is he /ourguy/?
This whole movie is our guy
They literally over throw the bourgeoisie at the end.
No shit. They pretty much establish a commune at the end.
I always thought Aloysius O'Hare was meme material
Yes please
Am I the only one who thinks these Lorax memes are forced as all fuck? Just when We Are Number One pulls us out of the despair of The Nutshack and into a golden new meme age, THIS shit comes along and ruins everything. The Lorax was a fucking godawful movie that's a total insult to the original source material AND to environmentalism in general, and it should be thought of as nothing else other than that. Meme material my ass.
look at this greedy dirtbag
And it had a terrible sponsorship deal
This movie was the neoliberal dream writ small. The only bigger class issue it touches on is environmentalism and it does so in such a shallow way that it might as well be talking about any issue.
Even the original Lorax is somewhat outdated in the sense that it still gives credence to the "good" side of consumerism and the need for employment at the expense of the environment. There is no time for a middle ground stance on these issues any more, I don't care if corporatists are just souls whose intentions are really good, the problem is what they're doing is destroying the planets ability to sustain life. Capitalism or sustainability, any environmental moral tale that doesn't show these as opposites is just jacking off for the sake of it.
Though aside from the real-life issues they touch upon, the 2012 Lorax movie was just plain shit, artistically speaking. The original Lorax is a timeless masterpiece of storytelling art, both the book and the animated short, both sanctioned by Dr. Seuss himself. That, more than anything, is what makes me appreciate them the most.
That guy is pointing at him is rockin a Stalin-esque mustache.
Oh wait, you mean Sy… nevermind. :P
Their trying to force Robots as well.
Buddy, I meant the guy in the OP's pic. I know who Morgan Freeman is.
Comrades, I have started a document with the script.
I encourage you all to edit it so that it can change from an environmental message to a communist message.
TBH environmental issues are class issues.
Shit, I totally forgot about that movie. It might have something to do with my fetish…
This. I rewatched the animated short the other day because of all the memes and it honestly gave me chills because it's an accurate if optimistic portrayal of a world I'll almost certainly live to see.
It's available on youtube for free
Environment and class go hand in hand the same way that idpolers claim sexual identity and class go together.
not only that but it was sponsered by Mazda.
That's like if Studio Ghibli suddenly started shilling for BP.
Memes have often been about shitty things. The humor often derives from how shitty they are.
Mazda cars are nice
yes but i think there's probably a line (or there should be) that should be crossed when it comes to memeing and that should probably be with shitty dr susses movies and anything owned by nu-disney
The problem with that video is that they don't actually say "Robot" all that often
Is Bill Williamson /ourguy/?