Besides punching one shitheel, are black bloc tactics effective?
Have they achieved anything in 20 years?
Besides punching one shitheel, are black bloc tactics effective?
Have they achieved anything in 20 years?
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no and no
it's just fun to watch the resulting drama
Effective for what, is the question.
It is exactly as you said, a tactic. So when you need a crowd of people and a degree of anonymity, they are good.
When you need to accomplish something different, another tactic should be used.
A lot of the left does fetishize street fighting now though, in lieu of actual organising.
but have black bloc rioters ever achieved any of their aims anywhere?
yes, Seattle. divorcity of the tactics is the key though. it was really well organized by the both pacifists and anarchists. they both did their jobs. black block is not safe anymore though. lately it became like an "open invitation" to anyone wearing black. some kids covering their faces half-ass and want to have fun. boom, next thing you know you are arrested. it's better keeping it with the people you know. with buddy-cell system.
Yes, literally in all of Europe.
What have they accomplished in europe?
"black-block" is not an organization.
Going by this picture it seems they can't even achieve a successful adherence to their own tactics of just being an anonymous black mass.
Well.. I want be black bloc, but how would people know im special and tough if I don't wear this skull bandana? Or this red anarchy shirt?? And how will I show my solidarity with trans queer demibois without this rainbow flag!
you are being really superficial here. it's taken from brazil mass protests. anarchists doesn't only take the streets as a black bloc and they look pretty badass anyways.
pretty clever kiddo. but i have to admit, i would prefer these shitheads over you any given day. keep sitting on your ass and don't like anything. it's pretty easy to judge when you don't do literally anything. keep imagining how better you would do but I guess you are too smart to stop legitimizing your cowardness.
No flags
No custom bandanas
No customization whatsoever
No unique identifiers at all
All black and nothing else. Apply strict rules.
If the whole point is to make the police's job more difficult in identifying you need strict discipline.
just the hammer and sickle and nothing else
If you are going black bloc, you should kick out anyone who isn't. They threaten the rest of the members. If the police catch anyone, they risk divulging other members of the group. Facial recognition of one person in a group will lead to searches of other people who have frequently appeared in pictures with that person. That can be evidence for search warrants.
The use of unmarked black clothes and the most facial covering possible is not an option. There are people whose faces are uncovered enough even in that picture to be recognized in pictures. Everyone should be bringing extra pairs of sunglasses at a minimum.If you can prevent the cops from knowing even your skin color and height, that's all the better.
I'll have you know I've done just as much to start the revolution as ANY black bloc protester!
1. They're not an organization.
2. Punching Nazis is a symbolic gesture to show them that, if it comes to weapons drawn, you'll fight back with the same amount of force. They count on you being tolerant and weak.
OK let me rephrase
In what form has the use of black bloc tactics benefited or advanced the cause of communism, socialism, anarchy, revolution, etc
So basically gang violence wrapped in political symbols.
Take that trash bin
Tribalism based on your preference of pastel color.
At least Muslims believe in their one world, one God end-goal prophecy. I meet too many communists and nazis who don't even seem like they believe in their ideology. They're just trying to fit into a club in the most superficial sense.
bins deserved it tbh.all bins are counter revolutionary and need to be gulaged asap
hey if we can get some dummies who just want to kill shit on our side I say we use the useful idiots
Useful at scaring/annoying the general populace and making them think you're a bunch of faggots.
They're more useful as indirect gauges than direct action. Reactions can tell you how people generally view the idea of fighting against the establishment ("I don't think violence is the answer yet, but they have reasons to be upset") and how the police are going to act when things get rougher. They can also make for decent propaganda for glorifying.
So it's more useful in its periphery than as the main focus. Dumb little things have effects over time.
they think we're a bunch of faggots no matter what we do
in Seattle it played a key role to cancel the WTO summit. it radicalized the protestors. in Athens they saved my illeterate ass by throwing the gas canisters back to cops and make the cops move backwards while they were chargin by doing that they probably avoid the mass arrests. I think you should give-up on your passive-agressive position and come out clean. this "questioning" will take you nowhere. you can ask these questions on anything to undermine it. just say what you wanna say about black bloc tactics and let's take it from there.
No one shot Richard Spencer. He's alive and did not need to go to the hospital. Remember, the Nazis will get you first if you don't get them. No one is going to condone bullying school children who don't know any better, or blacks torturing a random autistic white kid.
This is different from that.
I will tell you why they look like "bunch of faggots" because there were not many of them. if they were 5000 in numbers instead of 50 you and any other person from the "general populace" would be on your knees would want to suck their cocks in all hyped up mood. yeah, this is how power works. ugly but the truth.
This is pretty much the only thought that constantly buzzes in the head of the wannabe extremist.
Weird, because you're terrible at it.
Are all smashies this fucking unbearable?