What is your honest, non-ironic/shitposty opinion of this man?
What is your honest, non-ironic/shitposty opinion of this man?
He's a shallow right-wing populist more-or-less similar to Berlusconi.
Hes what the US had coming for a while now…
He's a nazbol who is going to destroy the American empire. We will finally be able to pit the world powers against eachother once he is done with America.
- he has made it against the law for scientists to publish climate change reports
- he's going ahead with the Dakota Access Pipeline (where the thugs have been assaulting protestors. Including spraying them with cold water)
- Under Trump, it is now legal for cops to shoot protestors and motorists to run over protestors
He's not as bad as liberals think he is, but that being said he will need to be destroyed like every other bourgeoisie/politician
+1 also daddy issues and it was Hill's loss not his win.
- he wants to bring back torture
- he wants to make flag burning illegal
A fascist that will do immense damage to this country, the working class, and the climate.
On the bright side, the people will not be complacent like they would under Clinton.
t. someone who wasn't paying attention to politics during the Bush years
America straight up invaded another country for no real well defined reason other than muh terrorism and no one cared (at least no one important enough to sway our lovely elites that is.)
I hope to God some madman assassinates Trump. And I hope that all the House and Senate Republicans and Republican Supreme Court justices are all in one room and get taken out 9/11 style.
Wait I thought it was not legal yet for cops to shoot and motorists to run protestors over? It was five states doing it so far and the bills need to be passed?
No because then we'd have Pence and he's much more dangerous. He doesn't have temper tantrums like Donnie and has made Indiana a hellhole.
Touche. Someone needs to assassinate Pence too. He is even worse
I like his nationalism. I don't like his capitalism.
Also Indiana is one of those states that are going to make it legal for cops to kill protestors and motorists to run them over. So yea, Pence is the anti-Christ
A legit mentally ill pissbaby who is basically bouncing between advisors who tell him what to do/think. I think he's breaking the confidence a lot of liberals/progressive folks had in the institutions of America, and that's a very good thing. We cannot radically replace the system as long as it as so many sycophants defending it or believing it can be slowly reformed.
He also energizes the far right in the US and around the world. This is very bad. It might swing back to being good if he turns out to be as big a failure as people believe he will be and ruins the US economy, but if he even manages to keep the status quo going for another couple of years, far right folks in Europe will point to Trump as proof they can get in power and not fuck things up. However, if European far right folks point to Trump as proof their ideas work and then he implodes the US and takes the European economy with him, it might shake people's faith in the far right.
Why? Then we'd get stuck with democrats who are just as bad.
His nationalism is intertwined with his fascism.
Didnt he say he was gonna get rid of that shit hairstyle if he became president?
Good points. Basically to sum it up: this guy is either gonna juice the European far right or destroy them
breitbart huey long
I'm not a lefty, but I've disliked Trump since I first saw him on TV. Holla Forumss enthusiasm for this jackass is the reason why I stopped going there. He is absolutely the opposite of the things they claim to hold in esteem.
don't exaggerate–it's not legal yet. A few state legislatures are considering it right now and that's bad enough
he likes america but could just be another kike puppet we shall see
He's a fascist capitalist internet troll that hates Muslims. I have no idea what Holla Forums you were browsing, but he is the embodiment of it.
The Democrats suck but the Republicans are far worse.
- Say goodbye to labour rights
- The minimum wage is crap. The Democrats were going to increase it
- Republicans are climate change deniers and are gagging our climate scientists
- Republicans are taking away your health care. Hundreds of thousands of people will die under Trump thanks to the repeal of the Affordable Care Act
- Republicans are coming for your civil rights. They are making it legal for cops and motorists to kill protestors. More unarmed black men will be shot dead.
- Republicans are defunding abortion and Planned Parenthood (contraceptives, sex ed, std testing, etc).
The suckdem is right on this one.
He is a sign that the ruling-class has completely stopped giving a shit.
They are drunk with power and luxury.They don't realize(or don't care) the humanity they are degrading will seep into their future kins culture in one way or another.The stupidity and misinformation builds up like toxins in humanity's body.
He reminds me of a whiny teenager who cries when insulted and refuses to accept that he might be wrong.
He's destroying both the Republican and Democratic parties, making more apparent the right wing's version of identity politics and pushing liberals further left, giving us radicals the time necessary to grow stronger.
A useful idiot.
Due in part to intentional mismanagement on the part of Hillary the dems somehow lost control of basically the entire government despite getting more votes in overall. There was no down ticket effect. Hillary and the dems would have helped the GOP do all of that and then begged liberals to come out and vote for them every couple of years like they did in the 90s and 2000s.
You need to realize that both parties work for the same team. Dems have never had a reformist bent. They are simply free riders on the work of actual working class movements.
The world economy is going to collapse within Trump's first and only term as president. I wouldn't be surprised if the collapse comes in 2017. Depending on how much damage Trump is able to do within one year.
Unfortunately I don't think that accelerationism is going to help. The American working class is incredibly classcucked. If all that happened so far isn't going to make them class conscious, nothing will. They are bootlickers who buy into the American Lie. And bootlickers deserve to be lined up in front of a firing squad and shot.
I can tell that you're not American by the fact that you think those still exist here and labo(u)r.
Hillary had no intention of this, it's changing because people on the street are demanding it.
The rest I will grant you provisionally, in that democrats wouldn't have fought for them but they wouldn't be as actively against them. Well except for the climate. Hillary would be pushing fracking and allowing the pipe lines to be built.
My favorite part of her campaign was how it was entirely built on neoliberal IDpol and pretending that leftists are the ones who don't give a shit about nonwhite/cis/male/etc people… and then when Native American rights came into conflict with the capitalist demands for the pipelines, her campaign tossed them right out the door without a second thought.
I'm Canadian, we speak the Queen's English. Hence labour.
We don't have much in the way of labour rights up here either btw.
If you think things are bad for labour in the United States (and it is very bad), just wait. Trump is going to make things even more feudalistic than they already are. He hired some fucker who owned Carl's Jr. (fast food franchise that pays slave wages to their employees) to be Secretary of Labor. TOP FUCKING KEK
As for Hillary and the minimum wage, the Bernie crowd forced her hand. And tbh she probably would have raised the minimum wage. Obama did. It used to be $5.15/hr. Now its $7.25.
He's also a fat, spray-tanned retard that sucks Israels dick, uses political connections to keep his businesses afloat and dodged the draft like his grandfather.
As a socialist or anarchist, it might be easy to see your enemy as being homogeneous, but there are significant distinctions between right-wing factions that they are prepared to overlook in the spirit of opportunism.
She would have if the Democrats had the House and Senate. The House would have been a challenge for the Democrats admittedly since the Republicans gerrymandered the districts back in 2010 and the Democrats don't get a turn at redrawing them until 2020.
Trump will destroy USA, which is why I support him.
A mediocre businessman who became a reality TV star.
He ran for president as a publicity stunt like the last two times he did it. He rose to the presidency largely because of a comedy of errors and his own demagogic, "strong man" rhetorical style that set him apart from the sleazy, spineless politicians he was running against.
Fellow Canadian, living in the states; biggest thing you need to understand about US politics (and especially Dems) is that what they campaign on in their platform and what they actually do are totally unrelated. Obama beat Hillary in the Dem primary of '08 specifically because he pushed hard for a single payer option in healthcare reform, and then spent his first few months in office basically browbeating any Dem who wanted to include single payer into Obamacare. Dems are the purest form of a liberal party; it will support any progressive/left leaning cause until a CEO calls them up and tells them to knock it off. Then they become Republicans and spend all their energy crushing anyone in the party who thinks maybe they should dig in and have principles.
If the thesis that Trump is an accelerationist is true, then why is he an advocate of mercantilism? His economic "thought" is mercantilism 101. How could he get over capitalism when in reality he is returning to a pre-capitalist scheme of things?
See: her milquetoast alllivesmatter-tier statement on #NoDAPL compared to Bernie straight up going to Dakota
Which makes them no different from the Liberal Party and to some extent even the NDP in Canada? lol
The Republicans are outright cancer though. The Republicans are going to inflict even more damage. If you thought Obamacare is bad, the Republican approach to health care is "if you can't pay, go fucking die"
w/e, point is that there are people on the right who will at least follow their own rules. Trump is not one of those.
While I think criminality is the soul of fascism, Trump is not a strong or competent criminal. He has survived by being a grotesque even by normal bourgie standards.
Protectionism is a tactic. Currently America uses access to its markets as a geopolitical bartering tool. This of course impoverished most Americans but made the elite even more wealthy and powerful. Trump is the answer to that contradiction. He is going to destroy the America as we know it and not a day too fucking soon.
I don't think Trump is a fascist like the other guy you replied to
I'm just memeing here dude
>tfw NazBully won't come to your rescue when the West crumbles and rape you as his spoils
If I were to describe the difference between the Democrats and the Republicans:
When you get screwed by the Democrats, you get chlamydia.
When you get screwed by the Republicans, you get AIDS.
Working class people literally fucking die by voting Republican. You can't afford that life-saving surgery? Too bad, you fucking die
Tell that to men and women in the rust belt and in the ME.
Very similar to Canadian Libs, but it's even more blatant in the US. You can literally build an entire campaign around an issue and then just ditch it and even actively fight against it the second you get into office. Hell, even Trump campaigned on tossing out lobbyists and corporate insiders from the government, and then filled his cabinet with nothing but lobbyists and CEOs, including ex-Goldman Sachs people, after criticizing Ted Cruz and Hillary for being bought by them. Words mean nothing in the US.
Because petrodollar.
Middle eastern countries sell their oil for american dollars.
Which means that non-oil producing countries must get american dollars. Most likely from America. This creates demand for American dollars, which allows USA run their money printers.
So they have export cheaply to America. Even cheaper, should they start being protectionist. If I was a leader of country that has to either run its own economy at a loss, or not at all, I would be upset.
And the Republicans don't kill people in the middle-east? Reagan and Bush didn't fuck over the Rust Belt?
Lol Bannon literally worked at Goldman Sachs and yet the alt-right love him
Almost feel like this Nazbol is pulling at strings because he's happy that Trump is going to kick out the illegals and build a wall. And is therefore willing to overlook all the shit that the Republicans are doing to fuck the working class
How the fuck does a person working at a Jew bank become a neo-nazi? What the ultimate fuck? lol
Zionism and White Supremacy are very intertwined in both American and Israeli right-wing politics.
In America the workers have won concessions in spite of our lovely parties, not because of them.
Actually I like Trump because he is probably going to indirectly destroy American hegemony (or several of its key components.) Once America is weakened it can be challenged and once that happens the global left will be able to rise once again.
An empty shell of a man who we can't even predict the actions of given they depend on who's in his favor any particular week. His secretary of state pisses him off while "at least we won't commit too many war times during our pointless war with Iran" mattis is on the up and whoops we're making Afghanistan look like a cake walk.
He's shitty beyond even the usual level of shitty expected of presidents and will likely be one of the worst presidents in American history until this point, being "bested" by only Andrew Jackson (because literal genocide) and Ronald Reagan (because Jesus of neoliberalism).
He's the devil we don't know. We've never really had to content with such a president.
He's corrupt, literally bourgeois, massively insecure or flat-out narcissistic, mind-boggingly ignorant for the amount of authority he has, and a crypto-fascist, to boot. I sincerely think he may have a double digit Autism Level (perhaps 90?) and is incapable of sophisticated thought. He's got to be the most high-stakes embodiment of the Dunning-Kruger Effect. I'm both scared and amused by him.
I hope he turns out to be a useful idiot, but that's the best case scenario.
His foreign policy will only escalate terrorism and create worryingly tense relations with other major world powers. Despite being a businessman, he has an incredibly flimsy grasp on economics, both on the national and global stage. The Trump Wall is one of the dumbest, worst ideas I've heard proposed in national-level politics (which will cost upwards of 10 billion dollars and take a decade or more to build… and accomplish absolutely nothing worst celebrating). There's a lot I find wrong with the man, I'll leave it at that.
Also I personally think the wall is stupid and a waste of time and money. Trump's most significant policy shifts have been with regards to trade.
Yea when trade unions actually had teeth. They don't anymore. American workers are scared and docile CUCKS. They don't want to stand up to their employers.
Trump is going to fuck things up so badly that America might lose their global influence. Let's see. America spends far more money on the military than any other country though. They are the world bully. And that's not going to change under Trump.
Nazbol gang at it again.
This ain't reddit…
Hopefully this will eventually happen.
I hope that this will happen too but it seems too good to be true.
Every time we actually USE that military it gets less effective. America that needs to use military force to maintain hegemony is America with no hegemony or locked in foreverwar with a good chunk of the planet.
Says whatever gets him popular and based his personality on yelling a lot, but has exceptionally thin skin.
Perfect summary
I wonder if Trump's natural social talent can trump Putin's KGB training.
President Comacho
Putin is a legimiate statesman (especially in comparison to Trump.) He outplayed Obama constantly. I wonder how badly he is going to fuck Trump over? I doubt he would need to do much considering how Trump seems dead set on destroying what little his predecessors had managed to put together (this is a good thing of course.)
Also, hes got what plants crave
Best man to become president since Truman
I've always wondered what the fuck we are supposed to take from pics, signs and sentiments like that. So if I find literally any minority men and women who voted for Trump their opinion as a race is forever discarded?
The Democrat Party will get cleaned up in 2018 and 2020 btw.
Voting for Trump for accelerationist reasons is a big mistake. We would have been better off giving Hillary the keys to the White House for 8 years. Than letting Trump and the Republicans do whatever the fuck they want for 4 years.
To be fair, hindsight is 20/20. I didn't quite realize how bad allowing Trump to win would have been until it actually happened and he started appointing scum to his cabinet. And started executing executive orders.
i've seen women in my city wearing those pink hats, is it drumpf thing?
The idea is that white feminism has been consistently not inclusive, and focused exclusively on more "safe" causes (for lack of a better term) like equal pay and abortion.
From our leftist perspective, we can also see how white feminism is very tied with bourgeois. See: Lena Dunham, Amy Schumer, Hillary Clinton
That was at the DC march. DC is a place where wealthy well-to-do out of towners avoid intermingling with the predominantly black native population at all times. So there's some resentment there. Also it helps to highlight the hypocrisy inherent to the protest. I mean if Trump is so bad for women, why did white women vote for him?
called a pussy hat.
feminist thing
Honestly think he's less shitty than Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Reagan were, and the media hysteria surrounding him further confirms that for me.
some women literally sew a box shape with a head-hole and wear it.
supposedly their taking back the word pussy. in reality, its just another reason to get a selfie with their friends
Narcissistic and doesn't know what he is doing. Dangerous mix.
I think it's just referring to the majority. According to the NYT exit polls, 53% of white women voted Trump, and 52% according to CNN exit polls.
You have to go back
I've actually been looking a little at the ant-Trump internet over the last few days.
This guy's feed has some fairly interesting stuff about his casinos and alleged connections with organised crime.
This was okay too, even if it is pretty much a hit piece.
Justice Democrats will crash and burn like every other grassroots attempt to reform the Democratic Party. They might make headway into already-Democratic states but they'll be lucky to get even one of their candidates into office.
Do these people even read books? Also I would never join a movement that was supported by TYT. Fuck Cenk.
What'd he do
What are the unions doing these days? American workers are afraid of getting fired. Old-school union workers had more balls
This, the stench of emotional reddit liberals on this board is getting out of control.
Also their logo looks like shit.
Sounds like big joe
No I'm asking what he did that makes you hate him.
socdems never learn.
it's too late fam. There are too many redditers to stop them. I saw someone call the democratic party "the party" on here like it was our political party. This board will never be comfy again.
quite sickening
Politicians rarely outright take large financial contributions from billionaires/corps. The problem is with other gifts, or gifts to businesses that the politician may own. This rule would not stop the Clinton foundation from accepting gifts
How do I down vote this?
He's a democratic partisan who is slightly to the left of Kos. He claims to be some kind of social democrat/demsoc or whatever but he is still overly attached to the democratic party, a party that literally hates everything that he and Bernie stand for. Oh and he thinks that building roads is socialism.
They unironically think that campaign donations are the only way that corporations influence elections. It's hilarious and depressing at the same time.
You have to go back
I swear this second image has been happening
How about a maximum wage.
Politicians always seem to forget that during the era of manned space flight and putting people on the fucking moon that taxes on earnings over 250k was 93%.
actually, by looking at that graph, lower tax rates seem ridiculous. except for the great depression, their the lowest theyve ever been
If they did that today the economy would crash
Yeah that was because there was a legitimate communist threat that kept the western elite on their toes. Once the USSR stopped being a threat capital stopped giving a shit about the proles.
This makes sense. Once the bourg stopped being afraid of the prole, they went back to bourging.
implying that rich people paying more money would crash the economy
You have no idea how tax rates affect the economy. You probably think those ebuul one percenters are the bourgeoisie as well. You're just another reddit democrat who thinks everything can be solved by taxing the rich.
He's going to upload us into a solid gold Matrioshka Brain by 2023.
Dumbass authoritarian crony-capitalist.
Bernie Sanders had a strong showing in the 2016 Democratic primary. There is definitely a strong base of progressive voters to draw from now. We have a good chance of electing a number of progressives in the House and Senate in 2018.
What did he mean by this?
Your income bracket isn't what determines your class
I have no place to go.
Better then Hillary, but that does not make him a good man.
Problem is, I'm sad to admit, there are more fashies than "progressives" (whatever that label means), and the masses are not woke and fall in line with fashies too easily. This is especially true in the red states that this movement would need to pick up in order to mean a damn in Congress.
A neoliberal right-wing populist and opportunist who will say and do anything to get him elected, including but not limited to making use of (neo)fascist propaganda and methods. He is completely consumed by his own ego and the need to establish his dominance through exerting power over others, commonly utilizing capitalist practices such as oppressing and exploiting the labor force. Any act of charity you will see him do he will weasel out if possible and if not will only be have undertaken for a need to look good in front of others.
the greatest politician of our modern age
A very dangerous proto fascist, worse than hillary.
Due to his "outsider" status he can do shit hillary a career politician wouldnt be able to do, extreme shit
Every believes he is shallow because he uses twitter autism and his idiocy to keep everyone occupied while nobody looks back the shady shit he does
Suggested that armies should move around the states to stop revolts
Suggested that everyone is lying but him
He wants trade war with china which is hopefully a good thing, anyhting that weakens the US
He wants a closer relationship with Russia which is a bad thing because Putin isnt someone who is going to not embrace capitalism if he profits
To all the people saying "Trump will destroy America": please don't be so fucking complacent. You gotta work hard to make it happen!
Berlusconi the 2nd
Nobody actually paid the rates on the book the same way the rich don't pay the rates on the book today. The effective tax rate was much lower back then. You're pushing stupid DNC talking points that, as usual, don't address the real issue: capitalism.
The most shameful and grotesque expression of the take over of the US government by the rich and powerful that we have yet come up with. Maybe it'll wake people up.
"Idiot cunt but if he actually introduces tariffs and scraps the stupid tax-cut plan then he'll be pretty cool"
"Not Hillary, and therefore the de-facto only choice"
For too long the SocDem types have said "You have to vote for this neoliberal, they're less neoliberal than the other one" and on rational balance one must agree - but now they say "You must vote neoliberal or you'll have a fascist!" and I think "Well actually, I'd prefer a fascist to the status quo."
Such a shame that he is not a fascist. Still, even a clown is preferable. We must embrace entropy.
Half of all Americans have that, that isn't as significant a statement as you think. The question is just how many standard deviations from the mean (100). Might be more like 85 (one standard deviation) or less.
Brave man who decided to be one who will fix the mess that racist Obama created.
The democrats saw all of this, saw the polling for Hillary, and still made her their candidate.
They tried to get their shit candidate in on the basis of fear of the other guy. Swell fucking job.
What's interesting about this is that Carter actually started that nonsense. Reagan inherited and supercharged it, but he started it. Carter appointed Volcker, deregulated Airlines and Banks, etc.
A tragic twist to the tale of the collapse of postwar-Keynesianism, since Carter never seemed as outright evil as Reagan.
So much ideology and tribalism. Is there really any hope for humanity?
You're fucking delusional if you think race relations were ever good to begin with.
Race relations have been shit since the foundation of Clapistan, Donnie is just removing the veil.
This is what capitalism does.
Oh hi Reddit, Trump withdrew from TPP, that alone makes him better than Hillary.
He's still a reactionary plutocrat like every major democrat politician still.
I think his policies will ultimately be disastrous for everyone. I wish I could be an accelerationist and say "yeah, he's going to make people realize how shitty capitalism truly is," and he might do that, but I don't think it's going to get us closer to a revolution for the people. The people of the US have been fed a myth about how sheer perseverance in their system will get them to be millionaires for so long that it's come to the point where they reject actual intellectual "elite" as just complaining or not working hard enough.
I wish John Rawls' "A Theory of Justice" was taught more in public schools.
No, it really doesn't. He's good maybe on a global scale, but much worse on a domestic scale for the US. Neither is good.
He is butthurt
He's not the fascist that the media or the liberals think he is, not even proto-fascist imo.
OT but what do people think about Steven Bannon? I rarely see him talked about here.