Is the turn to capitalism just a ruse? Will they save the world?

Is the turn to capitalism just a ruse? Will they save the world?


It might have been a ruse for Deng, but the unreal level of corruption within the party coupled with the truly abysmal level of Marxist thought coming out of it leave very little hope for any kind of socialist reversion.

A socialist axis of a resurgent leftist china, revolutionary india and dem soc japan will lead us to world socialism.

It's not a ruse it's a necessary step in the long revolution. China is both sincerely capitalist and sincerely marxist

it won't lead to communism tho

It's not a ruse, the goal is to develop the productive forces of society for socialism. This is literally what Deng Xiaoping thought says.

While the capitalist stage of development is necessary, to say the Chinese Communist Party is sincerely Marxist is just silly.

I think rather a Revolution or a coup by agents loyal to achieving a Communist society will be necessary in China.


sinophiles waiting for china to become socialist

Is there revolutionary potential in China? Are there many people who remember Marxism and are passing it on? China is heading for a crash so it will be interesting to see how the proles react when capitalism is discredited.

When that happens, the ruling government will be called the Communist Party. Do you really think your average Joe is going to turn to Communism after that?

Mao is still a massive hero in China though. It can be viewed as a reformation more than a revolution

This is why fake communism in third world countries is actually worse than capitalism. Fortunately it looks like Trump is going to bomb the shit out of them.

China has been couped massively by the bourgoiesie. Until they start to actually take steps to introduce socialism, im not holding out any hope.


Honestly, I think there are many sincere Marxists within the CPC, with Xi Jinping seeming more respectful of Marxist thought than previous leaders. That said, they have unleashed the forces of capitalism in their country, and there's now a fairly large class of people who have an immense amount of power due to capitalism. The only hope is some sort of revolutionary chage, a la the cultural revolution - but realistically that's never going to happen.

How will Capitalism go on forever in China? Considering that many Chinese corporations are seeking to automate as much labor as they can, we could see the breakdown of wage labor in the not-too-distant future.

Trotskyism has really reached a point where it's impossible to tell if this is satire or not

I feel like considering how porky all the top leadership all are, they only encourage and disseminate some small portions of Marxist thought, like the need for globalization and whatever. It's filtered very fine, but I don't think Xi is a committed Marxist, he just uses the ideology as a facade. After all, he's banished Bo Xilai who did gave heavy lip service to Maoist thought and who said that the income inequality will be catastrophic for China. A few years after being in power, Xi and his leadership essentially instructed his propaganda news service to keep on spouting that they will follow on "supply-side" reforms a la Reagan.

So essentially giving pseudo-Marxist rhetoric and using tightly controlled news that propagates a populist stance to be seen as a man of the people, while yet at the same time pushing the country on a heavy right of center path economically.

The socioeconomic outlook for the overall society looks just as grim for China as in the rest of the world. Maybe the contrarian rhetoric of Trump or whatever he does may light up some embers of revolution in China.

Always thought that grave was kind of tacky.

Would there be anything wrong with China or Russia bombing the shit out of America? I doubt more than a handful on Holla Forums would say yes. It's just a matter of whose imperialism you prefer.

Considering you underestimate the possibility of retaliation and complete global breakdown, even if only America gets nuked, baffles me.

Nah, I say "yes" there would be. Workers should fight for the defeat and overthrow of their own imperialist governments in such a situation.

Uh, yes? What possible advantage would there be to nuclear war that destroys civilization? Unless you're a Posadist.

It's obvious satire to anyone who knows even the basics of permanent revolution, I should think. It's just a play on the tacky "trots=neocons" maymay

And that, is how we will win.

Good shit, man.
Now forward it to some hack pundit. The CIA will be delighted to know there's a communist plot brewing