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She got a point you know.
Hello, Holla Forums.
Can we just agree that all culture that is produced in capitalist cultural hegemony is shit and therefor their(or any other culture on that hand) deserves no protection and should be gotten rid of if and when the mystical all curing revolution happens?
Liberal idpolers who think they're leftist get salty, need a proper understanding of class struggle.
Maybe they can be connverted into allies.
Can we just blame capitalism even though clearly it's not capitalism's fault? :^)
Do you think gulag jokes are remotely on the same level as casual racism, sexism, transphobia?
Humourless…sitcom robots, speak without thinking.
Not to mention
Don't be a nigger you girly faggot.
there's nothing wrong with being a girly faggot user, you should try it!
I hope you get cucked
It's being black where I draw the line.
Who are you quoting?
You, you seem to imply the only struggle is economic struggle and totally override poc's and sexual minorities struggle.
Insitutional racism is caused by capitalism. Racism is yet another ideology that was made to justify porky's profits. Without capitalism racism would face away.
Oh, I get it. You've been banned from reddit and think I give a shit what you think.
Read Capital.
I wish I could, but I look way too manly and brutish.
No it isn't dipshit. go tell that to all the women that suffered under social regims.
I haven't been banned from anywhere, I can in multiple places you know. this board is not your brosocialist property.
Told you about the volk
Racism is an ideology. No one made you hate black people and obsess over black dick. That's all on you Holla Forums.
You sure proved your pseudoscience.
Ever heard of something called material conditions?
Nice spooks you have there faggot
No. Wanting to remove Africans from our nations is perfectly rational.
If they're African how can they be American, retard?????????
Conwidering both world wars were started by europeans, its also rational to remove them, specially the GERMan variety
"Human achievements and notable figures" put into quantifiable charts
They seem to be employed, unlike Holla Forums. I would think these people are far more knowing of labor than the more pale alternative.
White man was not build for physical labor.
People are not built, and this is by in large bullshit.
I will pray that your time in damnation would not be prolonged.
Many black people have never felt any connection to this country even when they don't live in the ghetto. Their success in their minds is countercultural. The agressiveness you see is from deep seated feelings of innate worthlessness. They are just as racist against themselves as you.
The plurality of European-Americans are Germans.
Stop talking like a System Shock 2 npc
Yes, but it is also a reflection of their innate low intelligence.
You would think Holla Forums would certainly measure up in intelligence and capitalist success, as so goes your "conventional logic", but you really don't see it. The reality is opposite. Many live with their parents, and have become "internet educated". Many are home schooled, many are simply alien to any idea of thriving in the society they contradictingly defend.
By all means, you are less successful than nigger you hate.
Doesn't that make Holla Forums, the real nigger of the world?
Yes, Africans are well known for success.
Compared to the demographics of Holla Forums, yes. They are known to be far more employable than Holla Forums.
Yet they have succesfully destroyed your society
better change your trip to shaniqua to match your racial theories
This would provide limitless keks. I support this move.
I didn't know calling Holla Forums what they are, which is what they criticize, was a theory
And not just a well accepted fact
it's ahead of time, comparative ironical post-colonial critical attentionwhoring theory, do the progress
you're already sort of trans-pol in your identitarianism and living circumstances, so you could just as well provide another incremental breakthrough by embracing your identity as shaniqua
I haven't seen any demographic statistics on Holla Forums, but I highly doubt that this is true.
Western Europeans and European-Americans haven't had our own societies since we lost WWII to the Jews. Our societies have been run for the benefit of non-Europeans for about 70 years.
Just take their word on it
It's time we put it to a vote
they are irredeemable and uncurable
I've been banned from that page for calling them out on their rampant liberalism
It's like r/socialism but everyone acts like the mods
How can you be this fucking stupid
And why is that? Are whites too low lQ to do anything against the semitic master race? Does their utter submissiveness against the "global jew" prove their innate cuckoldry?
Here fam
does Freudposter run that group?
this sort of realization bares heavily on your ideology also, in which everything becomes bourgeois and needs to be smashed as punishment
what about reptilians?
Same thing, more or less. Earth's kike population is essentially made out of a hybrid between primate and Reptilian DNA
Thanks that is really nice.
Threads like this are counter productive
Lmao, who do you take me for, an altruist? I dont follow the prole = good bourgy = = bad ideology, might is right, if the bourgy is on power is due to the utter lack of revolutionary from the proletariat
So you accept the goyim is inferior then?
Does that mean you should not pursue your groups ineterests?
exactly, and they deserve every break in, smashed car and drug overdose hospital bill for it
someone posted an essay here awhile go, life in the cracks, it perfectly demonstrates the anarchist cuckolds rage at the proles who don't love the guy that is good for them, who go for the bad bourg instead
Hey say any of that is true, do you realize the system and the tool that gives them such power is capitalism?
How about overthrowing the system that allows such powerful ruling classes in the first place?
i don't get it, if Holla Forumsypes hate jews so much, why did they put them in office?
Trump is the biggest pro jews in decades, i don't think we've aver had a president that was this much blindly pro Zionist
That spooked me
Im not judging anyone, if the dumb proles (like yourself) wants to suck cappies while accepting the confortable lies be my guest, never did I implied the proles kust have an anarchist leader
it's not like you wanted her any, she's a dirty slut for going with the bad bourg
Are you projecting again?
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this?
Yes. They are far worse. Because calling someone a nigger or a cunt is at worse simply rude, but telling someone you want to kill/imprison them is an actual expression of violence.
If brain size to relative body ratio was an accurate measurement of intelligence, elephants and whales should be the ones running the joint instead of humans.
It is still too early to tell. This war isn't over yet.
Capitalism isn't a system, it is the natural distribution of resources according to genetic capital accumulated over evolutionary history. Certain endogamous clans, tribes, castes, classes and races will always be better at accumulating wealth and power than the general population due to genetic differences in intelligence and industriousness. Centralized state control of the economy is no antidote to this, quite the contrary.
You are erroneously conflating support for Jews overseas with support for Jews within our own borders. Trump has had an overwhelmingly negative impact on the Jewish colonists within the U.S., he has de-legitimized their media, begun to purge them from the state bureaucracy and will soon defund academia. Besides, Israeli Jews are mostly low-IQ Mizrahi Arabs, no serious threat to Europeans.
Redpill me on Palestine
So Jews are the master race and you're okay with them running everything? No, it's a bit more complicated than that you piece of shit lolbert
Wrong. Humans have the highest brain-to-body mass ratio.
Haven't you heard? Everyone on the internet is Jewish but you.
Hah then why are there no more T-rexs? Idiot.
Brocialists BTFO'd forreal
Mental Illness only exists as long as society and the individual """"""afflicted"""""" say that it does.
Palestinians are worthless low-IQ brown people, and so are most Israelis. If the entire middle-east was exterminated and repopulated with Europeans, the world would be a better place.
Man you seem to really fucking like this grand narrative of history but have you actually read any history or anthropology to understand why different people lived different lives and how the development of their material means and modes of production made them what they are?
Holy fucking shit, if the jews do at least a third of what you say they do then why aren't they the master race?
You have no idea what communism is, read a book.
I see. So Palestinians are just the chosen people's chess pieces in the great game?
I thought "mental illness doesn't exist" was the SJW position? Whatever who can keep track. It probably was two years ago and now saying it will make you a pariah.
Nah mental illness and LARPing as mentally ill has been a huge backbone of deep tumblr. People who deny its existence seem to crop up everywhere though.
It is obviously better to be ruled by genetically related elites rather than foreign elites, but European aristocratic elites are still genetically distinct from the general population.
I think there is a point where post…structuralism, is where I think we are at now, begins to disintegrate. If you've ever dealt with someone having a psychotic episode you know that mental illness is real.
I thought it was normies and the super religious that denied mental illness?
I thought it was supposed to be like mental illness doesn't exist in the same sense that sex doesn't exist.
For those who don't know what a psychotic episode is
Large animals are more vulnerable to mass extinctions. Nothing larger than a mouse survived the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event.
Ahh holy fuck his voice
Those people are just the eternal cunts of every conversation.
Nah there was a big phase of distinguishing between neurotypical and neuroatypical on there, unfortunately kiwifarms got taken down so I can't find any particularly mindblowing examples for you.
Huh so I guess you could say that their small brain size saved them. Perhaps it will be black people who save us all when the dinosaurs come back?
graphs that don't start at zero are my favorite 'misleading statistics' technique
Evolutionary forces apply to humans, just like any other population. Harsh winters tend to select for intelligence and planning ability in agricultural populations. Genes for social success tend to accumulate in elite castes due to selective breeding. Almost all human inequality can be understood through biology.
Ashkenazim aren't really a race, merely a tiny merchant clan.
No they don't. I'm guessing you like Rushton, and thus you are referring to the r/k theory. Besides experiments with various types of fruit flies done by Joseph Graves proving that r/k isn't an accurate evolutionary theory (and thus, why it isn't referenced nearly as often now). It's very possible, that African countries were stabler than the cold climates Europeans inhabited. Rushton provides no evidence otherwise (because he is a psychologist, and not an anthropologist nor geneticist). Even if r/k were an accurate theory, Rushton would be applying it backwards.
Here's an example of how cultural bias can affect Autism Level scores. Notice the disparity between the Irish travelers, and landed immigrants.
The graph actually shows that crows were smarter the tyrannosaurs. The further above the green line, the smarter.
I just remebered you were from the last thread, posting your inane drivel about how "Capitalism doesn't real" because genetics. You should get off Holla Forums, you're loosing it Hans.
Roberts, Dorothy (2011). Fatal Invention. London, New York: The New Press.
Lee et al. 2008:
Harrison, Guy (2010). Race and Reality. Amherst: Prometheus Books. "Race is a poor empirical description of the patterns of difference that we encounter within our species. The billions of humans alive today simply do not fit into neat and tidy biological boxes called races. Science has proven this conclusively. The concept of race (…) is not scientific and goes against what is known about our ever-changing and complex biological diversity."
Comparing the lowest caste of indigenous Europeans to a non-representative sample of foreign colonists is not disprove existence of biological group-differences in intelligence.
Oh but it is. Besides your ignorance of history, how production (especially early production) does not exist in a vacuum where outside influences can't change the distribution of wealth, the most offensive part of your post if your ignorance of Marx. Since you are incapable of reading anything besides pop evo-psych books, you seem to have the impression that Marx spends 2000 pages in Capital writing polemics and moralizing about how bad inequality is. I'd explain what he actually aims to accomplish, but that would probably be doing you a disservice.
I never said it did moron. I was showing how cultural differences can manifest themselves as between group differences even when there is no such genetic origin. Another example is how Chinese people seem to have a higher frequency of perfect pitch than whites. This could be due to genetics. However in the absence of musical training before the age of 6, this difference does not manifest. Of course, the inverse can also be true. The point is, something as polygenic as Autism Level, aggressiveness, copulation etc are not traits that can be reduced to "lol niggers". But I'm sure the Autism Level's of Siberian refugee-children who don't speak English, is representative of an entire continental group.
Probably true but also everyone who says that tends to be a racist reactionary so not really gonna blame anyone for jumping down your throat about it.
Indigenous lower castes rarely have the genetic capital to replace their own elites, as elites usually have in place a meritocratic mechanism which absorbs the high-functioning genetic outliers which emerge from their lower castes. Communism is merely a mechanism by which the lower classes are fooled into replacing their own elites with a new genocidally hostile foreign elite.
Your graph doesn't show anything of the sort.
how do they do it?
1. Harsh winters killed off the stupid and lazy, as in all of Northern Europe
2. A long history of high population densities starved off the lower classes and replaced them with downwardly mobile elites, a process of eugenic caste replacement.
I don't know what your word salad is trying to say. If you're trying to say Capitalism is meritocratic I'm going to have to reply with a resounding "no". If you want to have a conversation about this, please don't post meme-tier pictures about Jews.
The landed Irish immigrants have normal CAT scores, the Irish immigrants are nigger-tier. Keep playing word games though, I'm thoroughly enjoying it.
According to this thread the jews deserve to control white populations, as they are both culturally and genetically superior, yet the person making these qbsolutely abhorrent post is a nazi, is there anything I am missing or what?
Capitalism is the definition of meritocracy. The free exchange of goods and services advantages those with superior intelligence and industriousness. Don't blame capitalism if you are a lazy drug-addled philosophy major. Engineers are doing just fine.
Travellers are a half-gypsy clan of criminal vagrants, they are not genetically representative of Irish.
But racists are here with us to this day. This must mean something
Yet engineers receive a minor part of the value they generate since shareholders and proprietors get most of it
You truly are a dumb fucking cuck
Only if they can continue to avoid getting exterminated in the attempt.
But the holocaust never happened :^}
Pipe dreams of the age.
That's not what Capitalism is though. Capitalism begins with the enclosure movements and game laws, where the peasnats were pushed off their common property by the state (which if you call this meritocratic, I don't know what to tell you). Then, the state enforced harsh game laws to force people into becoming wage slaves. Marx covers this all in his section of Capital Volume 1 "The Secret of Primitive Accumulation". Capitalism begins when the great mass of people are divorced from the means of production, until then it does not. I'm sorry that you think you understand anything about the Marxist critique of Capitalism. Here, have a book you need it.
I'd like you to provide some empirical support that the Irish traveller's are genetically distinct enough from the indigenous Irish population, to the extent that intelligence testing ends up creating disparity between the two equivalent to the disparity between continental groups (keep in mind: continental groups have a genetic variance of about .0016).
How comes the media depicts this guy as dumb? If he's against the jews but says shit like this, you think even the liars would be caught out.
liberals are fucking disgusting
He says dumb shit to his voters, like the wall will protect them from dem ebil mexicans. But that is confusing cynicism with foolishness.
also "liberal caricature" is far too kind - they fully fetishize these other cultures
and then they get mad about being called out for their disgusting behaviour and pretend to be more-socialist-than-thou over it
It's the Jews suppressing the true narrative tbh.
The "means of production" aren't factories and raw materials, but the high intelligence required to organize complex systems. The majority of the world's population is divorced from the "means of production" on a biological level.
The variance in intelligence within the castes of a single tribe can rival that of continental racial differences in average intelligence.
so you basically just threw away your whole race = Autism Level argument out the window now
Lel this faggot actually belives he can farm withou t a farm or equipment, just with intelligence alone
We ESP now
Also i'd like to point that link you posted BTFO your argument that travellers are half Gypsies.
No. They are. You are wrong. You can't change definitions to win an argument. What would you like to call "factories and raw material" then? That is what I am referring to.
That isn't what I was asking and I'm aware of the hypothesis regarding the origins of Irish travelers. I was asking for empirical support that the reason we observed this variance in intelligence was primarily due to genetics.
The existence of a low-IQ individual, family, caste or tribe within the European racial group does not disprove the existence of differences in average intelligence between the races.
Redistributing raw materials and equipment to low-IQ individuals will not result in the redistribution of wealth. The limiting factor in production is intelligence. The average laborer can only perform repetitive tasks in exchange for a wage, the average laborer does not have the capacity to visualize the complex systems of suppliers and consumers, an understanding of which is required for a successful economic enterprise.
Mere tools.
You are asking for a complete accounting of every intelligence-related genetic difference between endogamous human populations. This information is still being gathered, expect this data to be available within twenty years.
Which is why the jew rule over the european goyim, right?
that should be pretty obvious famalam
can you even fucking read?
The Ashkenazi rules over the goyim because our leaders have been derelict in their duty of keeping out hostile foreign aliens.
You are pretty moronic my man. No one ever said that communism was about redistribution wealth, yet you keep harping on this strawman. Instead of trying to counter you inane determinist bullshit with theoretical arguments, I'll just post empirical evidence that contradicts you. Here's empirical support that Democratically controlled worker cooperatives are more effecient than privately owned business. uk.coop
Then let's collectivize the ownership of "mere tools".
Are you saying the european goyim cant defend itself against stronger willed jews? Are you saying europeans can't compete?
It is a fact that jews are a minority yet control most of the resorucs, services and industry
Why should superior jewish worry about low lQ europeans?
Wasn't north europe in general a unimportant shithole until very recently in historical terms?
Empirical support would mean the actual existence of viable worker cooperatives. I've never heard of one.
Many state owned industries already exist, though they aren't known for being particularly profitable or efficient.
Ashkenazim aren't a race, merely a parasitic merchant clan. Ashkenazim require a host population to provide them with labor. Ashkenazim are periodically expelled by their host when their parasitism becomes intolerable, as such Ashkenazim spend much time worrying about low-IQ Europeans.
it just proves that race isn't a factor in intelligence.
if the Autism Level variation among races overlap each others.
So I guess that means they don't exist right?
You're intellectually bankrupt. I'll respond if you give me something of substance, but if you continue your string of pseudo-intellectual shitposting then you're on your own.
you don't believe in Atlantis which is norther than the north pole, you stupid nigger?
Not related to the coops but fucking read this.
Damn, look at this low lQ savage mad at superior individuals, reminds me of BLMA glorious uprisings
This is true. Northern Europe did not have sufficient population density to support complex social specialization until relatively recently. It was not until the introduction of the heavy plow during the late middle-ages that Northern European soils could be made to support high population densities. After this point, the innate genetic superiority of Northern Europeans has allowed them to surpass southern peoples in all measures of civilizational achievement.
I would KILL for a dumbed down Bioshock like remake of System Shock 2 with gorgeous graphics.
It would also do better financially than all the Bioshock's combined. SS2's story and atmosphere are way more alluring and creepy, shame about the gameplay and graphics.
The north/south Autism Level cline is a fact of nature. Even Northern Japanese are taller, smarter and less violent than Southern Japanese.
So you are saying that material conditions can determine a demographic's outcome? Wewlad
Why were nordics living in mudhuts while southern europeans were controlling global trade then?
Do you know what's my problem with your gay-ass "race realist" narrative? First you tell me that nignogs deserve to be fucked cuz muh statistics. Then you start telling me that jews are opressing whites (because they are smarter), so we need to fuck them. But with this move, you would disturb the natural order of things. And if you have the right to do so, because the natural order isn't that important, then what's the point of comparing races? Aren't these groups just random people fighting with each other for no fucking reason (if they do it at all)?
Jewish superiority is RACIST!!
Bookchin comes to the rescue yet again
but cold wether makes you smarter!
By the logic, Inuits and Nenets must be god-men far in advance of white Europeans.
No it doesn't. Caste-IQ variation within a race only proves that genetic differences in intelligence can evolve more rapidly than physical characteristics.
Logic would suggest that if worker-run cooperatives were economically viable, then many of the products which we consume would be produced by such organizations. The fact that no such organizations actually exist indicates that they are not competitive with conventional industries and are therefore not economically viable.
Population density has always been a very important limiting factor on civilizational complexity. If you have too few people, most of your population must be involved in food production and you cannot support a large surplus population of the skilled specialists which make civilization possible.
Intelligence beyond a certain minimum threshold does not benefit hunter-gatherers. The correlation applies more strongly to agricultural peoples, who must engage in extensive long-term planning in order to survive harsh winters.
I only tell you that Europeans deserve to exist in peace without hostile foreign parasites bleeding them dry at every level of society.
No they dont, they are inferior lifeforms because they have lower lQ than jews, they are subhumans incapable of peaceful coexistant as showed by the two world wars
They must be erradicated because they stop the progress of the superior jewish genetics
Do you understand that the national bourgeoisie, even though they may ostensibly support the nation, just as """Communist""" leaders ostensibly believe in Marx, are "foreign" in a very real sense as well? There are going to be Great Men exceptions, but they are always going to be exceptions in both cases. They are fundamentally detached from the vast mass of the people who you identify with as your nation under the extreme inequality that capitalism tends to produce, their position creates a perspective that is totally warped relative to everyone else. They run in different circles, they go to different clubs. Look at the Davos billionaire Ted Talk clique. If you can understand how liberal intellectuals can believe to the bottom of their soul that they represent a particular ideology, yet due to their cloistered and dare I say priviledged status, they seem to act very differently to what you might expect if they were truly honest about it? (Which is what smart nationalists like Trump and Bannon are exploiting hard right now. The wealthy civil society establishment are blind to themselves and it's made them vulnerable to this kind of out-maneuvering.) It's a matter of perspective. You can combat the front of the ideology of internationalism at the top but you can't do anything about the already interconnected global bourgeoisie.
On an unrelated note. Check out facebook.com
for non-sectarian leftist memes.
The fact that no such organizations actually exist
Correlation ain't causation. It only shows that the Travellers were sufficiently isolated to create a measurable drift from Ireland's main population. You've yet to prove that thoses difference are relevant to lower 1Q scores.
Ashkenazim are just a merchant clan, not a viable independent race. Ashkenazim lack many of the characteristics required for survival as a viable agricultural population.
1. Ashkenazim are physically weak and effeminate, they make for very poor laborers and soldiers.
2. Ashkenazim lack the instinct for blood and soil, making them especially ineffective at guarding their racial hygiene.
70% of Western Ashkenazim intermarry with Europeans, and 70% of Israeli Ashkenazim intermarry with Mizrahi Arabs. Ashkenazim have no future as a distinct population, if current trends continue they will be completely extinct within 150 years. The goal is merely to prevent Ashkenazim from taking Europeans down with them.
You mean they are not spooked like you are?
They can always use dumb goyim like you to plow the fields
Yet they control the media, resources and industry and rule over you, it seem to me like you are just an angry chimp tho
Or are you implying facts are racist?
This is a real problem, but I will say that before the Ashkenazi infiltration, European elites were expected to embody a certain "noblesse oblige" towards their lower classes. It is their intermixing with the Ashkenazi foreigner which has made our elites so genocidally hostile to their own working classes.
The solution may be to break up all endogamous breeding pools. To force all elites to marry into the lower classes, therefore ensuring that Autism Level is evenly distributed within the population and that all high-IQ outliers have close family ties to people of typical intelligence, decreasing the probability of elite treachery.
Why should the nobility care about peasants? European peasants are of lower lQ than their jewish masters
The low lQ europeans lack the ability to developma peaceful society unless they are ruled by their jewish overlords, there is no reason to pollute the gene pool of the ruling class with such chimps
Or are you saying this is racism?
So you explain the caracteristics of the Askhenazis (and we should act according to those), but first tell me that they are not a race?
That's a myth. Jews are cunning, but they're far from the brightest, otherwise most advances in art and science would be Jewish instead of European.
How the fuck do you figure hunting and fishing requires less "long term planning" than agriculture?
But by your logic, that would just make whites more of a master race race, right? I mean you won't need physical power nowadays to be succesful.
Oh man, if this trolling well played.
Maybe you could give >>>/liberalpol/ a try, chimp
Consider what Soros says in his infamous 60 Minutes interview: If it wasn't him it'd be someone else. In a sense he is correct. Now he comes across as a psychopath of course, but he could also be a true believer (which is how many liberals see him), seeing everything he does as some kind of a means to an end of some Greater Good. The point is, at this level of power there is little difference between an opportunistic psychopath and a true believer, they are functionally indistinguishable, and interchangeable. The fact is they exist pulling the strings in different directions for private reasons we'll never be able to truly understand, and that they do not understand on a deep level themselves (perfect introspection is a pipe dream).
This is why Marxists emphasize structure: The structure of global finance capital is what allows this incoherent situation to exist. When you seek to counter-hegemonically oppose this trajectory in favor of a return to the national question, you are ironically in a sense practicing a form of Cultural Marxism. What you seem to be intending to do is reform the ethnonational constitution of the global bourgeoisie, in hope that ethnic or national tribal affiliations will somehow reform the rest of the structure, allowing you and the people closest to you to live a life unmolested and in a more organic and peaceful unity.
While such modifications may produce a distinct structure, with a somewhat different logic due to the differences in ideology, it will still ultimately reproduce what is favorable to itself in a way that is alien to deeper human concerns for the majority of the world. Your reified nations will still be epiphenomenal to this, just with ostensible nationalism embedding itself into the prevailing civil establishment ideology. But capital is nothing if not flexible, and this will begin to function in the same way ideology under capitalism always does, the same way you see liberal progressive globalist ideology: to conceal the truth in favor of power, rather than to shed light on it. Capitalism coopts every organic social movement under it.
It may be more likely to favor the evolution into a world based on goods such as justice and truth, rather than greed and exploitation, (there's that "Cultural Marxism" again), but it's very difficult to see this in advance. It's an extraordinarily complex situation, because of the ongoing complexification of the world, and all easier answers, while tantalizing, are likely to be catastrophic in the long run.
Very interesting, this is the first example of a functional worker-owned enterprise which I have seen. I suspect that its success at least partially due to the particularly high in-group solidarity among the Basques, as well as the exceptional intelligence of the Basques. Are there any other examples?
As things stand, I couldn't prove to you that genetics are the reason that humans are smarter than Chimpanzees. We have enough supporting evidence to suggest that low-IQ genetic castes can exist within racial populations, the Indian population is largely composed of such castes.
First, there are already tons of worker cooperatives, a major one being the Mondragon Corporation that was already linked to you.
Second, I find it highly amusing that in the same post where you praise snowniggers for their "long term planning", you claim that because things are a certain way in the here and now, that is how they must and will always necessarily be.
That's because you're an idiot who can't differentiate between is and ought.
Ok, then why are there so many jewish scientists? Is there some kind of jewish plot to invent shit?
Other examples:
Non exhaustive
The genetic difference between chimps and humans is far more greater than the one between humans populations. And most of the genetic variation in mankind lies within each population not between them.
Honestly, I'm a former Ashkenazi nationalist who has lost hope for long-term Ashkenazi survival and have become a transgoy.
Automation might make Ashkenazim into a viable race, though total dependence on thinking machines would be no less a precarious existence than a dependence on non-Ashkenazi helots.
I actually suggested the complete eradication of all endogamous elite castes through state controlled selective breeding, in order to increase the general level of absyiah within the race, not some ineffectual movement for moral reform among elites.
The process can be paired with a general eugenic program.
Maoist-tier totalitarian pipe dream. In order for this to be successful and not a monstrosity as such state driven eugenics programs tend to always become, you would have to have already achieved your end goal. The bourgeoisie and the majority of any free populace would never submit to it. Take the example of sterilization program in Peru under Fujimori, a regular neoliberal puppet. It was initially backed enthusiastically by various organs of the global liberal establishment, then, inevitably, became a house of horrors. en.wikipedia.org
fam, autistic totalitarian shitposting is the reason this board exists.
It could be implemented without direct violence. Any high-IQ child who is a product of two high-IQ parents would be passed over for positions of power in favor of a high-IQ child with a low-IQ parent, therefore ensuring some solidarity between the ruling and the ruled. Those born into endogamous elite castes may be forced to wear an identification badge of some sort, in order to identify them as potentially untrustworthy and disloyal to the racial collective.
I am sick and tired of ineffectual talk about redistributing tractors and hammers, while ignoring the genetic capital which lies behind actual human power.
I don't see any problem, other than a bunch of 🍀🍀🍀((international organizations🍀🍀🍀)) who advocate for global dygenics autistically screeching about it. Fujimori did nothing wrong, other than being a subhuman gook.
You appear to be getting emotional. Also, your argument appears to be pro-"mongrelization", which I thought was what Holla Forums was freaking out about as being the neoliberal end game in the first place. I'm saying, structurally it's impossible. You need your high-Asabiyyah (proofs this is a legit concept and not just impressionistic mysticism?) global order in place before you can start implementing anything like this, and you seem to at least somewhat concede my argument that the structural international clique will still exist because the system allows it to exist. You can remove Intenrational Jewry and there'll still be psychopaths socially engineering everything according to the platform capital affords them. Your adherence to a evolutionary psychological cultural determinism is as autistic as any dogmatic economistic Marxist. It's just simply more complicated than that.
And the part of the ruling class disserviced by that would let you do it because?
Nobody said that everyone would have to live in a prison cell regardless of ability.
We can draw the line at liquidating the untrustworthy and Jew-infested European elite castes. We can then proceed to exterminate all non-Europeans from the planet and create a global European utopia.
No shit. The elites would nuke the planet before they agreed to relinquish their genetic capital.
No shit. Like-thinking people must in power before any of the relevant policies are implemented. Same with any ideology.
We cannot control those who are smarter than us, this is axiomatic. We can only structure society in such a way as to maximize the loyalty of elites to their people.
They never would tbh. Unlike the redistribution of tractors and factories, the redistribution of genetic capital is an actual threat to elite dominance. We can only hope that enough intelligent people are born into lower-class families in order to form a vanguard of the movement for the redistribution of genetic capital, rather than simply being bought out and marrying into the elite castes while loudly demanding the redistribution of tractors, as leftists have been doing for generations.
The current trajectory is toward a European-Ashkenazi hybrid elite ruling over masses of non-white subhumans until the brown helots are finally replaced with machines and sterilized. Working class Europeans are to be bred into this brown helot mass, the only threat to the eternal dominance of a soulless (()(managerial elite)()) doomed to become mogrelized service drones while hurtling towards an evolutionary dead end.
You're the gift that keeps on giving!
Not gonna happen.
You honestly think they are preternaturally smarter than us? Sure you have to be pretty smart to be a player. But it's several orders of magnitude away from some kind of social Darwinist meritocracy.
Why do you think that the meme of global cognitive uniformity is so feverishly promoted? It isn't to protect the dull-witted subhumans, but the elites themselves. Every elite passes through a bottleneck of extensive Autism Level testing, then proceed to proclaim that everyone who failed to achieve elite status is either: A) a lazy rural redneck if European or B) oppressed by rural rednecks if brown. It is a swindle of epic proportions.
You clearly haven't spent much time around actual elites. It is not uncommon for typical elites to have achieved perfect SAT scored before the age of 13. Since the introduction of Autism Level testing of all American students through the SAT, we have had an almost perfect meritocracy, where all possible threats to elite dominance are efficiently co-opted and absorbed into the elite caste. Over the last few decades, we have been seeing leeching of elite genes from all over the country and their concentration in elite coastal strongholds. The genetic capital of the populace has been looted, allowing social, political and economic inequality to reach the point where the elite have decided that it was safe to simply replace their working classes with feral brown people. This is a war over the distribution of genes, and it is overdue for the enemy spend some time on the receiving end.
Wait so why are you against it
Wait I didn't give a shit about your post enough to more than skim it.
Never mind, I was just insinuating that you were a moron
Because the traits that determine reproductive success in fruit flies are the same as the ones that determine reproductive success in humans.
Pretty good posts.
Don’t bother with groups like SLBOK and associated pages. Leftbook is an idpol garbage fire circle jerks where white liberals LARPing accuse you of being white and ban you for saying “dumb.”
Mistyped. I meant “garbage fire circle jerk” where “white liberals LARPing as leftists”
I want normies to leave
tbh, kike mods banned me from Holla Forums for speaking out against D&C infiltrators.
Surprise surprise
I can almost smell the liberalism.
Actually if you clicked on the empirical study I linked you, you would see that worker cooperatives are on average larger, more capital intensive and tend to last longer or just as long as private businesses.
Nevertheless, I screenshotted you acting like a retard and I'm going to make it into a meme. Thank you for that.
Kek, you understand nothing of evolution. Besides the fact that you were completely BTFO by your own link you provided (by insisting that travelers were half gyspy) genetic variation in intelligence does not evolve in 200 years. You are just spouting psuedoscience and posting graphs. You have yet to link to an academic journal, or provide the input of a geneticist
What theory do you have to support this? Certainly not r/k which Rushton uses, because that would state the opposite. The turbulent environment would emphasize reproduction over selective breeding.
I don't think you understand what r/k is. It's supposed to apply to most organisms. The point was the experimental evidence made r/k irrelevant. It doesn't appear that the Holla Forumsyp is using a theory that has any experimental support, he's using a reversed and debunked r/k theory to support his notion that cold climate always leads to higher intelligence. He is wrong, and he knows he is wrong. That is why he kept posting graphs instead of addressing post with substance. He was only good for the meme material he provided.
and by evolve, I mean "evolve" to the extent you are painting it to have. To be some irreversible, and forever immutable quality of that bloodline.
Wow, that's a bit harsh.
You can take a look at this fresh paper if you have nothing better to do: link.springer.com
Mostly Richard Lynn's work. (Currently he's the only scientist openly pursuing this topic)
Rushton's r/k theories were largely bullshit, they just don't work very well for slow-breeding megafauna like humans. As far as I know, no one takes r/k selection in humans seriously anymore.
Accept for the fact that latitude and duration of agricultural lifestyle are both highly correlated with certain cognitive and physical traits in both Asia and Europe.
Science is rapidly approaching the point where race and intelligence denial will become untenable intellectual positions. Perhaps you ought to consider adopting a world-view which does not hinge on the denial of reality.
If worker cooperatives are indeed so effective, why are they less prevalent than conventional enterprises? What are their disadvantages?
If you have to bring genetics into a political discussion, you basically admit that your platform has no merit.
Politics is a discussion about how humans live their lives and how humans arrange their societies. The innate variations in the fundamental characteristics of the human animal strike me as highly relevant to the discussion of how humanity should be ordered and manipulated. Your comment is akin to saying "If you have to bring engine blueprints into a discussion of engine repairs, you basically admit that your mechanical skills have no merit".
Most liberals are rich. That's why they won't address the economical issue.
I will respond to the article specifically. I'm reading through it now, and waiting to see if they pull the evo psych "the mind is like a computer" framework that is typically used in evo psych It's wrong.
It is not my job to explain why worker cooperative are not prevalent to you. My point was to contradict your nonsense that that workers are unable to handle the workplace. I provided you empirical support to my position. Instead of reading it, you plugged you ears and went "LALALA". I think your deductive approach to economics encapsulates your approach to the sciences.
That being said, you have provided me with good meme material so I will humor you. If you look at Capitalism as a historical process, there are multiple explanations. For one, workers did not typically have access to the credit or grants that are now available. They were also in a vulnerable position because the surplus population that puts pressure on the employed was developed enough to do its job. After the two world wars, employees had much more leverage over their employers due to a shortage of workers. This led to higher wages. This was also proceeded by the Keynesian longboom. This led to the working class becoming richer, and banks typically being more willing to approve loans for businesses and give out credit for everyday consumption.
In other words, while "the worker cooperative" was developed during the 19th century it didn't have a chance to create a promising formula in practice until very recently. There is also, popular prejudice against worker cooperatives. Viewing them as inefficient when that is far from a deserved reputation.
Of course, this is just you deflecting. You know you are wrong, and that is why you won't open what I sent you and read it with an open mind. The evidence contradicts you, and you are playing logic games desperately trying to escape.
I'll addres the rest of this after I read the article. I also specifically said for you to send me something by a geneticist or anthropologist. Not Mr. Anti-Pc Evopsych professor.
The behavior itself can't really be denied, but how we appreciate and label the behavior has mostly been arbitrary. "Mental illness" has changed substantially over the ages and across cultures. I think we're doing something right be focusing on functioning (e.g., if your condition is fucking up your life), but it's very easy to slip into conflating the diagnosis for the behavior and individual or to assume that all of it is biologically rooted and that it's a "medical problem." For example, if workers want to kill themselves, maybe it's not because they are "biologically predisposed to depression" or psychotic, maybe it's just because capitalism fucking sucks and they are acting in a perfectly rational manner in response to dehumanization, alienation, and oppression.
The myth of annudah shoah is a zionist plot to get everybody to hate white people.
Great. I don't care. Do you have a theory with experimental support to back that up? No?
Now, I'll start picking apart the article here:
Now this argument baffles me. For one, the studies they link to have nothing to do with the meaning of the genetic variation between ethnic groups, but merely points out that ethic identity clusters. Weiss and Fullerton point out (anth.la.psu.edu
In other words, if you sample 20 people form these regions you find genetic clusters. But if you sample individuals between these regions, the clusters will change. "Clusters" do not vindicate race as useful because clusters are also completely arbitrary.
Clusters does not change the fact that even when looked at as continental groups, the vast majority of genetic variation occurs between individuals in the same population and not between them. See PDF related. Lee (2008) samples 650,000 SNP's. The argument is race obscures all this variation, not "muh feelz". Science is not cinema, so comparing methodology to movie genres is not compelling.
cont in a minute.
Another thing I see this article doing quite often, is citing sources that are completely unrelated to geneticists. Economic history books, other evo psych papers, etc.
Regarding the heritability of Autism Level, while Autism Level has a heritability of about 50-70% on average, we must be weary of how we conduct the testing, and cultural differences when looking at not only between group diferences, but within groups. A study (Keen,2013) finds scottbarrykaufman.com
coefficient and cultural load, formulated within g
theory (including the investment hypothesis), is to
assume that the acquisition of crystallized abilities is considerably
more cognitively demanding than is the solving
of items from even the most complex fluid subtests, such
that crystallized-test performance eventually depends
more strongly on g than does fluid-test performance. This assumption leaves unanswered the degree of cognitive demand required in the acquisition of crystalized abilities, such as vocabulary. In addition, the assumption does not automatically provide an account for the increase in heritability of Autism Level (Haworth et al., 2010).
In other words, a analysis of most twin studies conducted found evidence for a societal component.
Anyway, I don't see what this paper was supposed to provide me with. It seems like the idea that race is a useful category to make distinctions between the obvious disparities in "pan-human nature" rest on their biological argument, which they fail to prove. They're also unsure of how that pan-human nature might've been established, and unable to allow for the fact that cultural differences could very likely be completely societal.
Why did you send me this? Are you purposefully trying to waste my time?
ethnicities can identity with clusters*
If you are interested in genetics, I recommend that you go through Razib Khan's blog. If you'd like to know something specific on the topic of genetics, I can dig it up for you.
If you are interested in anthropology I recommend Greg Cochran's blog: westhunt.wordpress.com
Current technologies and resources only allow us to do evolutionary experiments with small, fast-breeding lab animals, though I'm all for walling off Detroit for 50,000 winters as an evolutionary experiment.
I have brown hair, my sister has blonde hair. Therefore there is more genetic variation in hair color within my family than within the entire Bantu race. The human race is composed of 7 billion diverse individuals. There is more genetic variation within the human race than there is between humans and Chimpanzees. So what? This whole line of argument is grounded in context denial, random genetic variation doesn't tell us much, it is the structure within the variation which allows us to extract meaningful information from the genome.
No it hasn't. It merely found a non-heritable component. This is mostly due to random post-recombination non-gamete cellular mutations which cannot be transmitted by sexual reproduction.
I justed wanted to see how much Talmudic reasoning you were able to generate in order avoid the conclusion that you were just an avaricious intellectual desperately trying justify the preservation of your genetic capital. The paper details a broad range of genetic correlations with sociologically relevant human characteristics, I was just hoping that you would try a new tactic rather than complete denial.
Yes. Do you have a theory to support your hypothesis that has some experimental support or not? Your race realism stands or falls with a theory to back it up. If experiments on fruit flies can disprove r/k, I'm sure you can find something. Right?
No, the problem is you think any variance between continental groups no matter how small it is vindicates race realism. It does not. Neither does clustering, as I pointed out. Self identifying with a cluster, even though the "K" variable is set by the researcher does not tell us much and it doesn't serve as a good "base" for the rest of the article to work off of. Are they just being dishonest (like you)? Humans are more similar to each other than Chimpanzees are to humans. The difference between the human and chimp genome is about 4% (genome.cshlp.org
You didn't read it. The researchers argue that their findings should be though of "in terms of genotype-environment covariance, in which cognitive abilities and knowledge dynamically feed off each other".
HAHAHAHAHA. Unlike you, who when presented with empirical evidence that contradicted your world view responded with a resounding "nu-uh". Give me a break.
If you refer to "heritability" which is probbly the term you saw in several studies, i advise you to read this:
All this science talk is hard to understand for a north european goy like me.
I also find it hilarious that one of your infrographs uses Lynn's data on national Autism Level, as if that data is completely uncontroversial. It isn't. . nature.com
And I'm going to sleep now and this will be my last post in this thread for the night at least:
Yes, the structure of the .0016% of variation that takes place between continental groups could hold the secret to the nigger gene you are looking for. In the same vein, race realism consist of drawing up spurious correlation, using data with lots of holes in it (see ), relying on variants of single genes that form a a fraction of a polygenic trait like "collectivism" or "IQ" to reach grand conclusions about our psyche, and then going on to claim the only logical conclusion is peaceful ethnic cleansing.
Of course, just like with your "Just wait 25 years!" comment the final appeal and claim to infallible logic is the fact that we "just don't know yet dude". We can't rule out that a tiny amount of genetic variation is the difference between human and sub-human, because race realist are lazy researchers who usually consist of psychologist instead of actual geneticists. Never-mind the other theories we have to explain between group differences. Climate, geographical, species available for domestication, trade, etc. It must be the elusive nigger/kike/chink/arab/aryan gene.
It's funny, talking to you. A theoretically bankrupt NEET, who thinks by spending hours a day reading pop Evo-psych articles written by college professors, you will one day become educated enough and learn the deepest secrets of the human race so that you, along with the rest of 8pol can serve as the vanguard who will lead the aryan race to victory against the non-whites and communist. I know you very well; you're a Holla Forumsyp. I've dealt with a million of you, and will deal with a million more.
Now, I'm off to read theory and then go to bed.
Like I said, it is difficult to conduct evolutionary experiments with megafauna. We must rely on natural experiments: evoandproud.blogspot.se
That information is out of date.
If we accept that human populations vary by 0.5% (a number which is constantly being revised upwards due to a growing data-pool) and we take Australopithecus africanus to be an intermediate lineage between humans and chimps (divergence with chimps occurred 5-6mya, and with Australopithecus 2-3mya), then we can uncontroversially say that there is more genetic diversity within the human genome than there is between humans and australopithecus africanus.
Moreover, if we just arbitrarily increased human population size, we could achieve enough random human genetic variation to make the same argument for any primate. So what?
In other words, they have no idea what causes non-heritable variation so they spouted some inane nonsense. Other than injury, there is no proven environmental effect on intelligence.
It's ok goy, we will decide your future. We are well known for our trustworthiness.
Yes, the structure of the .0016% of variation that takes place between continental groups could hold the secret to the nigger gene you are looking for.
Humans share 90% of our genome with mice, and 60% with fruit flies. So what?
Yes, your theory about how taking Bubba the goy's industrial equipment and redistributing it to Bobo the negro monkey will finally solve human inequality. All while you entrench yourself in an inbred genetic clique and continue to accumulate genetic capital. We are all the same goyim! Nothing to see here!
Yes, the structure of the .0016% of variation that takes place between continental groups could hold the secret to the nigger gene you are looking for.
The 1% variation between human and chimp figure do not express the same thing than the 0,5% intrahuman variation figure.
If we look at the corresponding difference between any two randomly selected humans, this is ~0.1% (or 1 in 1000). A lot of this variation occurs in regions of the genomes that does not have any genes or regulatory elements and thus does not have any effect on any biological function or how we look. Again, if we look at things that are not SNPs, such as copy number variations (i.e. some humans can have two copies of a given gene, others can have only one. or three etc.), the figure is larger, but let us focus on SNPs.
So roughly 95% of all SNPs between humans (0.1%) are between individuals, not groups. So the variation that are not between individuals is thus somewhere around 0.05*0.001 = 0.00005 or 0.005% or 1 in 20000 nucleotide bases. This is likely an overestimation, because humans can differ due to being different populations within the same continental group as well.
bumping an epic bread.
i genuinely learned stuff today, thanks to all anons even the wrong ones.
This is a strawman argument. Nigger is a phenotype, a complex set of archaic human traits. Papuans and other archaic Asiatic negroids are more closely related to Europeans than to Africans, but they are still niggers, as they retain many of the characteristics of the ancient basal phenotype, including low intelligence.
Lol. They express the exact same thing, the results of evolutionary pressure and random genetic drift over time. The fact that adding a few billion more humans to the population will create a reality in which genetic diversity within the human population will exceed the distance between humans and apes should be a sign to you that this line of reasoning is retarded.
So what? The differences that exist are massive, most non-whites weren't even considered to be human until Shlomo taught us better in the last few decades. The fact is that Bantus differ from Eurasians to a degree which is comparable to approximately 10% of the distance between humans and chimps.
mega bump
Except for the fact that this argument has literally never gone anywhere because it is all inherently based on conjecture and soft science. This is not like an argument about people with Down syndrome.
Is this supposed to drive your point home? Because this says basically nothing. Quality of genes matter, not just quantity; humans share more than half of their DNA with plants, it means nothing when a single gene can make you too disabled to contribute to society.
You also effectively admitted that you are appealing to cultural biases.