Admit it Holla Forums, you would do anything for huge amount the wealth

Admit it Holla Forums, you would do anything for huge amount the wealth.

Why be revolutionary when you can bend over for porky?

Indeed, you will get paid if you're a good worker.

I take his money. Buy guns for my comrades. Come back. Take the rest of your money. Simple.

Thats some nice ideology you have there

That's why the right has more attractive girls.

I would exert some effort for relative comfort, nothing more. I'm a miser anyway, I eat cheap, I dumpster dive, buy 2nd hand stuff etc.

I don't need or want to be rich, I want goddamn freedom

Well, we can't lie.

It's why so many revolutions fail.

When you get to the treasure room first after revolution and get taste of all that power, you tend to forget that you really only supported the revolution because it benefited yourself and you envied more than hated the bourgeois and wanted to be them rather than get rid of them permanently.

I will become my own Stalin or Castro and like Castro's son I will make my own sons live in the greatest luxury with the grandest things while sleeping with countless women.

At least if I was made a leader of the revolution, which is unlikely so for now, fuck the bourgeois and all leaders.

Always look out for yourself, fuck everyone else. Stirner was right.

Stirnerites in a sentence.


Alunya would never take it from a porky!

half of this board is into masochism and being dominated

Yep. It's not like you lot are going to organize a successful revolution any time soon, and even if you did you'd probably just end up putting the tankies in charge. Like it or not, rich capitalists are better equipped to end capitalism and bring about communism than any leftists.

uh hello?

Catgirls are bred to be obedient little pets, user. If Alunya didn't want to take it at first, she'd soon learn how persuasive a good spanking can be.

This isn't a problem unless you're a capitalist. And I can see by the rest of your post that you are.

I think capitalism is a terrible system, but I don't trust that tankies would implement anything better. I value personal freedom extremely highly.

But personal freedom is reactionary, user. We have to learn the best from the systems that succeeded us: from prehistory we get tribalism, the ancient world slavery, capitalism exploitation, and socialism the name. That's the only way we can make a better future.

you mean
when you get to the Narkomat after the civil war and you get the taste of all that ruined industry and destroyed in general economic life?

or when you have to ration coal like you ration bread, and when factories beg for resources like people beg for spare change?

funny that the russian empire general that was in charge of RI gold after the civil war, handed it all over to soviets, which caused huge amounts of butthurt of the emigree society

yea, I just wanna be like Zuckerberg
it's my dirty secret

I don't care what you want to call it. If you want to take my 2D lolis you'll have to pry them from my cold, dead hands.

I do admit If I was Bernie I would have took the money and ran like he did.

Hes got like 4 houses now. Since the campaign.

pleb, read a book

if that were true, we'd all be out robbing armored cars rn, or kidnapping barron trump, or trying to sneak into isis territory and raid a bank vault like some stupid a-team plot

hello, fbi

Those are all very poor ways to get money. They're great ways to get killed or permanently imprisoned though.

Power is the thing I desire, not personal wealth.

the power to kill rosa luxemburg

Hard to not use it when its there but i think we all agree that we need to start taking care of our own fucking species a little better than we do now. I would chose a sane world over a trillion dollars. This current system is complete fucking shit. Why would I want to be rich in this dumpster cunthole?


they're risky af, sure, and very stupid, but the word was "anything," which includes the very stupid and very risky
kidnappers, bankrobbers, and armored car robbers can be successful, and they can make millions in very short order, if all you cared about was mo ey, that would be the way to go

since these things are rare, most people would then not do anything for wealth, because they have other standards

That's clearly not true though. A perfectly rational person would not play the lottery or gamble at a casino despite the large potential pay-outs, because the average result is bad.

Classic Soc Dems

Of course i would accept having a huge amount of wealth. I would pay for giant outdors in major cities with subversive mesages as well as tv and internet ads.

I don't really care about money that much but I would do anything for Alunya!

But I bet that she will slit that porky neck after she finished fucking him


Am I the only one who sees this image yuuuge?

fix your site, cripple

same here pham,it yuge


People who have more money than me are literally subhuman.

how the fuck does this keep happening

Spoiler it

Looks like porky's having a good time there.

I do too. Saved it as an HD version of that image.

I don't know but I like it.



it is a mystery


How and why???

Why not? She's a sexy little girl.


What are you talking about? Does taking advantage of a glitch with spoilers to post my (2D!) waifu make you think I'm angry?

Not anything, but I would do a lot for billions. How else would I finance the revolution?

Of course I would.
How huge is "huge" though. And can you afford it?

Rolled 11, 10, 3, 11, 6, 4, 6, 2, 11, 5, 2 + 15 = 86 (11d11)Holla Forums SUCKS COCKS

Holla Forums SUCKS COCKS




There is nothing wrong with burdening the pockets of porky by selling your body for sexual pleasure.

The way I've seen it I've done nothing but help the revolutionary cause by fucking business owners for free and then blackmailing them for money threatening to release photos of them inside of me.

I think they fixed the bug.

It's not bending over for porky but killing porky and becoming the new porky. And there's nothing wrong with that. Let's be honest here, we all want stuff. We wouldn't support or believe in what we do if we didn't, otherwise we'd all be Buddhist monks or something. But fuck no, we all want a piece of that or all of it for ourselves. Either way, that's the way it should be. A proletariat is always thinking deep down inside that only I deserve the wealth and means of production whether shared or not but if we all had the chance to have it all to ourselves, most of us would take it. We're not Jesus or epitome moralists. We're realists. Besides, family members regularly kill each other over wealth issues all the time like what you see in the news such as inheritance and winning lottery tickets and even pocket change, what chance do complete strangers have? This is what the working class, no, all classes dream of. It's just natural.

just join a cuck club already.

Always remember that failure to understand the proletariat will cause revolutions to fail. Proles care very strongly about their own well being and self-preservation as much as the bourgeois or most any creature in this world does. There is nothing wrong with this.

I actually dont want to be rich. I would just want enough money to do as I like which would probably be upper middle class at most.

This is me basically. I was a leftist but became a bourgeoisie tech fuck. They offered me the only thing I can't refuse…money

Plz, gibe me source to pics :3

i mean
i needs mones for my mones

t. yugotrap

I must ask

What's the point of having a shitload of money ?

Sure you can get yourself out of debt and maybe get a few cool gadgets but really I think around the point of owning a billion dollars or even a hundred million dollars you just start to waste shit for the sake of wasting shit

At some point it must kinda become an addiction. Like casino players.

Not really.

A perfectly rational member of the proletariat would not seek wealth, since the odds of getting that objective are so overwhelming.

We're talking about someone who has decided they are going from minimum wage to millionaire. The amount of capital investment required to commit a crime is very low compared to legal pathways, and said legal pathways aren't exactly overwhelmed with success stories. Something like 60% of small business fail in the first three years, whereas 60% of ransomware attacks are SUCCESSFUL.