Jimmy 'arm the poor' Dore jakes on a reactionary jew and wins: youtube.com
More Proof CIA Has Always Been Full Of Shit:
Jimmy 'arm the poor' Dore jakes on a reactionary jew and wins: youtube.com
More Proof CIA Has Always Been Full Of Shit:
Other urls found in this thread:
Jimmy "beating Stalin's high score" Dore
Jimmy "no war but Class War" Dore
Jimmy "let the bourgeoisie hit the floor" Dore
Jimmy "red to the core" Dore
Jimmy "lynch corey booker" Dore
Jimmy "put the rich in a ditch" Dore
Jimmy "who ordered more holodomor" Dore
Jimmy 'showing the reactionaries the' Dore
Jimmy 'Reagan was a son of a whore' Dore
Jimmy 'steal from the rich and give to the poor' Dore
So has anyone of you been to one of jimmy's live shows
Jimmy "john oliver is a bourgeois whore" Dore
He might still be eating out of the trashcan but it seems like he's put on the glasses
I feel like we need a compilation of jimmy getting better and better of positions over 2016
This is great. Stages of leftism:
Stage one: Liberal: Glasses off and eating from the trashcan
Stage two: Soc Dem, Glasses on but still eating from the trashcan
Stage three: Glasses on, eating from the communal pantry
Jimmy "never forget the iraq war" dore
Jimmy "DNC? how about a spray from my UMP" Dore
God, Shapiro is such a cunt.
Obama didn't have complete control of government and he was elected based on creating Obamacare, not public provision
Ben Shapiro was responding to a different tweet than that one you deceitful kike
Low quality video
Once again, not only do socdems out themselves as Holla Forumsyps they also show that they have absolutely no fucking idea what they're talking about.
I've avoided TYT like the plague for years, is Jimmy Dore actually any good?
You can clearly see that Ben Shapiro is responding to a different Bernie Sanders quote than the one about how people shouldn't be dying.
There are two Bernie tweets, not one. Why does Jimmy talk about one Bernie Sanders tweet before jumping into Ben Shapiro's response to a completely different Bernie Sanders tweet?
The argument Jimmy gives is the same.
People can't afford treatment when they're sick; Shaprio's comparison to furniture here says they deserve to be sick (i.e. they should be dying) because they can't afford it.
Dore is based, even finnish bolshevik liked at least one of his videos. TYT is still liberal shit
What really makes Shapiro's argument fall a part is that you don't get a choice for being sick, whereas you get all the choice you want to select what furniture you want.
Is Jimmy Dore taking off comrades?
Not really. He's not actually leftist (though closer to the left than most Americans are), and he believes reformism is the most effective way of curtailing economic inequality. He's way better than the rest of TYT, though, and you may sometimes learn something from his videos. For blowing off steam about liberals, he's sometimes good but then you'll need to blow off steam about socdems and greens not fully understanding capitalism and how to critique it.
I think Ben Shapiro's position is potentially that people can't afford all the possible treatments but they aren't dying either
He's a moderate social democrat, that makes him far better than the rest of TYT but he's not far left or anything.
He did until november 2010, having been in office for two years.
Doubtful. And that wouldn't make it any better. If people are sick and they can't afford the proper treatment it's not about affording "everything." To say as much is dishonest and retarded.
whether you agree with socdems or not at least they are not complete fucking psychos.
Ehh I'll say mostly
Jimmy "spit and run" Dore
Jimmy "make bourgeois lives shitty" Dore
Can we just star mailing him copies of commie literature to push him over the edge?
Does he list a mailing address for his fans? Cause I think doxxing him would be a terrible idea
Jimmy "Giving Books to Classcucks" Dore
the point of these is that they're suppose to rhyme
He didn't though, seems like that's actually why he couldn't do the option
Hey, mine rhymes if you mispronounce classcuck
books rhymes with cucks when you use a scottish accent
jimmy rhymes with shitty in like every accent
fuck you
lmao proof?
no no it does not
dumb nazbolposter
Books doesn't rhyme with cucks even in a Scottish accent
I know lots of Scottish accents and can't think of any it rhymes in. 'u' and 'oo' are just different sounds
You have to kind of force it i guess? Like when you rhyme "profane" with "again."
Making things rhyme with non-standard pronunciation to "force" a rhyme scheme is funny, I don't know why you're so buttmad.
Yes he fucking did! The Dems had a suoermajority until 2010. They tanked the public option themselves. You're on a machine that has access to all available knowledge in the world and yet you're still wrong. How is it that even possible?
Books rhymes with cucks in any accent how the fuck do you guys say it
Not in English m8. Buck rhymes with cuck. Cook rhymes with book.
Book is pronounced buck not booooooock
lmao no
book and cuck are slant rhymes because they have the same final consonant sound
so you're all as right as you are wrong
Genuine lol
Shapiro is a typical abhorrent kike, him and Ayn Rand are perfect examples of how sociopathic Jews are when they stop virtue signalling.
>January 2017: "Fuck it, even though I'm a lame duck and have no remaining political excuses whatsoever I'm not even going to pardon Bush and his cronies because that would mean acknowledging they did anything wrong, or the whistleblowers, because I hate their guts for daring to stand up to me and capitalist hegemony. Much better to strive to create a foreign relations/public opinion nightmare for my successor and step up NATO exercises in Eastern Europe!"
So much Republican obstruction here, man. Obama was a great man and literally Jesus, nobody could have done any better and you're a racist sexist bigot if you disagree
It says some Republic was going to fillibuster
Maybe they didn't control the Senate
I'm not American, that's all
The filibuster is more of a symbolic obstruction than anything. Eventually one of those old faggots would have to go to the bathroom or eat or get summa datt sweet sweet lobbyist money.
Look at the Rand Paul filibusters for instance, and how little they achieved.
Especially with the massive Democrat mandate in 2008, public opinion would have turned sharply against the hold-outs.
"They're juvenile obstructionists" was actually a major Dem tactic/talking point later on when the house "shut down the government" (didn't pass a federal budget by the deadline) for two weeks to protest/block the ACA. I don't imagine a Republican filibuster in a 57 Democrat senate would have fared measurably better.
People simply preferred to believe that Obama was such a disappointment because of his political opponents, rather than because he's a bourgeois politician serving the bourgeoisie and that his intent might actually be colored by that.
I saw that it was great
Man I love how Jimmy is obviously getting more and more pissed with each video. I predict that in under a year he's gonna end up personally executing each and every porky scum in Washington.
Videos like that are why I watch Jimmy
or he might end up actually killing himself
(Verified by Comrade Corbyn's National Dubs Exchequer)
holy shit Ben's gonna be first against the wall
Never trust a socdem
Damn how short is he? I want to bully him.
Literally SJW tier.
He's done some really good bits on BLM and gun control, but you just have to accept that porky's stooges are essentially useless when it comes to economics
5'9" lmao
Shouldn't capitalism be prostitution then?
he's like 173 cm, manlet tier
In this video Jimmy keeps accidentally referring to Chelsea Manning with male pronouns and the person off the screen had to correct him half way
While I think they're being a little overdramatic there's nothing too bad about mentioning he flubbed the he/she thing
using the right he/she for trans people isn't idpol
Time to recruit Comrade MopPop
"I love you but you must obey me" is
You might like Redacted Tonight with Lee Camp, too.
The great thing about the US election was that it exposed all the fake progressives who fell in line with Clinton.
Dore, Greenwald, Assange, Camp at least were able to stick with their principles.
jesus this liberal cuck is painful
not idpol:
He's right most of the time, and occasionally funny, but he doesn't usually add any unique, non-obvious analysis. In the end he's just a lefty pundit. He's good at making me angry about the right things, and it's very emotionally satisfying to hear someone voice leftist opinions in an otherwise extremely hostile media landscape. I don't watch him often because I can usually find the information elsewhere and I'm afraid of getting addicted to the pathos.