Police are now a protected class
God I fucking hate cops and their bootlickers.
I don't have a problem with cops but this law is retarded.
But nazbol pigs protect and serve the interests of the the bourgeoisie. They also throw tear gas and shoot rubber bullets at even "muh peaceful protestors". Cops are also fired for reporting pig brutality. I hate the institution of police cause they only protect porkys' riches and wealth.
he's a nazbol. a fascist who likes the the USSR because it was powerful and not whatever Russia is today.
I wasn't suprised but I was hoping nazbol be shitposting
Wew lad "resisting arrest" was already a stupid bullshit charge, and now this?
Burn them all
What a mess. Cracking down on everybody even harder is a sure-fire way to escalate any and all conflicts between police and the population; I guess some will be even more tempted to shoot cops like that.
A few more years like that, a few more harsher laws of this type and some US towns are going to rise up and exterminate their police forces.
We're hitting levels of critical theory that shouldn't even be possible
They really need to just remove the notion of thought crimes altogether.
Can any burger righties explain this? Is it supposed to be a reductio? Are they purposely aggravating race relations?
God it must be just awful to be in a relationship with a cop. Like, can you imagine being their spouse, child, or just their friend? They have such a weird view that the general populace is somehow different from them. It's like a cult or something.
This is the only logical conclusion of liberal identity politics-now the ruling class and their jackbooted enforcers can cry oppression because they feel threatened by the very people they're violently oppressing.
how does leftism fix cops?
murder them all and start over
Universal employment, no poverty, Justice system around scientific rehabilitation instead of private prison profits, police forces that aren't over extended and underfunded, no lead in the water giving kids brain damage, no retarded drug laws, police departments follow orders of a community board of directors, the police force is the entire population taking shifts for a period out of the year (should be tried, idk how well it would work) etc etc
I can keep naming things
Lottery drawn for town watch roles if there's a need for that kind of security (i.e. if there are bandits choosing to loot from your society instead of join it for some reason). The power of regular people is amplified. Citizens' arrest is more normal than "specialists" arresting people. Back before we had anything like police forces the way it used to work was that if someone was seen doing a crime, everyone around them would gang up and subdue them.
This is generally the intention of a given ruling class, to make their minion armies always in the Right, and the people they're oppressing and genociding always in the Wrong.
So I get that cops are assholes and often times are merely thugs hired to repress the working class but it seems odd to me there's more cop hate then billionaire hate. Maybe cause few people actually run into a super-porky.
But, I'm kinda curious what do ya'll think of the whole "cops are workers" argument? Is it true, not true, or not true enough for you to care?
1. There's more cops than billionaires, so more cop hate is numerically appropriate.
2. Billionaires have other people do their dirty work and cops do it firsthand. It's a lot easier to be detached from the things you're responsible for when you never see them.
3. The real problem is the system, not any single person in it. Billionaires have better lives than proles, but they're still in a position where they have certain pressures on them for how to behave lest they lose their wealth.
The law is retarded, but I like the idea. I think crimes against police or any specific group including black, white, gay, straight, feminist, conservative specifically because they ARE police should be defined as a hate crime.
Yes, and crimes against rapists specifically because they are rapists should be defined as a hate crime.
go home lib.
I agree. Crimes against capitalists specifically because they are capitalists should be defined as hate crimes.
Too old.
Pigs are workers in the same sense that the guards at Auschwitz were workers. In theory I have some small amount of sympathy for them, but they come pretty fucking far down the priority list.
To be honest there's not much benefit in hating anyone, other than making you feel better. Real solutions must tackle the systematic problem of capitalism rather than going after individuals.
Tout le monde déteste la police!
Being a pig is a hate crime against the working class.
I'm an anarchist, and I actually think they're workers. I actually live in Louisiana, and I've met quite a few good ones, despite this shitty law getting passed. (Although I'm white, so I haven't come across any obvious racism.)
I know there's a lot of bad ones, and I also know that the FBI has been investigating a really high white supremicist/neo-nazi police enrollment rate over the past 20 or so years, but I still am optimistic that most of them either want to do the right thing by helping their communities, or at least just wanted a decent paying and secure job but couldn't afford a college degree. Maybe I'm hopelessly naive, but I think any leftist movement that doesnt try to appeal to the people behind the badge is missing out on some really valuable allies.
Complete abolishment of law.
I forgot to mention that the job is obviously dogshit: it pits communities against each other and the ruling class absolutely try and force the same citizen pride for policemen that they do for the military, but its the people who do the job I think are potentially allies.
cops are working class so i have more sympathy for them then many of the lumpenproles they arrest.
besides you will probably have to have something similar like a police force even in a communist utopia to protect personal property, stop rape and murder.
unless you whant mob "justice"/lynching
They are also bought off by porky which means their perceived self interest runs counter to the working class. Police are given power over the proletariat, live relatively comfortable lives, and in some cultures they hold a venerated social position for keeping "law and order". They aren't going buck the current order.
They're not. They're part of the warrior caste, the same as soldiers and mercenaries.
Not just police, but politicians and bankers are workers also and much better than jobless lumpen.
gr8 b8
lmao nazbol pls go
resisting arrest laws are so fucking vague to begin with.
just nuke my shit up fam
I don't think it really matters
If you resist arrest in the first place you're already fucked 7 ways to sunday, this would just be icing on the cake
As a capitalist I'm ok with this.(Banning is a preferable alternative to shitposting)
You wish you were being oppressed with your high speed internet connection, plentiful food and liberties granted by the constitution.
99% of crimes are a direct cause of capitalism
pig apologists >>>Holla Forums
burger politics
not even once
Maybe learn how to better capitulate, work on that credit score, get a loan, start your own business on market street so you can live in our glorious capitalist society instead of stealing or killing like a fucking nigger who doesn't know their place.
But they are
any statistics on this?
Oh, well no wonder the whole world is going to shit. It all makes sense now.
call me when the constitution stops being a worthless piece of paper and America fixes it's 13% food insecurity rate.
Grocery store is down the street in almost every town and city, a lot of our land is pretty fertile unless you're retarded. You can also wait in line at the soup kitchens for a free meal. If you can't get food in America you must be brain dead.
We actually just give food away in this country and our trash is full of the stuff if you're an urbanite. I can't imagine anyone not willing to give away food to people.
Dumpster diving is illegal and soup kitchens are only prevalent in large cities.
Not only that but fastfoods are mandated to pour bleach on their wastes so homeless people can't get it.
Implying all of the land isn't owned?
Yup thats a dignified way to live.
Says somebody who has in all likely hood never paid rent or a phone bill
are you literally fucking retarded? Most people get all pissy when a homeless guy asks them for a dollar
and anyway
fuck off
John Bel Edwards, the man who signed this bill into action is a democrat
They both need to burn
This is misleading. very much so.
Louisiana passed legislation in May 2016, making it a hate crime to target police officers or firefighters. The legislation, authored by state Representative Lance Harris, was signed into law by Governor John Bel Edwards. The law allows for hate crime felonies to carry an additional $5,000 fine or five years in prison, while hate crime misdemeanors to carry an additional $500 fine or six months in prison
"resisting arrest is a hate crime" is quite sensationalist and a very exaggerated claim
You know you fucked up if even the nazbol gang thinks you have gone too authoritarian
seize power, purge, appoint commissars and use the least bad of the old batch to train a new batch
then purge again for good measure
Maybe you should get into touch with Police Chief Calder Herbert before or read the linked article before claiming it's sensationalist.
This is a quote from the police chief:
Whether the legislation allows for it or not–it doesn't matter when the people doing the arresting/charging are interpreting it that way, and it looks like they are.
The constitution guarantees me food and internet? Wow I've been paying money for those like a sucker!
What means of production are they being denied?
Proles aren't even a revolutionary class m8. If anything, being a prole regiments you to accept hiearchy and police especially are indoctrinated to support hiearchy and domination
In the recent DOJ investigation on the Chicago police department, one guy told them that the police act like an occupying force.
I've been telling you that the white right wing class cucks are our biggest enemies and need to be murdered first and foremost before we cans start a true revolution.
tfw bootlickers existed before "hate crimes"
Where is that from? The police officer being set on fire. Greek anarkiddies?
sensationalist fear porn
I see that quote in the article above.
The same article also says:
"While the bill does not specifically list resisting arrest as a qualifying offense, it empowers police officials to pursue more draconian punishments of crimes deemed to be motivated by animus towards the police. "
Lets be honest about what "law" was actually passed and read its text:
A. It shall be unlawful for anyperson to select the victim of thefollowing offenses against person and propertybecause of actual or perceivedrace, age, gender, religion, color, creed, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, or ancestryof that person or the owner or occupant of that property or because of actual or perceived membership or service in, or employment with, an organization, or because of actual or perceived employment as a lawenforcement officer or firefighter: first or second degree murder; manslaughter; battery; aggravated battery; second degree battery; aggravated assault with a firearm; terrorizing; mingling harmful substances; simple or third degree rape, forcible or second degree rape, or aggravated or first degree rape; sexual battery, second degree sexual battery; oral sexual battery; carnal knowledge of a juvenile; indecent behavior with juveniles; molestation of a juvenile or a person with a physical or mental disability; simple, or aggravated kidnapping; simple or aggravated arson; communicating of false information of planned arson; simple or aggravated criminal damageto property; contamination of water supplies; simple or aggravated burglary; criminal trespass; simple, first degree, or armed robbery; purse snatching; extortion; theft; desecration of graves; institutional vandalism; or assault bydrive-byshooting
I see nothing about resisting arrest
I see nothing about resisting arrest.
Sensationalist, and fear porn.
Regardless, dont you just hate the democrats who pass laws like these anyways?
eyes on you, democrat gov John Bel Edwards who passed this in 2016
First of all, ^ this alone is a problem. Pigs are so threatened they're not trying to claim they're a discriminated against class! Along the lines of race, color, creed, sex, etc! That's insane.
Just ignore that they're cops, too, for second. We're expanding protected classes to EMPLOYMENT sectors now?
Police chiefs are being quoted by the media saying the law allows them to tack on a hate crime (due to this legislation) now to resisting arrest. You're implying it's the media being sensationalist, RATHER THAN BELIEVING THE COPS THEMSELVES
Cops lie, not defending this legislation, it's total bullshit that they think a job is equal to the color of your skin. But cops do lie, and this appears to be yet another of their many, many, lies.
agreed, but i think this time it's more of a tell on how they're going to use this law
No such thing, it's just liberal gobbledygook, every crime is hateful. Now if they want to start creating class crimes, that I'd support.