Leftist Technologists?

So is there a leftist version of rms? The dude strikes me as the worst kind of liberal tbh

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They're called Stallmanists actually

whatever his politics, we support open source and free software in principle.

free software is going to stay underused as long as the main driving force of it is a bunch of pretentious autists.

"Licensing is a personal choice, and there is no "wrong" choice. For projects *I* care about, and that I started and can make the licensing decision for, I think the GPLv2 is the right thing to do for various reasons. But that does *not* mean that if somebody else makes another choice for his or her code, that wouldn't be the right choice for *that* person.

For example, I'd use a BSD-like license for code that I simply didn't care about, and wanted to just "push out there in case somebody else wants to use it". And I don't think proprietary licenses are evil either. It's all fine, it's up to the original author to decide what direction you want to do in."

I think he had a show on Telesur but left because they were "Pro Assad".

Wow, stallman is kinda based for that

Not true. Stallman is staunchly anti-Assad.

No he's not, he's even more pro-foreign interventionist than Chris Hedges.

He's more leftist than you might thing.

Quality software requires thousands of hours of work by experienced professionals kiddo, so either you do it for free and it takes decades to produce something worthwhile (and therefore already incompatible and obsolete) or you pay programmers their worth.

There are 3 models for this
1. Capitalism, pay the programmers to program and receive a return on investment via a marketable product written by the programmers you hired
2. Crowdfund the project using a calculated projection of time to complete the project x payment for skill level x number of programmers you'll need divided up by skill area and pay the programmers a equal share of the crowdfunded capital.
3. Run the project as a community-driven, donations-only project that programmers can contribute to whenever they feel like it/have the time (Programmers rarely have time as they're too busy earning money with the skills they've acquired.)

Guess which of these actually yield not-shit software.

what does he mean by this ???

How are #2 and #3 not "capitalism"? Retard

linus's dad is/was a communist politician in finland


stallman confirmed anarchist

sudo apt-get install anarchism

Nigger, please.

Lmao 1D girls, y'all anime loving fucks will never be as patrish as him

By the end of April 2013, there are more than 180 corporate members who identify with the ideals & mission of the Linux Foundation:[33][34]

Platinum Members (9), who each donate US$500,000 annually, incl. (listed alphabetically) Cisco Systems, Fujitsu Ltd, Hewlett-Packard Development Co. LP, Intel Corp., IBM Corp., Microsoft Corp., NEC Corp., Oracle Corp., Qualcomm Innovation Center Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd
Gold Members (15), who each donate US$100,000 annually, incl. (listed alphabetically) Advanced Micro Devices Inc., Bloomberg LP, China Mobile Ltd, Cisco Systems Inc., Citrix Systems, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Inst., Google Inc., Hitachi Ltd, Huawei, Motorola Solutions Inc., NetApp Inc., NYSE Technologies, Panasonic Corp., SUSE and Toyota Motor Corp.
Silver Members (224), who each donate US$5,000-20,000 (scaling with number of employees) annually, e.g. (listed alphabetically) Adobe Systems Inc., ARM Holdings PLC, Broadcom Corp., Canonical Ltd, Dell Inc., DreamWorks Animation LLC, EMC Corp., HSA Foundation, Igalia S.L., Inktank, Jaguar Land Rover, Lexmark International, Inc., LG Electronics Inc., MIPS Technologies Inc., Nvidia, OwnCloud, Protecode Inc., PayPal, Red Hat Inc., Renesas Electronics Corp., Savoir-faire Linux, Siemens AG, Solace Systems, Sony Corp., Texas Instruments Inc., Tieto, Tuxera, Twitter, Toshiba Corp., Valve Corporation, VMware Inc, Yahoo, et al.
Affiliates (6).



GPLv3 is the only acceptable license, prove me wrong

protip you can't

GPL implies ownership

BSD is the OS of the revolution

Open Source is, ironically enough, a necessity for tech businesses at many levels. Otherwise they would have to pay licensing fees for fucking everything. Pretty interesting situation honestly.

Stallman's a leftist that rightists will give attention to only because he's gross.

Yes, GPL3 is best. For those who don't know: The problem with older versions is the definition of what distribution means. Net connections have become faster, so it's feasible to offer a program's interface online. This is a loophole in the older versions.

Not to sound too gay, but he's got a sparkle in his eyes that right-winger could never have.

They usually praise him purely for coming across dickish (due to his obvious autism) but if they read his website or listened to his lectures they would know he has a genuine passion for improving the world and that would disgust them.

Would it be possible to make the GPL even more communist? How would we change it?

socialism for the rich, rugged individualism for the poor


Most of the time code is just worthless, no matter if done by professionals or by enthusiasts.
Either way, you fell for the "worse is better" meme.


He's no Communist, but he has views that Communists might find fitting. The GPLv3 is a good example. He doesn't speak much about "real" politics. He's quite principled (that's an understatement) so I doubt he could be "converted". But he's very much in favour of the worker, the programmer and the user - not for people to profit off the work of others, though he's not opposed to it. His policies merely make it harder to do, which in my goal is admirable nevertheless.

Stallman is great, it's a shame he's not a leftist, but I'll take what I can get at this point.

Any "leftist" Stallman would be immediately dismissed by the left as being too single-issue and irrelevant to class struggle.

His main objective is freedom, and any non-tankie leftist has to be for that, even if it does come from a "liberal".

Stopping it from being used in order to make money, however that would violate the free software principle of being able to use it for any purpose. Same principle for selling it.

that would prevent co-ops from using it too though

speak for yourself fuccboi


tankies btfo

It's a shame reallly, imagine how richer Bill Gates and Co. would be if it weren't for him? Free software is like Co-ops, prolonging Capitalism for several more decades while making people feel good about themselves.

he is one of us

Pure ideology. You could make that argument about many unions perhaps, but you've gone full retard.

Somebody else would have come up with the same idea.

Rolled 4, 6, 1, 6, 3, 3, 5, 4 = 32 (8d6)dice

Im a foss advocate (flag related) but I think the only situation in which GPLv3 wouldnt be overly restrictive to software development would be a situation when it wouldnt be needed anymore, as everything would be libre already.
The problem being that as long as non-GPL software exists, GPL is necessarily a restriction on your software, making it less competitive.
The fact that software so often relies on other software makes it difficult for developers to use GPL in many cases.

What the fuck are you doing?

Also "some of his ideas are valid", is literally muh wealth innequality, muh trickle-down. If you asked Obama he would probably agree, if you asked Hilllary in the 90s she would too, as does John Green and every single bleeding heart liberal.
Marx was one of the first big people to really look into and point flaws into Laissez-faire economics so people think their sympathy with state intervention comes from him, it's horse shit.
You can't pick-and-choose with Marx, his Economic Theory is tighly knit.

that's straight-up FUD disinfo. GPL'ed software is what nearly the whole internet and everyone's phones run on.

we're memeing you fucking autist

Honestly, Bookchin would suit Stallman very well, you should link him some books and lectures instead of asking about spooky totalitarian Marxism. He might even link Rojava in his site.


Company like Netflix tried to ditch freebsd numerous time from their infrastructure only to realize linux cannot handle that much traffic especially with viewers streaming movies over https.

Lots of firewall vendors are switching to openbsd just for pf.

Android doesn't use glibc it has its own std libc mostly based on openbsd's libc and freebsd's libc.

Google and Apple ditched libstdc++ cluster fuck and changed to libc++.

Sure linux kernel itself might be famous and GPL license (before version 3) might have been preferable for some people but linus don't really give a shit about RMS or his crackpot cult called FSF.


I'm typing this post on chromebook, flashed by non-GNU project libreboot, gentoo linux musl libc branch, with kernel stripped of blobs and patched to be compiled with LLVM/Clang.

Not sure if I'll be able to call it GNU/Linux after I finish integrating elftools in stage 1.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Real, is in fact, Real/Ideology, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Reality plus Ideology. Reality is not an ontological doctrine unto itself, but rather another free component within the ontological fabric, knitted by the hegemonic systems of representation and reproduction, comprising a full ontological doctrine as defined by Plato.
Many people run a modified version of the Ideological system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Ideology which is widely used today is often called “Real”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically an Ideological system, developed by the ruling class. There really is a Real, and these people exist within it, but it is just a part of the system they experience.
Reality is the state of things as they actually exist. The truth is an essential part of an ontological doctrine, but useless by itself; it can only be experienced in the context of a complete Symbolic Interpretation. Reality is normally used in combination with false consciousness: the whole system is basically Real with Ideology added, or Real/Ideology. All the so-called “ideological conceptions' are really distributions of Real/Ideology

Yes, tank-boy, anything good that ever happens under capitalism prolongs its existence. We should only support and celebrate bad things happening, they only serve to bring us closer to the revolution.

Stallman forever.

I met Stallman IRL, he's a "cool" guy (in an autistic way). He seems to actually care about porky taking away our freedom and work.
Still, he has no class conciousness; but given the fact that IT is a pretty petite burgoise profession, I think it's one of the most left guys in tech.

RMS is pretty communist.
- freetard.

Hey, are any of you on debian family systems?

Do this

sudo apt-get install anarchism

You're welcome.

Also learn about I2P. It's the anarcho-socialist underground railroad of the internet. The more you put into it the more your get back.

tbh i2p is shit.

Hes fucking terrible then. Got any evidence for this?

You're one to talk, faggot.

BSD is utter garbage

He's really not. Most liberals hate him for being too far left. Just read his site and make up your own mind.

He is kind of a believer in FALC:

So, is the hate in this thread against the deity of /g/ or free, open source tech and software? Because I'm really fucking confused if it's the latter

Stallman is pretty left, check out his news commentary some time.


holy shit, he really is a commie