Why are white workers in America so dumb and classcucked? In many other countries...

Why are white workers in America so dumb and classcucked? In many other countries, the white working class is very class conscious, but in America they're all bootlickers. I don't get it.

How do we remove the bourgeois brainwashing?

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The American political system is very insular and has been alienated from continental philosophy; unfortunately, most US citizens are clueless.

>>>Holla Forums


Workers in America are generally classcucked as fuck. You could say that it's worse among white workers but then again blacks and Hispanics turned out in droves for Hillary in the primaries while white went for Bernie.

On the one hand conditions for minorities are in general objectively worse, thus creating more revolutionary potential. On the other hand idpol has so poisoned American politics that there's a strong chance that any political awakening among minorities will be race, not class based. Whereas white workers can't be diverted towards racism as an explanation of their woes and can more easily be made to see capitalism as the problem.

I think these kind of balance it out tbh.

A better question should be

why are whites so more fucking race sensitive than blacks at this point

what made you a bitch

Why are you samefagging….

I have tried to fruitlessly explain to libertarians that they are wage cuckolds and that they are going against their self-interests by giving up their surplus labour value to the bourgeoisie.

The bottom line is that if someone is happy with the way things are or have convinced themselves that they are happy, there's not much you can really do. Libertarians for whatever reason are content with the status quo. I don't know how someone can enjoy being a 40+ hour/week wage cuck

This tbh, even most pro-black idpol is spearheaded and managed by whites. Most blacks are likely exasperated of politics.

Most black working class people are retarded as well. That's why they voted for Hillary instead of Bernie

I think it's pretty equally butthurt on both sides at this point. But then again, genralising ethnicities is pretty stupid imho.

They voted for Hillary because

#1: Blacks often hate jews

#2: Morgan Freeman and many other token blacks came in support for shillary

Blacks seem to like Jews to me

I mean they literally did not vote because they know the system is bullshit. So much of shillarys prop was trying to convince them not to be apathetic. You are like an autist barely reformed pol cuck confusing the black bourgeoisie with the black working class.

How can anybody fap to this? You can barely see anything. It's blurry as fuck and there's no movement.

Nah, this is a cultural thing, similar to how whites worship Reagan. Part of the revival of race baiting politics in the US.

smdh Holla Forums smdh

I saw plenty of non-bourgeoisie black people on Twitter shill for Hillary and say that Bernie is racist or out of touch with black issues. LMAO. If you're a rich black person and give absolutely no fucks about class issues, then whatever. But if you are a black student on twitter or middle-income, you're a fucking retard to choose Hillary over Bernie

Why do people think this?

Because he doesn't focus directly on idpol?????????

Pretty much. They say he focuses too much on class issues

Why respond to false flag threads like this? Just report and hide and move on

Whereas in the last what? 40+ years probably I don't think the Democrat Party has focused much on class issues. They've focused more on race issues, gender issues, LGBT rights, etc

Bernie focused a little bit on idpol and mostly on class issues. Hillary focused 100% on idpol and 0% on class issues.

The democratic party needs to be purged

How is this a false-flag? I'm genuinely interested in helping make the white working class, class conscious.

ehhhh white working class people complain about not being able to get up because of niggers on handouts and beaners flooding the usa and quotas everyday.

The "white" is unnecessary. All burgers are classcucks.

thank you for proving my point