Has he been hiding his power level all along?
Is he /oneofus/?
Has he been hiding his power level all along?
Is he /oneofus/?
when did he hide it?
With his defence of liberal corporate friendly feminism
hitler gained power because papen made a gamble and lost
he wasn't directly voted into power
This I hate the "Hitler was democratically elected" meme
He was literally installed into position without a single vote
They won parliamentary elections
Did he ever actually do that? He countered the claims of obnoxious anti-feminist e-celebs, but I don't think he ever endorsed the politics of bourgeois feminism.
He hid his power level in plain sight all this time.
I personally wouldn't say he overtly has, but he uses their arguments all the time. His answer to Sargonites is just more of the same liberal non-arguments that they specialize in autistically screeching about. If anything, he plays an effective counterpoint for them to use as fodder. Almost like he cynically hopes that he gets picked on and their response videos drive traffic to him.
You know I always thought he was pro anita but he was really a silky smooth entryist, he made the liberals think he was with them without ever saying he was.
Not really. He's just an edgy liberal and his videos are obnoxiously smug.
No they didn't, Germans voted the socdems/communists over the NSDAP in every free election
communists an socdems weren't allied, that's like saying the labour/ukip vote beats the tories so they didn't win the election
32 was a free election it was 33 that was fixed
The NSDAP did not get over 50 % of the vote.
If you believe that being the biggest party at some point, even it is below half, is good enough as proof that the NSDAP had democratic legitimacy, consider this: If you ask people to write down which party is the best and which party is the worst (the same person answering the same for both questions not allowed), the same party can lead in both polls. But no party can get over 50 % in both polls, and if the same party leads in both polls and has over 50 in one of these, clearly the majority of voters tells you which of the answers it prefers. So if all the data you have is one single-mark election, you don't know much if nobody gets over 50 % support.
(If you think above can be used for a critique of democracy in general as it apparently shows democracy contradicting itself, you are wrong. It is only the particular procedure. Some procedures that collect more data avoid this problem.)
He might not have been a Condorcet winner but he was put in power by the exact same democratic mechanisms that put Blair, Merkel and Tsiprás in power.
The only difference being that instead of being appointed by the queen as it is in the UK he was appointed by the President of Germany as it is in every other European Republic.
Not really, "anti-feminism" is retarded. Sargonites aren't educated, they just regurgitate the same arguments you find on Holla Forums, but a watered down version.
Socdem history of late Weimar Republic:
- War criminal from 1914
- Monarchist
- Later put Hitler into power exactly as predicted by KPD
- Strike of the Berlin Transport Company allowing Nazi workers in which actually strengthened the KPD and cost the NSDAP
- "Eiserne Front"
"But when Hitler began his speech, the comrades experienced a surprise. The new chancellor avoided any attack on the SPD, even for the Nazi opponent Hoegner sounded the speech "extremely moderate": "A gentle peace speech could not have kept Stresemann." When Göring called for the vote, the members of the SPD parliamentary group rose and voted in favor of the Reichstag declaration.
Hoegner described this as follows: "Thereupon an agitator of the other deputies broke loose, and even our most implacable adversary, Adolf Hitler, seemed to have moved for a moment, and he rose and clapped us applause, but the President of the Reichstag, Goering, stood up Spoke magnificently: "The German people are always united when their fate is concerned. Then the German national deputies began to sing the German song. Most of our ranks were singing. Some ran tears down their cheeks. It was as if Social Democrats, who were always cursed as the lost sons of the fatherland, had for a moment immortalized the common mother of Germany. "
The lowest of all scum is the socdem nazi enabler.
Social Fascism was a valid theory and proven right by history. Forgiveness and unity was a mistake.
what is this from
There's tons of people on this board and on the left who've decided to take this attitude with Trump
Fuck, and I can already see that liberals would fall for this nationalism meme if it included them with nice words and rhetoric. Literally the scum of the earth
Him and Contra are more based than you realize, mostly just use SJW bait to piss off autistic Holla Forumstards but definitely know the truth is in class struggle. At the same time give just enough to feminism to radicalize those already mad about patriarchy/etc.
who's contra?
youtuber that makes me question my sexuality
He hid his power level?
right? I thought it's pretty obvious the guy is a marxist
Yeah, he even has a copy of Capital he uses as a prop sometimes.
It's pretty obvious the dude's always been /oneofus/ on the DL if you paid attention. He's just not super blatant about it.
Fake election
just embrace it,he is god damn sexy and you know you want it
He's just the feminist version of all the anti-feminist youtubers and is obsessed with idpol. He even made an app to block all non feminists off of peoples youtube accounts.
We even had a guy on here asking if there was a simple way to get them off his recommendations.
Not just "alt-right" his app even blocks leftists who criticize feminists and just random youtubers he finds insufficiently feminist. In other words, he's a typical feminist
Specifically it blocks:
stefbot, TheAmazingAtheist, MrRepzion, The Atheist Gamer, Mister Metokur, theignoredgender, weevlos, teal deer/tl;dr, The Alex Jones Channel, AlphaOmegaSin, MundaneMatt, PragerUniversity, realmattforney, NateTalksToYou, UMass College Republicans, hunteravallone, Chris Ray Gun, Rekt Feminist Videos, TokyoAtomic, Undoomed, Shoe0nHead, armouredskeptic, Harmful Opinions, Atheism is Unstoppable, Angry Foreigner, CultOfDusty, CringePlanet, Compilation Central, 50 Shades, Lauren Southern, Ben Sharpio, Computing Forever, SJWCentral, Suit Yourself, Mauritian Struggle, Antifeminist Australia, Bearing, bane666au
Most of those aren't even "alt right" and the fact that he creates a massive echo chamber of feminists for himself indicates he's just an idpol fag. Sorry
I can't help you with your shit taste, user.
Ok Hbomberguy
Okay, what channels there are worthwhile?
Most of those are unlistenable garbage
This guy is pretty funny though.
Ok HBomberguy
Time should be perpetually stuck in the collective taste of right post 9/11 America and it should stay that way forever until we die. Sorry, it would be better if some force kept it that way
into the trash it goes
If I say it again maybe I'll make TJ not an unlistenable fuckhead who gets off on filming himself pouring hot oil on his cock
They would. If you were still playing video games at all.
Like I said, trash, unless you're watching them ironically.
Nah that's trash
Ok Hbomberguy
is hbomberguy /our guy/?
Have you even seen CyberViolence? It's top keks.
thanks reddit
you kind of are though
At least be cool jesus
He's a massive SJW and an autist, so no.
Removing everything that offends you and only listening to what you agree with is the definition of an echo chamber.
stay fucking dumb aut reich
some of the alex jones protest videos, sargon, ben shapiro, and computingforever videos really make me think
But you're the easiest to offend
He doesn't just choose not to watch them, he bans them off his browser and encourages others to do so because he's a butthurt SJW. If you're that easily offended, consider /r/socialism
You mean like what Sargon and everyone you link does anyways along ideological lines anyways
Go back to bed Sargon
It doesn't remove the videos, it just takes those channels of your recommendations
You can still watch them if you want to, you just won't get bombarded with him after watching an hbomb video.
Not that I would recommend YouTube atheist and other reactionary channels as any kind of introduction to right-wing thought. They're just idiots, which is why you might not want them on your recommended page.
All it does it take those channels off your recommendations as far as I'm aware. It doesn't "ban" them.
I don't think Sargon has a personal Rated PG Parental Guidance app, not AFAIK, but hbomberguy is just the less successful feminist Sargon.
Actually it blocks them off the browser because hbomberguy is so thinned skinned he got offended when he saw anyone criticizing idpol and feminism.
you aren't entitled to youtube views, if he doesn't want to watch them he doesnt have to
You don't?
You mean like the youtube atheist crowd
I don't even watch Youtube videos, and I don't care if someone doesn't watch whoever, but you're still a faggot if you want a safe space.
Yeah and the feminist crowd
Why? Youtube atheists don't even have have a concrete ideology, its why they keep pushing for their own "safe space" that makes no bloody ideological sense and will keep doing it until they only find themselves to have their knickers in a twist
Then why are you focusing on youtube atheists as a beacon of hope and light
They're not criticizing idpol. Almost all of them are idpol themselves.
Also, I just put the addon on my browser to check and you can still watch those videos you fucking liar.
I'm not. You're the one who turned this into some youtube atheist vs feminist fight, presumably because you're a fanboy of the dude.
You are getting offended on their behalf so I'll reserve judgement on exactlty who doesn't seem offended to me
You said removing idiots who waste your time on youtube with retarded ideas and praxis and really anything to say, is wrong, somehow
I'm disputing that. I would rather not waste my time with videos I do not plan on watching to begin with and youtube atheists and yourself are no exception from the rule that this is how things work
I'd like to add, on top of this, that these videos clog up your recommendations which makes it where videos you'd actually be interested in watching don't show up in favor of youtube atheism.
Aren't all political youtube channels echo chambers??
For the record, all these youtubers suck, including the faggy metrosexual OP. Get over it.
music tbh
Is this… the most powerful entryist of our time?
He's a boring SJW youtuber.
outside of that one joke he made about marx strawmen and maybe barely criticizing capitalism in offhand jokes sometimes, nah. just an edgy liberal with vague knowledge of leftist philosophy
i still like him though just as a somewhat popular balance to all the rightshit on youtube
Everyone buttblasted that he's not at full power level all the time doesn't realize the need for some smug entry-level socialists to counter all the smug liberal and aut-right youtube recruiters
He's for casuals who only get exposed to leftism through shitty memes not for the kind of people on this board who're already at least moderately well-versed in theory
he is a dumb liberal
An intelligent transgender guy, he makes really good arguments and all Holla Forumsyps can do is comment 'degenerate' on his videos
It's pretty funny seeing them get destroyed by a crossdresser, it's like adding insult to injury.
9/10 would recommend watching
meant for
wow, interesting
he's not trans he literally just crossdresses to trigger right-wingers
yeah not sure what the correct terminology is
I know this guy already missed the point of the tweet he was replying to, but I'm gonna go ahead and chime in that he's also probably wrong about his own assertion. Twice in 16 years would be suspect even if the GOP weren't literally the only party to ever actually win a US presidential election without the popular vote. A lot of things have changed since the 1800s, but even then the only EC victories sans popular victories were by Republican candidates.
quit comparing hbomber to contra
contra's actually funny and informative
Trumps gonna exerminate the impure! Yeah liberals like this are stupid
Faggot ass Holla Forums stealing Holla Forums rhetoric.
he said this about identity politics
Contra > hbomber for sure, but both are fighting the right fight imo just on different levels
hbomber is the most noob-friendly youtube socialist he has his use. definitely a step above humorless cunts like LSR.
o fuck he's our guy
Yep, he's a retard.
…that's not his quote though
I'll admit this, LSR is what opened me up to leftism and the whole left side of YouTube, and showed me that I wasn't alone with disliking how the world currently is. I guess it's because I already knew him during his CammehYaBams days.
LSR is the real SJW, but his vids still have some value, especially for noobs(as I was). My fave vid is the list of US installments of right-wing dictators during the Cold War.
A transgender guy would be a man who was born as a woman, not vice versa
He dresses up but he refers to himself as a guy and obviously isn't full time, so he's a guy who crossdressers
That's obviously reasonable, stop being a pedantic asshole.
Just don't be trans then
yeah he isn't useless, but he definitely doesn't help counter all the neckbeard youtube atheists talking about how humorless leftists are when he seems to take everything so seriously
that's why i like contra and hbomber, they obviously have a sense of humor about themselves even if you don't agree with them on every issue
In other words, just adopt idpol bullshit
Hi Holla Forums
…that's definitely not what he said
Working with idpol liberals is not going to work. Just like youtubers and NEETs are going to be leading a revolution
someone actually has to put in the work to radicalizing people online, is what I meant to add
They're not going to be "radicalized" especially not by z list youtubers and anonymous imageboard posters
you can be dismissive all you want, but if scores of teenagers can be radicalized to the right because some people were mean to them about their video game habits then the most seemingly inconsequential internet media can definitely have an effect