You're telling me This guy had all this time to put together his black bloc costume, but he couldn't find a knife?

you're telling me This guy had all this time to put together his black bloc costume, but he couldn't find a knife?
Richard Spencer could be dead right now if it weren't for this guy's failure.

Killing him only makes him a martyr. Beating him makes him a joke.

It has normie appeal, because no one really got hurt in the end.
It's like one of their "America's Funniest Videos".

I'm sure he would rather be having fun making kinky as fuck porn films than spending time in prison for murder.


He probably didn't think Spencer was worth a murder charge. It worked out better for the guy who punched him anyway, it humiliated Spencer publicly instead of martyring him.

Just clap for him.

Can't you at least pretend you are not butthurt?

If he killed him you would be crying about muh "left-wing death squads"

don't worry there is time for that to happen yet.

I thought I'd bring some outside context to leftypol because it's often an echo chamber in here and we can lose sight of "normal society" in so much as we care, but in this case since we are discussing the way this event appears to outsiders it's relevant.

Outside of the left, eating your mistresses shit, eating your own cum, eating other people's cum, wearing a dog collar and a diaper etc, are considered somewhat humiliating and disgusting things to do. They also hold the reactionary idea that it's incorrect get an erection while thinking about or watching other men have sex with your wife.

Similarly, they think sucker-punching is a low and spineless way to confront someone.

what if i enjoy my echo chamber?

why would you care about an unimportant person like him? why dont you guys focus on the corruption that has controlled your government for the past decades?

you americans let yourself be controlled so easily

Butt hurt cus spen dog got decked by cuckold supremo, pee pee mans inaguration was shite and proved he was less popular than a black man, and the officially press secretary complained about twitter dot com in front of international tv cameras, all in the space of 48 hours

Holla Forumsyps really are delusional. No one likes you guys. So many normies are out there laughing at your guy right now it is fucking hilarious.

Really makes you think.

Such a beuatiful thing has been lost to this world.

t. nazi maymay man who got hisself floored

He probably didn't realize he would have an opportunity like that. This is why it's important to be prepared for immediate action.

Hello fellow Communists


I'm clapping now, Jeb. I'm clapping now.

You can't serve your mistress when you're in prison tho

I shared the video of him getting socked on Facebook and immediately I had these people come and say on how it'd only be right to use words not violence, and how he has his right to believe the way he did. I hate FUCKING liberals.

They'll never truly get it, fam.
Normie liberals naively think everyone is as weak tea as them. I'm not saying that everyone who is a liberal is weak tea, but really naive ineffectual people gravitate toward social liberalism like flies for some reason. Fascist use direct political force to get what they want done in their country. These liberals are under the impression there's some form of democratic fascism; that if they have a disagreement, they'll work it out somehow in congress. What actually happens is if fascist are ever given an inch, they seize all levers of power and use them against their opposition.

Ironic too, considering Richard Spencer has said he's against irrelevant shiting, and the guy defending him was mixed. I even went on to say people like him don't believe in democracy and freedom of speech and what not, but it still didn't matter, in their similar words: "It's what separates a man from an animal, a man uses words, an animal attacks" or some shit like that.