ITT: we talk about our chauvinistic plot to turn communism into an ideology thats solely about the oppression of women
Brocialism and Manarchism general
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Go sew your cunt up
As long you take the opinions of roasties seriously your revolution isn't going anywhere.
Roasties are cowards who instinctively spread their legs for whoever wins the war.
Your most radical anti capitalist anarcha comrade will go full blown porky the moment she determines which way the wind is blowing to ensure her cunt is filled with the superior seed.
Women love capitalism, they just like to signal against it
What always surprised me about feminist who rant about patriarchy and how they're opressed is that they're often not in a patriarchal relationship with their father or boyfriend/husband, they're usually single and aren't even in relationship with men. To them patriarchy just means that women are not as succesful or represented somewhre and that means it's because men are keeping them down. I mean sure, there are some fields of work where men are actively trying to push women out of their sphere but to act like it's like that everywhere and to explain why there are no women in X fields is because of "patrirarchy" is a really silly idea to me.
I'm not an anti-feminist but I just think a lot of pop-feminist are failing to represent themselves properly.
This post is giving me nazbol vibes
Yes and people who are anti-capitalist are just jealous of the wealthy.
Would you mind if there are men trying to push themselves in what is usually considered a female dominated place? Because if you do mind that and don't mind women pushing themselves into male dominated spaces, then you're a hypocrite imo. I just see to many feminist caring about some places having too much men but never do care if some other places has too many women.
>"Ho ho ho, comrade, why, it isn't my revolution, it is the revolution. Likewise, you are forgetting these inequalities rose through capitalism, whether sexist, or racist or the like. These problems, of course, will not be wiped out overnight after any such revolution, they will, however, be more easily dealt with. It is good to remember that part of the way you wish to solve these problems is through the capitalist status quo; elevating minorities to the capitalist class - such as more CEOs of such-and-such group - will not be beneficial, the effect will reassure the propagation of capitalism as these very minorities will become a model for others to aspire to, diminishing the spirit of revolution. In order to avoid muddying the waters we, all of us, must unite for one cause, and economic cause."
>"Or, of course, you can remain in your support for identity politics. After "my" revolution, however, your identity will no longer be based of sexuality, gender or race, not even class, your predicate will be a binary between "last-thing-I-saw-was-a-brick-wall-ism" and "voluntary-gulag-ism", comrade."
lel, try harder
Not an argument. ::DDDD
Notice how none of these posts contains an argument.
What I find interesting about this is that's it's an exact mirror if feminist rhetoric. The right has become increasingly effective at adopting the tactics of the post-modern left.
I really need to proofread my posts betters
That fucking webcomic…
sweet irony
Bourg feminists care more about hating men than helping women. They would drive a bus through a crowd of women just to get to a man so they could run him over.
That woman probably wouldn't– she is probably a rich capitalist who is also a feminist.
Fascism did the same thing with modernism and its obsession with "progress." The goal of communism is to tear us out of history in open defiance of romantic idealism. Walter Benjamin was right about everything.
The irony is that I don't use tumblr or tell people what to do.
wew someone else here finally acknowledges this.
your flags says otherwise
Is there a word for someone who is really fucking up to here at the over sensitivity of men on the internet to everything that doesn't walk on eggshells for them while they do the exact opposite
You realize this is based on you purposefully baiting people right? Most men don't in fact go around trolling women online to prove an asinine point to themselves. The Discourse is still strong in you.
If I'm not cracking some joke about whites ironically it's not baiting anyone aside from tone.
That said, even if I was, how does that void my point you need to fucking chill and stop falling for bait then
These aren't even real things or problems. In fact, "sexism" these days is just used as an attack word against anyone who supports a stable family structure.
By and large, most campaigning against racism/sexism is done by porky seeking to disrupt the working class.
Yes, someone who makes money off a movement and brings in the reactionary audience just to make more money is totally representative of that movement. He's the analog of idpolers taking over leftism, except he bothers to pay lip service to men's issues unlike idpolers with the "muh class reductionism" meme. He's just a shill out for money. He actively benefits from there being controversy around the subject of men's rights. It's fantastic how people on Holla Forums lose their ability to see economic factors as soon as the wrong group is brought up.
At some point issues the MRM raises will have to be addressed, including:
Obviously it would be easier to address all of these once capitalism is gone, if they still exist at that point.
Hi reddit.
Stop drooling on yourself and understand where identity actually springs from and how to combat it
They aren't. You're a useful idiot for capitalism. Who shills for feminism and anti-racism? Oh, that's right, giant international businesses who benefit from tearing apart working class communities.
Racism and sexism are real things that benefit porky. Sexism is definitely used more often to mean "problem atic" but that stable family structure thing is reactionary bullshit. The nuclear family is a core of capitalism, not society.
pic related
That's called a stereotype. And it's a stupid one. Do I call anyone a neckbeard because they use an imageboard?
yes you fedora. stereotypes exist because they make the majority of a group
So is Holla Forums now /fem/?
>stereotypes exist because they make the majority of someone's perception of a group
We've had a bunch of redditors and other normalfags show up after Richard Wolff gave us a shoutout and there was some drama surrounding it.
Brocialists were behind covering up those rapes by Trot orgs, because women matter less than selling newspapers.
what did he mean by this
TIL r/socialist are brocialist
It's a mix of both tbh lad.
I often hear MRM's make your first claim and then immediately say that feminism is just the "pop" feminism we see in the media it's only Lacey green, it's only the thirteen year old girl youtuber who says "empowerment" about everything, it's only that weird guy/girl thing that said "die cis scum" with a bald head it's only buzzfeed articles and Beyonce gold digging songs etc.
Maybe just maybe and I know this will sound crazy feminists really are trying to tackle serious issues in the background. Maybe the ones we don't see all the time, just like we don't see the most serious people in the MRM because they're busy actually trying to make things better rather than get patreon/kickstarter funding or expanding the academic basis for their movements. TLDR; once something goes pop, the fun doth stop.
Well it's not.
The thing is that trying to tackle serious issues doesn't mean it's working. Most people in the MRM I've talked to will say that there are feminists who are just man-haters and there are feminists who actually want to fix problems, and the latter group is further divided into feminists who have an approach that would help and those with an approach that doesn't help or even hurts. Even the MRAs who identify as anti-feminist tend to say they're fine with feminists who aren't obstructing anything, except when they allow the problem feminists to hide behind them.
There's a distinction to be made between feminism and the MRM here, which is that feminism (of various tendencies) has a foothold in some seats of power - academia, governments, and so on. The MRM has no such thing except in the minds of people who think the MRM is purely a reactionary movement, those people who say things like "every day is international men's day."
"racism and sexism would be easier to solve if we first take down capitalism"
that sentence doesnt even make sense because racism and sexism and capital are interconnected. its impossible to achieve communism within a system of racism and sexism.
Is that really the case– can we imagine a capitalism that is feminist or without racism? I can certainly imagine one without the American construction of race.
Got it…
the what now
Wait, there's medicine for diarrhea? Because I've had it my whole life. Redpill me colon pills.
Diarrhea medicine essentially restores the fluid in your body that the diarrhea removed. It re-hydrates you.
You mean like saline solution? Bummer, I was hoping for something to stop the brown waterfall.
We are the true socialists and anarchists, they are the deviation IDpolers scum.
Pharmaceutical clay also exist.
It does, it's called immodium, never heard of that?
Is that a stool hardener?
Fucking hell, my whole life asking doctors and pharmacists, and I was never told there was medicine for it. If anything, it was understood that there they just didn't exist.
Thank you kind comrades, you may just have improved my life with the power of literal shitposting.
Also try to just eat more fiber in general, comrade.
Yeah, we agree. /r/soc is brocialist.
The part you left out.
Feminists have demonstrated they don't give the slightest shit about facts or truth. Just like Holla Forums, they're more than happy to make up any fake statistics they like and quote people out of context in order to further their supremacist agenda.
Requesting a good name for a community that is a pun on brocialist/brommunist/manarchism/whatever.
Manarchy in the Streets
Total Manarchy
Dictatorship of the Broletariat
Brocialism in one [insert name for community, like "board" or "subreddit" or whatever]
The Manarchist Cookbook (because defying gender roles)
The what? Someone explain?
Some girl cried rape but didn't actually report anything to the authorities. It was a cover up so much as it was a defense of core leadership. Pic related is what a rape cover up looks like.
checks out
you can. not my point tho.
my point is that communism with racism and sexism does not make sense.
1. Feminism does very little to actually fight racism and sexism. In fact the feminist movement is responsible for a lot of its own racism and sexism.
2. We already have almost total legal equality between races and genders in western countries. The few differences which remain are almost exclusively biased in the opposite direction. If you're going to keep putting off the revolution until there isn't a single racist or sexist person in the world, the revolution will never happen.
it's called being a bitch
walk into a freshman lecture and see for yourself.
Free icepicks for trots, but you are full of shit. People should follow properly established procedures when they are the proper procedures, period. Requiring you to report your rape to the police isn't oppression, it's a perfectly reasonable formality.
is there like, a not 🍀🍀🍀Nazi🍀🍀🍀 version of this image
(Verified by the People's Trips Exchequer)
Wow yeah, I bet this vermin doesn't even believe the Assange rape accusation is totally 100% genuine
Here is one completely BTFOing one of the first pillars of MRA neckbeardery: