Has anyone here ever thought about starting a D&D style tabletop...

Has anyone here ever thought about starting a D&D style tabletop, except with a communist revolution instead of medieval times? I know there are modern campaigns, is anyone here interested+knowledgeable enough to DM a campaign about something like this?

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There are plenty of modern military systems and settings for generic systems (GURPS has a reputation for this I believe) that would work.

But the best commie game is Eclipse Phase.

Here's my question, is it more steam punk fantasy?

And what are the "classes" in your game? Do Anarchists/ Communists get special abilities?

That's pretty spooky, fam. I had this exact plan but doing it with a livestream or podcast to make it commie propaganda. I'm currently cutting my teeth doing a stream with non-leftist friends that's more or less just regular tabletop stuff. They kind of know my tendencies and take it in a mildly revolutionary direction though which is fun. I've already talked to them about trying to set it up as a co-op if we get to the point we could make any money.

I even have a twitter/youtube for a hypothetical leftist tabletop stream already made if I ever want to use them. Bunkers & Bourgies

If enough people were interested I would be interested in writing a campaign.

Players would be members of a radical political party around the turn of the century that would have to carry out party work, organize local populace, engage in factional struggle, evade police, etc.

Going to bed now, but will check back tomorrow morning before the Trump protests.

Nice idea famlam

I'd recommend you only start uploading after the campaign concludes.

There's always that one guy…

Priest-commissar, bard with electronic music, paladin of transhumanism, and ex-general of Roman Empire are sent to defeat reincarnation of Genghis Khan.

On their way through Siberia they will battle American Ninja-Cossacks, negotiate with bear mayor, and attempt to steal 500 tons of gold!

Am I doing it right?

Set it in Shadowrun pls.

Yes. Currently making something with friends. Don't think it's really like D&D at all thoughsince I've never played it. It's all custom shit, which is how i want it anyways. I don't care much for tabletop games personally, but the concept just couldn't be dropped.

If you are interested, I can try to get in contact with you.

It's called Left-Wing RPG. There was going to be a set map but we decided the player can locate it anywhere they want. Basically, they pick where and use maps online to direct themselves around the place.

We also want a fantasy variant and a Space-Communism variant but they are both only hypthetical atm.

It was formatted to function over instant messaging primarily, but only due to physical restrictions with being far away.

The papers are all typed up on Google docs atm and we are doing some final touches here and there, while also considering adding extra systems. Not much atm for character personalization physically, so that's probably what we will do.

Set years in the future in a right-libertarian society, ruined by climate change and with anti-union laws, you must try to overthrow capitalism in whatever way you can. Recommended 1-4 player characters and a DM.

If you have Twitter, op, DM me: @CanuckCommie. If you can't do that, email me at [email protected]/* */

The best part is, we need to test play the game atm. Meaning, if you are interested in playing what I talked about, it's perfect and I can totally arrange that for you. Just hit me up on one of the methods I posted, whichever works best for you.

also here's an example of the combat in practice. might help you get an understanding of how the game overall functions.


There are lots of systems made for modern times like GURPS which has been mentioned, but also very rules-light generic systems for fucking around with.


In fact that I recommend checking out the list of things here: 1d4chan.org/wiki/Category:Roleplaying

Because there are lots of options depending on what you're interested in doing. Marx speed, noble fa/tg/uy

Why not play Pokemon?

A bit of googling (well, ducking) shows that there was Holodomor RPG made in 2005.

And my point is that actual history is too unrealistic even for larping.

This is questionable; how much HP do people have?

That's autistic

I'm interested but I also want a freeform modern combat tabletop wargame where you can build any side you want (in the same scale obviously), you could make a revolutionary army if you were good at customisation or even scratchbuild some silly truck tanks like in Spain.

it varies between characters. higher strength = higher health and there's a trait that gives more health based on what you have. you roll dice at the start of the game and that determines your base-health. You roll 2 D10 dice to determine this, where 1 = 10, etc. So if you get 10, you have 100 health. If you roll a 20, you have 200 health.

1 strength = 5 extra HP. You can increase your strength actively, which means you should be able to increase your max. HP overtime.
The only time it'll be an issue is if the players have less than 100 health.

The combat is not fully tested out entirely yet, but I've done a bit of testing to tweak it. When I test it, I give the sides 100 HP, so I might want to adapt it to do 100 HP minimum at some point, idk. The change I thought of making when you pointed this out, is having 100 HP be the normal health and then they roll 2 d10 dice to get more health, or something like that – perhaps just 1 d10. It'll mean they are always above at least 100 health yet still have different variables in health.

We're going to try and establish a limb system, and so a specific amount of damage disables the limb, etc. This idea ties into armor, so if you have armor on your leg that does 20 defense, and they shoot to do 30 damage, they only do 10.

If you have suggestions, that would be greatly appreciated. I'm going to have the game test-played in action soon, which means that if you have an idea, I'll try both methods to determine what one works better for the game. I'm interested in hearing any ideas anyone has. Constructive criticism has been useful so far in making the game, so…

So the thing about using a d100 for damage is that it's way too swingy; any real world weapon should have a baseline amount of damage and a maximum amount of damage that aren't that far apart (with only rare exceptions, like a lucky punch that kills someone in one hit; that's what crits are for in games that use them). Obviously you want some degree of variation but anywhere from 1 to 100 with a single attack is probably too much. That's why d100 systems like Call of Cthulhu and Eclipse Phase tie the damage to the weapon being used. Even games like D&D, which uses a d20 for literally every other roll, uses smaller dice (d3 through d12) for damage rolls.

I'd have to see the system in more detail to really be sure about this though.


Satanic Mills is
(Dunno if it's good. Haven't had a go at it myself yet.)

Why not a White Wolf one, so you can title it: "International: The Arguing"?

Nope, make the game class-less.

We'll use a classless system :^)

Well fuck you too.

I hope there's a way to create a new faction when none of the existing ones fit your vision of communism.

This has potential.