Antifa irrevocably BTFO, there is no need to inquire about a possible recovery
hey Sargon, thanks for shilling your centrist liberalism here again
Hate that motherfucker, he just wants to decay in one place for the rest of his pathetic life, telling people the system is fine, that it's not killing people physically and psychologically. He'll never know the real reason why Anti-Fa is shit.
pick one
Please enlighten us, O wise one
Anarchism is inherently flawed because the idea of "horizontal hierarchy" is childish fantasy
At least the fascists realize that well defined authority is necessary
He's a cuck. I hope he praises all those high born ideals when the negros and Muslims are trying to break into his home to flay him alive.
Remember to sage
They're another part of the modern system. If you can't see that, you'll never see that.
So mysterious. You must be really smart.
Wow, what an intelligent critique. You should write a thesis on that. With hard work, you could overtake Sargon of Akkad for the most prominent intellectual of the 21st century.
What should be done with """centrists""" like this during the revolution? I personally believe that they should have their tongues removed and their vocal cords surgically damaged so as to prevent them from speaking publicly ever again. Death would be too good for these shills.
in response to what? you didn't argue anything
No refutation, just rhetoric. Quality argument
If you are who I was replying to, this is what your "critique" came down to:
I reciprocated your shitposting. I'm a Marxist not an anarchist, but if I were to engage with an anarchist my argument would try to be less childish than their beliefs, unlike yours. Your ineptitude and unfamiliarity with leftist theory prevents you from elaborating beyond the assertion that horizontally structure is childish.
Not tasteful, not insightful, nothing of substance. Complete vacuous crap.
The modern world is disgusting, we all agree, but the method of reclaiming it is what we disagree upon. I don't know how such a solution will come about, and you know as much as I do. Holla Forums told me that the modern world is disgusting, and I still agree, but never did they give an absolute source or solution.
50. The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can’t make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values.
If you find the idea of hierarchy to be "triggering", then perhaps it is you who is the anarkiddie
I don't, but that doesn't change the fact that you are shitposting. Let's be honest here, you've never picked up a book on anarchist theory in your life.
Go on then, all you've done so far is meme about """getting it""" but you've not actually proposed any argument. Maybe you've never picked up a book (any actually) in your life.
What am I supposed to respond to? Develop your assertion that it is childish. Explain why. All you did was go "u r a stupid poo poo head". What am I supposed to respond to? Are you so deluded you think presents anything worthy of substance to respond to? Once you elaborate on your drivel, I will present an argument. Until then, I'm fine with flinging shit at each other.
Your smug face is getting you nowhere. It's plain to see that you made a weak point, got called on it, and couldn't back it up.
So You Get Nothing, You Lose! Good Day Sir!
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I'm not an anarchist, I'm criticizing you for a low quality post.
go peddle your low-grade egoism
Go away Holla Forums.
you're one of my favourite posters
And if you were wondering. I think anarchism is utopian. Market anarchism especially. The State is not some inherently "good or bad" entity, a lot of the anarchist critique of the state comes down to moralizing. What we saw in the Paris Commune, what we saw in Catalonia. At some point, reliance on a central authority for X or Y was or is required. I also think decentralized planning without a central authority to set deadlines would regress to chaos and insufficiency.
Horizontal hierarchy is desirable. The abolishment of the State is a fundamental aspect of communism. If not some sort of free association, what do you think this would look like besides a lack of a formal hierarchy?
You should be banned and then raped.
Karl you are such an idiot
Please have a stroke for linking your shit