When my boss compliments me for working hard
So how much of a payraise did you get? Promotions? Those are just empty words if nothing came from it.
ungrateful little brat, this guy is busting his tail and his boss noticed that and went out of his way to complement and thank him for his labor.
You expect with all the costs of running a company the boss can just throw money around because someone was doing their job?
Why are lefties so unwilling to humble themselves? This generation man….idk….
why is there so much pr0n of her?
I like this meme, 10/10
Not only is it cleverly satirizing wage cuckery but also fapable.
I honestly enjoy this meme. Please don't delete this thread mods.
I know this feel.
(this actually happened to me the other week)
>when the boss asks you to stay longer because he depends solely on your competence on an overdue project because of his mismanagement - without compensation
I don't think it merits deletion but it's just a reaction image thread with a proletarian patina over it; one we just had very recently.
So sageru