disgrace to our nation.

Regardless of who won, their reward is an angry populace that doesn't trust their political system.

He sure wouldn't have lost Michigan and Wisconsin to Trump

Bernie is the most leftist thing happened to America in a LOOOONG time.
They just simply don't know any better.

Heck the living meme Martin O'Malley could have done it

tippity toppity kek, Holla Forums is retarded again.

and his brother ;_;