I'm losing hope, Holla Forums. With Trump being elected and the executive orders he just signed, its hard for me to not be really sad. I'm probably just being a pussy and need to get over it, but I was wondering what you guys do when you start to lose hope for socialism.
Staying strong in wake of current events
You're right you are being a pussy. Hillary, Bernie, Jill, if any of them had won they would need to be fought the same as Trump needs to be fought. If anything, giving king porky an ugly face helps us.
I think of Rojava and keeping the socialist ideas alive through the coming dark ages. The worst that could happen would be if we lost our leftist traditions and theory completely allowing us to regress philosophically.
I never had any to begin with. I'm purely a socialist so I can at least say "I tried to prevent this" when we all die of climate change or starve to death in the United States of Microsoft™
I like the style of this map, where did you get it?
Well, not American so probably not as worried.
Right now we are seeing political conciousness on a mass level. Trump's support mainly came from the working class lamenting the loss of their jobs to globalisation. They didn't trust politicians so they let a businessman give it a shot
Trump will fuck up. And with all that, we have serious potential for mass class conciousness and people hungry for a new way. They're is plenty of hope for the left, if we can stop fightimlng and start organising.
Its the wikipedia map
We aren't even really fighting, outside of meaningless internet discussions. We're just incredibly tiny and irrelevant.
So was Holla Forums and they got HRC, presumptive 45th President of the most powerful political entity in history, to talk about their mascot.
Yeah, which is good. I used to be quite active offline, but endless infighting drove me away.
Speak for yourself OP, I'm interested to see where it goes.
When it comes to political ideologies that are out of vogue it's important that a small group carry the torch until the time is right. The time might not come in your youth or even in your lifetime but as long as it's kept alive and keeps asserting it's legitimacy through running for office even when it has a 0% chance of victory it will be ready to seize opportunities when the time is right.
Public zeitgeist and the general state of the world constantly changes in unpredictable ways, stay vigilant and seize the opportunity when the time is right.
You don't, there is no hope for it to magically happen, we will have to force it and the conditions aren't that bad for communism right now.
Yeah trump is a terrible shitty person who will fuck the US, the thing is US is ducked either way due to being capitalist so what we need is a long term effective plan to spread communism
And now it is the best time to convert people due to the uneasiness trump has caused
The US will be the last place in the world to become socialist. I think you burgerfriends need to accept that.
…garbage cans
This is a time of political unrest, if anything you should strengthen your resolve comrade. We must never cease fighting. Trump benefits us because he will make everyone realize the true filthy and orange face of the bourgeoise.
And your mans!
Stormfag you couldn't win WWII you're no authority on fighting.
Ain't it true man. I was about to post the same thread with the same bitchy mood ;S … idk what to say. Hang in there fam.
Damn, never thought about it like this but this is pretty true now that I think about it. The only reason I came to leftism is because of these hopeless torch bearers you speak of, that knew when to speak up against US Imperialism and had the right things to say at the right time to spur consciousness.
Your college sure was fucking wrong wasn't it? Blow up some more garbage cans that'll make your debt and piece of paper correct.
And perhaps the radical left is strengthened by a Trump presidency, insofar as those already leaning radical now are more incentivized to fully submit to the poz and cuck out to identity politics.
But the american left in a broader sense is in a state of decline from which it has no mechanisms to recover from. The best you can hope for is for Trump to fail, in which case in eight years time we'd just return to the old status quo. That's not a likely scenario though, not when Trump is keeping up this pace and seeing as his party is in a dominant position both in the house and senate there's fuck all the dems can to do obstruct him, not when congressmen and senators who previously doubted him are coming around and bending the knee.
The key point here is the fate of the democratic party is largely out of its own hands. They might elect Ellison to be their chairman but he won't advance your politics, just give the dems the veneer of "progressivism" they need to pull in Bernie's voters.
What if he doesn't? What's your game plan if he succeeds?
Which is to say, there's no hope at all for you sad saps.
I don't really waste my time concerned with the possibility that retarded policies work. You'l find it'd probably save you a lot of time as well
Has a president ever not fucked up
The guy is literally already going full porky
He has already fucked up
A cabinet full of goldman sachs alumni and other assorted sycophants is just part of his secret plan?
kek back to Holla Forums
You are wrong, if people in USA will become too dissapointed with it's system, chances will become higher.
I'm not an American but if I were I'd laugh at the hysteria the liberals are experiencing over Trump, knowing very well how horrible the war criminal Obama was. It literally doesn't matter, OP. The bourgeoisie is in power.
Clinton = Bush = Obama = Hillary = Trump = […]
They are disappointed, that's why they voted Trump.
8 years baby
But guys it's accelerationism! Embrace Trump!
Trump is a desperate last ditch attempt to hold together the capitalist pyramid scheme. Enjoy it while it lasts, porky.
But what happens when Trump stabs them in the back? They'll look to other solutions like socialism. We just have to be there to show them.
They said that during Bush II's campaign, look how that turned out? I hope none of us take it seriously this time around.
His goals are pointless and will only hasten society's demise at the hands of climate change and private property over automated factories. Even if he succeeds in everything he tries, we're still dead.