Need more like this
Need more like this
Shit image. Quit using the leftcom flag for shitposting.
Edit the signs to have communist slogans on them
What universe do these people live in?
There's some serious ideology in that pic.
Damn, Trump's side looks sick as shit in that pic.
Someone should edit the other side to have communist skeletons.
You know Holla Forums wishes society really was controlled by communists?
Well we wish Trump really was a Nazi.
This tbh. Do I want to side with a literal fantasy army of evil led by an Oompa Loompa or a bunch of faggy liberals that are going to tell me that I'm oppressing a black millionaire, and whose idea of resistance is wearing a "this is what a feminist looks like" shirt made by Bangladeshi slave labour?
Really made me think here.
I love the demonic figures on his side.
Someone should add fat young women with pink hair on the blue team.
I'm sympathetic to the red team.
I love how Trump has become this demonic figure of hate in the eyes of these muh privileged SJW's, when he supports lgbt people, something no Republican has dared to do.
You disgust me
When will people learn that using monsters, demons, skeletons, whatever it's actually pretty dope?
Fucking Americans and their backwards bullshit.
The police are blue, corporations are blue (calm, appealing to consumerism), practically all conservative parties use blue, businessmen have blue ties, suits etc.
Anarchists and communists use red, have red flags, throw petrol bombs, and don't have any armor, resulting in bloodied faces.
That would have been a good picture, liberals aren't under attack because they're good and righteous, they aren't under attack at all. They're living in their world.
Quit posting this cancer
Oh god I read that in his voice, I'm dying.
Interesting how the classic peace sign is missing from the overloaded image on the left. I wonder what is going to be cliche that represents the hypocrisy of the millennial generation.
It's just a color it's not that serious. Blue is more aesthetic anyway.
There's very little objectively aesthetic about colors– they are almost completely culture bound.
In American culture blue symbolizes the calm and gentile and red symbolizes the vibrant and forceful. The colors for babies (boys and girls) used to be opposite but actually got mixed up for some interesting reasons
It's heaven vs legions of hellTM.
Blue and white good, virtuous, heavenly.
Red and black evil, corrupt, hellish.
Actually colors just like genders are purely social constructs, they don't exist outside a cultural environment.
You only see the color "blue" and the color "red" when you look at OP's pic because it was culturally imposed upon you to see the colors blue and red. Without the social construct of colors we all would just see a huge gray scale when looking at OP's pic.
There's also the dilemma of the transcolors, when a color doesn't feel like the imposed value the culture gave to them. For instance yesterday I met a blue transcolor color who actually prefers to be called a purple and I respect it and we as socialists should fight for the right of the transcolors colors for a fair and just society.
Fuck I actually wrote a response when I read up to "culturally imposed". Good job.
I threw up in my mouth a little.
This makes Trump look cool as fuck honestly.
I cringed
Shitty liberal pic.
if by ideology you mean baloons and by serious you mean clown, I agree..
Glad to see that Holla Forums have based elements lurking around.
Stalinist slogans would work better
Fuck off thought criminal.
Kuso image
Kuso thread
wtf? I like Trump now!
Literal dehumanization of half of US population. Amazing.
This utterly reeks of liberalism
Let's have some proper leftist ones
This makes Trump look metal as fuck.
Look at all that Kill Six Billion Demons-type shit.
I bet there's a redcap masturbating to this even as we speak.
what is this liberal shit
Me on the right. The far right. >XD
I've yet to meet an American offended by this anti-American WW2 poster. Even though it brings up the klan and lynching and is antisemetic and so on, it looks menacing, so most are like "Yeah, eat shit, Hitler."
This image only support Nazbol further. Victory to Trump.
So nazbol = alt-right? Makes sense.
That's one of the most disgusting images I've ever seen.
I'm going to make a NazBol edit of this. I think we've all got a touch of NazBol fever seeing how much its upset people recently.
NazBol = An incredibly self aware meme that once you realise it becomes impossible not to post. SCP failed to contain it.
That's a nice imperial guard regiment.
At the bottom it says:
Nice art, but it needed a modest improvement.
Getting blood war vibes here.
Good work.
Not meant to be horseshoe or saying they're both equally bad.
I just believe in fighting fire with fire.
Let this meme die.
Not an intentional meme. I've only used photoshop a total of three times in my life.
Not really doing much for my confidence in technocrats.
Damn, got me there. Oh well, time to send myself to the technological re-education gulag.