=Thread about stuff both us and Holla Forums agree on==

=Thread about stuff both us and Holla Forums agree on==

I'll start Israel is illegitimate and needs to be removed. Can anyone think of anything else or is the Jew problem the only thing we agree on?

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Liberals deserve to be gunned down in the streets.

Sorry Holla Forums but we don't agree on the "Jew problem", just the Israel problem. Anyone who says otherwise is not a leftist.

its good to be comfy

Israel is a tool of necessary self defense against fascism

Spot on

This tbh, liberalism is the biggest threat to socialism


The Antideutsch/JIDF is really active here.

Actually a lot of Holla Forums likes Israel

They see it as a nationalist model to follow

Not surprising given history



I'm pretty sure the reasons we oppose Israel for are very different from yours.

Israel is no more or less illegitimate than any other state. All states have to go. Also lol @ "jew" problem.

The "removal of Israel" is not something Holla Forums and Holla Forums agrees on. Holla Forums holds the opinion that nation states must be removed, which includes zionism, while Holla Forums is simply antisemitic and want to purge Israel (read: Jews).

Holla Forums support Trump who's an Israeli asslicker. Wtf are you talking about?

anti liberal
anti bourgeoisie
anti laissez faire capitalism
working class populism
hatred of libertarians
hatred of the commodification and perversion of our culture by corporations and the government that they own
hatred of banks and usury
hatred of hypocritical limousine liberals
im more Holla Forums oriented and very actually reactionary but every day i see myself agreeing with socialists on far more things than i would agree with a capitalist on

Speak for yourself

This is wrong though, being prop trump is being pro Israel

Rich jews should not be allowed to govern our shit. Its either they line up with our wealth, or get gulag'ed.


JIDF actions of Holla Forums is more dangerous than on Holla Forums. Fuck you and your money fetish.

the more fascist portions are
read ernst junger or nietzsche sometime


This meme has to stop.

just because he himself wasn't a fascist or nationalist doesn't mean that fascists couldn't draw much ideological influence from him

Nietzsche would call out their herd mentality for what it is. Fascists should be learning someone more relevant ie Kultur Marx.

thats because fascists are stupid

he hated the volk


… still doesn't change that fascists were influenced by him, they were also influenced by spengler and junger but they both didn't like fascists either, nobody is going to agree with somebody ideologically 100%

read The Manifesto for the Abolition of Enslavement to Interest on Money or The Worker

Keep sucking the dick of islamists and keep supporting the extermination of all jews in the middle east in the name of anti imperialism.

Everyone with half a brain accepts that Israel will never go away and is the only economically developed nation with a potential for a somewhat despooked socialist movement in the region. Your retardation is what keeps the right nationalists in power in Israel