Who was the better anarchist?
Who did more to advance the cause?
Who was the better anarchist?
Who did more to advance the cause?
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Ted's theory was so fucking bad. STEMlords should try reading actual books before attempting to diagnose society's ills.
Ted by far, Chomsky has one thing he's come up with that i really agree with "manufacturing consent", universal grammar isn't without valid critiques and his libertarian socialism is impotent. Ted put his life into his work and it basically destroyed him. Bad choices but a much more interesting person than chomsky
Nazbol insulting Ted, gtfo of my face you pleb
why are you guys talking about him as if he is dead. he recently published his best work so far.
Mathematical genius, despised academics, sort of anti social which made him bad at being a teacher, decided to put his money where his mouth is and actually live the lifestyle his politics espoused, went to go live in da woods, wrote intricate and short manifestos predicting the effects of technology on human beings and shitting on liberals, giving good psychological evaluations on the left in general, did propaganda of the deed in 20th century, would not have been caught if it werent for his jealous brother selling him out
Boring old jew academic who has written some nice books and makes you fall asleep when he talks, got owned by foucault and wants you to forget he supported the khmer rouge
I've always felt like Ted was more concerned about technology and the industrial society more than the state, him just thinking the state was a tool to keep the industrial society in power. Nor did he really solely critique the state. So I'm not really sure you can call him an anarchist.
Ted was a reactionary who blamed the world's problems on technology instead of da jews/masons/etc.
the effects of technology on the human condition is actually an interesting niche in philosophy that doesn't get explored enough
Memeber when you were a kid and people actually talked to each other instead of texting on their phone all the time :DD
only nindies kids will memba takling xDD i just skypes now xPP
Both pretty shit compared to pic related
Kaczynski made a few valid points about the "disruption of the power process" but overall he was an edgy reactionary with a meme understanding of leftism. Also, reminder that had the bomb he planted in a civilian plane detonated properly, it would have completely destroyed the whole thing and killed the 70+ people on board. Literally Breivik, just substitute "Islam" for "technology".
Primitivism was a mistake and it forever associated perfectly legitimate criticism of industrial society with regressive eschatology. Praise Mumford.
Grumpy old man
His critique of leftism is very accurate when it's applied to liberals and certain parts of the far-left, especially more so now.
tfw other anarchists on leftypol are so retarded that they make nazbol look like well developed thinker
Their very existence seems to be a good argument for a state.
Society's ills will only be cured by STEM "lords". You ain't gonna get true communism til robots bring about transhumanism.
you aint gonna get shit if technology continues to be owned by porky
Not denying that. However if you want to be a theorist please at the very least read some theory beforehand.
Looks like he's smart as fuck and reddit is full of liberal retards
He's not a fucking primitivist tho
He didn't support the Khmer Rouge, but did Foucalt really beat him that bad?
Nothing I've seen Ted say is super compelling.
everyone itt needs to read this
Modernity and progress BTFO
But this is what you don't get, "user", STEM "lords" are already our robots. Humanity has spent circa 300 years to perfect the conditioning of subjects by science "education" (wink wink) into heartless, thoughtless, obeying machines.
The STEM fields are just specialized conveyor belts for mass production of machines that obey the always current power structures.
The revolution thus won't need the fidelity of STEM "lords", "user", because STEM "lords" are incapable of such a human sentiment.
t. humanities aryan race
p.s. feel "free" (haha, get it?) to reply, it will be amusing to deconstruct your circuitry
the fact that nobody knows what you are talking about shows the complete ignorance of this whole board on Ted. Jesus christ he dont a freaking detailed study on the nature of revolutions and reflections on Lenin his legancy. He has been reading a fuckload of marx lately and it clearly shows.
Oh my freaking god he isnt a fucking primitivist but a neo luddite. He presented a complete refutation towards zerzan and deep ecology a while ago.
He is an anarcho-individualist and reconizes the restrictions on our autonomy by techno-industrial society for its systematisation of our lives for the sake of the efficiency of society.
Look into Jacques ellul.
Didnt know i could disregard your opinion so hard. Have you read anything else besides his manifesto? The other stuff is so mutch more interesting and criminally neglected.
Ted is the more romantic revolutionary, like an anarchist che.
Noam is a boring and dry academic who has a good few thoughts about stuff he has written.
Kaczynski is to Bookchin as Che is to Castro.
overblown by liberal edgelords who try to distance him from the atrocities of the other half, despite him partaking in them and supporting them?
That doesn't make sense, user.
Ted has actually refuted primativism, and hates leftism because a lot of leftist values are tied in with technology, it doesnt make him right wing.
Guy just wants to destroy technology.
>Theodore J. Kaczynski, better known as the Unabomber, is a surprisingly harsh critic of the current Anarcho-Primitivist mainstream and Zerzan in particular for what he sees as a foolish and invalid projection of leftist values such as gender equality, pacifism and leisure time onto the primitive way of life. Kaczynski holds that the values of gender equality, pacifism, leisure time, etc., while still admirable, are exactly the values of techno-industrial civilization and its promised techno-utopia. Second, he holds that having such an interpretation is counter-productive to the ultimate anti-civilization/anti-tech goal as it attracts "leftist types" who are by nature uncommitted and act to dilute the movement. Kaczynski insists that the core values of freedom, autonomy, dignity, and human fulfillment must be emphasized above all others.
Remember when you got at least a modicum of your knowledge face to face from other people, and not the net?
If you think this dehumanization does not affect our relation to power, you are not paying attention.
Come on, Gomrade. You need doctors in society, for instance, to remove that giant stick from your ass. Society doesn't revolve around this inferiority complex of yours.
Scientific and technological development and their attendant reduction of SNLT is absolutely central to the broader emancipatory project. Every serious Marxist theoretician recognized this, why don't the edgy libarts kids on this board?
It and socialism are like the two wheels of a cart.
Mate, is taking the piss out of you
Check this out if you wanna read some truly wild shit. Even at our craziest we'll never be as downright hazardous as anarcho-primitivists::
so did Ted believe in private property or not?
do we really need to have this discussion?