ITT explain why leftism bestism

I've been checking out leftypol regularly recently, and have been on the fence on if I like you guys or not. I find pol being a lot more organized and straight forward, so I just wanted to see why you guys believe in what you do.

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capitalism is demonstrably killing itself and us with it

Because my boss takes a lot of the wealth I produce and I'm buttmad about it. I install a furnace let's say. That's like 5 hours of work and the money I get is less than 20% of what's paid. Now, the boss receives the 80% why? Makes no fucking sense

this is an equally good reason

Pol is okay with being exploited as long as the exploiter looks and sounds like them. .

Leftypol wants to end the system of exploitation entirely. Except for social democrats who also love the taste of exploiter cum regardless of nationality.

Your boss actually received 100 percent of the revenue and decides to give you an arbitrary amount after the fact. Assuming by boss you mean owner, but even with franchise shit the principle is the same.

Aren't lefties exploited all the time though and that's the reason anyone would go right

Everyone is exploited, but you exploit everyone as well. Everyone gets their fair share of life.

It depends on what you mean. If you're taking about Soviet style "socialism" then yeah, but for depending on who you ask that's hardly a step removed from capitalism anyway.

What are examples where communism has worked, because as far as I've learned it's pretty self-destructive

if its so great why did kibbutzim fail

What are examples of Capitalism isn't shit?

Where'd you here this? Most digital artists I know are freelancers who often go without work for months.

Also at EA I remember them telling us that they were paying programmers the most because there was a drought of them and they were paying people 6 figure salaries right out of college. Although this was '08.

Things have change due to demand for cinematic gameplay and more story, now the Programmers are at the bottom and are consider less important then writers and artist.

Well art can be a lot of work. But if the profits from the game were split fairly with the team most every worker on a hit game would be rich probably.

How big are those teams now. Last game I beat with credits was GTA 4 and those just went on forever.


Programmers are still paid more nowadays than artists and voice actors, Google it


And you would be right, but it would be the bosses money so they need to recuperate from the loss so the workers don't benefit as much because of it.

Depends they can be a lone guy to 10 guys to 200-500 manpower. All of which get paid differently depending on their profession even though they all together made the game.


Marinaleda, Spain.
Lots of places in South America until the CIA inevitably gets involved.
Cuba has made tremendous strides despite being in an economic black hole since kicking the Americucks out.
The Naxalite run regions of India also have really high rates of progress for the region, with some of the highest literacy rates and standards of living.
Russia went from an economic and social backwater under the Tsars to the number 2 industrial and technological power under the Soviets in a span of less than fifty years, seeing drastic improvements in literacy, health, and general standards of living.
If you consider Roosevelt's New Deal reforms to be socialism/communism, which they were heavily influenced by, they created the most prosperous period for the working class ever in history that ended up lasting between 30-60 years depending on how you measure it.

The latest experiment is the semi-autonomous Kurdish region around the Syria/Turkey/Iraq region. So far it's going pretty well I hear.

Nigga you make some pants and those fuckers are good for years. The cook gotta make food every day. Bad example.

The real answer though is that people take on different roles as needed. If a fire destroyed some houses, people who normally aren't builders will take time to build. With cooks, most people already cook for themselves part of the time.

It isn't a set income that people get paid, pal. The company says what they are worth and in some situations fire those before once they have no use for them, leaving them to be stuck at the entry level pay depending on whose paying.

My friend I don't think you understand what communism really means or what communists actually want.

Google their average incomes

And your point? Two programmers from different companies get different income on a similar job even at a similar number of years with companies.

You talking to me or the guy I argue with?

If it's not about a broken attempt to create equality and make lazy people feel better about themselves, what is it? What do communists reeaaaallllyyyy fight for?

My point is that if the total average of programmers get more than the average of artists, meaning that, maybe their are companies that place specific types of work higher up (usually for good reason), but there is a majority of companies that pay programmers more

Leftism is not bestism.It's a continuous struggle to provide alternatives to the mess we're in.I'd recommend you start reading leftist literature instead of browsing imageboards for hours ,only to find yourself living in cesspool of ignorance and edgy political memes.

The only hope for Holla Forums to get better is if we push for some sort of intellectual discussions.

I'd love to see a stickied literature thread for example.

I hear Marx has a great book or two

People do their fair share and bask in their own work as well as others without haven't to worry about money and know what to do with it is not the utopia that communist want?
Watch this podcast and Read Bookchin

Have you ever seen star trek TNG? That's communism. Fully automated luxury space communism. Instead of being a cock sucker maybe you should consider what the future is going to look like when technology has made increasingly larger portions of the population obsolete, and who gets to control that technology and decides for whom and how it's used.

Name a single instance of this ever happening in history.

This. Soon enough we'll look back on our current problems as quaint.

That's partly because their ideas are less sophisticated and partly because conformity is harshly enforced there.