How will we deal with the problem of inceldom in a communist society?
How will we deal with the problem of inceldom in a communist society?
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Free prostitutes.
Does anybody have the 'thanks for your wife, centipede iou' image?
People will have a lot more free time so social isolation will be less of a problem. Also sexuality will be a lot more free and unrestricted so you can get sexual intimacy a lot easier.
you're probably a female, i don't really think you should talk about this issue as you can't understand it
Lex Sexualis, as in We
Funny thing is that in the book the alphas develop individualist subversion to break the inefficiencies of central planning. In my view the very creation of this narrative gives a larger image of the commodification of sexuality, poor Zamyatin had idealistic bourgeois delusions.
It's pretty clear why the incel problem exists. Guys aren't socialized properly and do not know how to relate to others (especially women.) Communism will fix that.
???, If people will have more free time, so would not these people be more isolated?
I dont think this is gonna solve this problem.
Yes, because if NEETdom has taught us anything it's that more free time must invariably reduce social isolation
not to speak of common prostitutes, take the greatest pleasure in seducing each other’s wives.
It's not some great struggle. It's fairly simple.
Sexual liberation was not progressive but regressive.
Bring back one man one wife.
Depends on the type of NEETdom. If you are NEET because no one will hire you despite wanting job then you won't be a NEET under communism. If you are a NEET because you are just lazy then will can keep on being a NEET. I doubt many people fall into the second camp however.
Go back to r9k
How? Communism will not force someone to have sex with someone else.
The "one man, one wife" thing is a lie.
No way. I don't wanna get married or have children . Certainly to a not to a traditional house wife. I'd just resent her for getting to stay home and play with babies why I wage slave.
socialization will not help genuine incels, again, it seems to be clear that your pov, that of a woman, who has a woman's life experience, is insufficient for understanding this issue
That's not what happened on Stalin's train.
You mean the Warsaw-Berlin 1945 rape express?
Humans generally want sex. Communism will make it easier for them express those desires by giving them more free time to spend with other humans and by removing reactionary ideas that prevent them being who they truly are sexually speaking.
the problem is is that people are not willing to have consensual sex with incels
in our current society, they could ultimately see an escort, but in communism, this sort of thing wouldn't be an option
Sex workers would probably still be a thing. Some people do genuinely enjoy doing that.
So as an incel, I can buy an escort in capitalism.
What would I do in communism?
People today are free to have sex with anyone what they want, if the incels are simply not desired? What prevents those people to have sex now?
Not in great numbers. The only thing I can think of would be like some tribal matriarchies. Where older women teach younger men's sexual education.
Same thing but instead of money you use pretty rocks and pine cones.
Escorts would still be available. What you do would be up to you.
I agree with you that the sexual revolution was regressive and monogamy is preferable to a Mormon polygamous system.
But the traditional family structure is outdated, Better to find a new way to raise children, than have the nuclear family and all of their baggage that comes with it.
Why are you an incel?
You won't be needing money and career to
Money/status would play a lesser role at least.
Why would escorts exist in communism?
Escorts are available now and those people still virgin.
Even a beggar have sex, i think this is some type of mental disorder.
There's so much luck involved in finding someone you're compatible with, and communism can't fix every problem in interpersonal relations. But a lot of what creates "inceldom" is a problem of capitalism and hierarchical wealth distributions, which communism will absolutely resolve.
Then it's purely a choice even today. They only remain virgins due to their standards.
if you have to do something illegal to lose your virginity then it's not much of a choice
It's very much a choice. People can break the law.
This. A lot of incels (assuming they are actively trying to get sex and aren't just chilling out doing other things) don't want just any kind of woman/relationship. They want a women who is conventionally attractive, willing to put up with their often lacking social skills, and most importantly a virgin (not just a girl who has not had that many partners, no, they want a VIRGIN no matter how old she is. It's dumb and weird.)
That really doesn't follow at all. I have tons of free time but am totally socially isolated. If anything, my obligations at work and uni are my only source of regular social contact.
see, as a woman, you can only see inceldom as a man having standards that are too strict, when the actual issue is that there are next to no women willing to have sex with him and standards are irrelevant
I'm a man. You can just hire a prostitute. All prostitutes are willing to have sex with him.
We have to presume that communist society would have a much better social life.
so you have to risk being arrested?
More free time, institutions and mores geared towards solidarity/togetherness, no consumption to fill the gaps.
Better education. No lowest common denominator brainwash TV. Better education. Actual education of any sort, in fact.
gas chambers for neurotypicals
I really don't see why any of these things would resolve the usual issues of low self-esteem, social anxiety, shyness and all that crap except the gas chambers
Maybe. If it is, capitalism have some fault, but i dont know this is all, this is something that needs a deep investigation.
What scares me is that this seems something that grew a lot in last two decades, i think this is gonna be a real problem on the next ones.
Also, i found a doc. and a article about it, but this is shit is cringe as fuck:
You probably have these due to trauma from fucked up elements of society.
Maybe you should read Houelbeq and cultivate deep cynicism.
volcel is the true revolutionary’s path.
Sex is bourgeois decadence.
fuck off cooterthug