Afghan Immigrant Attacks Police with Hammer! (Violent)
Homeless illegal immigrant, police attempted to draw him out in the street for an easier takedown but one officer failed to retreat so they did it there. Sentenced to 3 years in prison.
Unfortunately some of us actually keep track of our local news and don't pour a can of liquid memes into a plastic bag and huff it for our worldview.
Good. The only good cop is a dead cop.
wtf I hate brown people now
Maim those fucking pigs. ALLAHU AKHBAR!!!
We need more Muslim immigration. Muslims and BBC are the only ones with revolutionary potential.
Fuck you and the police you disgusting bootlicker
If bluepill is meant to be the opposite of redpill, then bluepill is about uniting together, erasing divisions (recognizing similarities are more important than differences) and overcoming the various sources of corruption that exist in the world (including but not limited to: bigotry, institutionalized greed, exploitation of the working class, the military-industrial complex and so much more)
Redpill is nothing more than a group of deluded morons who've bought in to wedge politics based on race/gender/etc and happily attack people they've been told are different, rather than the real enemy.
lel at those comments
amazing how right wing women exist
must be very self loathing
Honestly better than any amerifat. More dead pigs, please.
I don't think homeless people can "lead" per se (lack of access to books, food, clothing, shelter, whatever's it may be) but they can be proletariat.
can I be proletariat
lmao, britcucks are so cucked they aren't allowed to own basic pistols, let alone knives
Anyone can be famrade
Is that a comment on the vid?
top kek
Fuck this late stage capitalist world. I wanna see it burn. I hope ISIS attacks Canada eventually. Kill all the fucking porkies and cops on Bay Street (financial district). Kill all the rentier normie infidels. ALLAHU AKBAR.
yes but it made me laugh because it's so true
you're literally not allowed to own basic weapons for self defense according to bongland police
Mashallah brother
Kufar capitalists will meet their end in Islamic gulags
I know, I'm from there. It's a pretty funny comment.
"Don't carry weapons, the police will deal with everything"
"Where are the police?"
"We sacked them all :^)"
of course, i just feel like faggots like this socdem would prefer totalitarian islamic theocracy over liberal bourgeois democracy
Based Afghani.
I wish. There might actually be a slim chance of a revolution then.
this is good, piggies deserved it
If you work for a wage you are
take the brown pill, pigfucking Holla Forumsyp.