I want to lefty my poc friends who are only focused on trump election because of fear of being targeted because of...

I want to lefty my poc friends who are only focused on trump election because of fear of being targeted because of their race. They are class conscious but still wrapped up in idpol. How do I start?

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start by not being a tankie

Start by doing some reading, honestly. Find other people's arguments and use them to shape your own.





Start with these articles. Either use the points in your own words, or send them straight to your friends if you think they're the right tone and terminology/level of political content for your friends to really understand and appreciate them. Talk to them about racism as tied to capitalism, and Trump as a symptom of capitalist development.

If you want to convince someone of something, you first need to properly understand it yourself.

Fearing you'll be targeted based on ethnicity is idpol now?

No, I don't think their fears about being physically targeted or suffering disproportionately are not valid, its just their fear has turned them into reactionaries. They position themselves against the white working class and focus on making gains through the system for their racial identity rather than tearing the system down completely.

He could have meant both.

As in, they are legitimately concerned about x, but do not see x as a symptom of y - when in fact it is a symptom of y, and thus while it is important to fight x, without ultimately fighting y as the core battle, you are stuck in a never ending fight against x, because y ensures its continued existence.

This is how you move people into genuine socialist anti-capitalist politics. You understand their existing demands as legitimate, but as symptoms of a deeper cause; capitalism. You understand it well enough to explain it to them.

Stop this, Holla Forums, nobody cares about your fucking graphs.

Well is that wrong? The system won't go down anytime soon

And it'll go down a lot slower - infinitely slower - if people continue to fight only the symptoms of it and not the cause.

It is like a doctor prescribing pain-killers for cancer. It targets what the disease has caused, but it will never cure the root of the problem.

Why does a supposed worker's movement keep on trying to appeal to lumpenproles who sell crack to each other and only care about buying their next pair of air Jordans by any means necessary?

If you were alive during the civil rights movement would you fight for it or just fight "capitalism"?

Then why can't I fight capitalism AND whatever racist practices that can be solved with a change in laws

They don't.

They try to appeal to the low-wage workforce, which in the US are a lot of black people.

explain them that intersectionallity makes us weaker
We're only strong when the black and the white come together, class is what will bring them together.

We need intersectionality and also universally must reject all forms of identity politics.
The whole point of intersectionality is that identity politics are limited but can be reconceptualized.
Look out for each other and tell them the rich only want to exploit us (the working class).

Nobody is saying that is a problem. MLK was a socialist, that much is fact. It becomes a problem however when idpol is utilized by the likes of HRC for a neoliberal agenda and used to further divide people and even worse when it has counter-revolutionary effects (such as the ´´Black community´´ attacking & hurting the ´´White working class community´´ out of economic anxiety).

Every time.

Go back to watching your cuck porn, Holla Forums. The adults are talking here.

hard to forget your "id" when everyone around you is getting increasingly idpol.
one way or another they make sure to remind you that you're not part of the "tribe"
i'd be shitting bricks too if i was a minority in the US or some places in Europe.
there is a sick atmosphere going on lately.

Just say black people you colossal faggot.

black is a racial connotation, AA is an ethnonym and POC is for shitlibs. AA is honestly best because its exactly like saying German American or Italian American or Jewish American. They're Africans who live in America.

AA is worse tbh. The implication is that we aren't "fully" American. Just say black. It just denotes skin color. I know about the racial connotations but it's the least stupid one.

Just use whatever words your audience is most likely to understand and not object to.

Language is just a tool for communication, of course you don't want to offend people or confuse people, but this level of analysis for semantics is just naval-gazing.

if i was just talking about black people i would have just said black people you fuggin angry cunt

Socialism is worker identity politics

what is poc?

kys faggot

Start by abandoning false theory and failed praxis. Marxism is outdated to say the least.

people of color, it's a term for non-whites.