Why are the Trotskyist posters the nicest?
They're so sweet and kind to everyone that responds to them, even when insults are constantly flung at them.
Why are the Trotskyist posters the nicest?
Because trots reserve all there hate for other trots
Because they're not human.
Id contest that statement, socs are monk like in the face of insults.
They are weird cultists
Because they're the worst leftist group, even worse than nazbols or annils.
you're cunts
Socdem is retarded and you're a traitor to the revolution.
I dunno. i think soc dems take the cake for the worst leftist group.
Socdems are smug af
C'mon now lets get around the negotiating table
Socdems are left though.
Depends on the trot.
I like WSWS despite their shilling for the SEP. SocialistWorker can go to the gulag. They're also super defensive when you question their party, which is fucking annoying.
Dumb naziposter
Nah there are probably worse leftists groups, Trots are dumb but they're ineffectual, unlike M-Ls.
Nazi managed to get you morons to start in-fighting. Fucking amazing. Holla Forums and NSA are probably masturbating just reading this thread.
This has to be FBI, right?
More you keep calling us right-wing, the likelier it becomes that our newer friends in social democratic circles turn towards post-fascism.
I would be watchful of how I redefine the left.
You're confusing Trots for Nazbols, Leftcoms and Tankies. The above 3 also make the most relevant and logical posts. Yugo posters too.
This has nothing to do with idelogy, just who is nicer.
Nazis and trots not fighting IS non-sectarianism, brother. Let's not infight.
Hrmm, that sounds familiar
Is Trotskyism anything more then edgy social democracy in practice?
The soc dem is placing threats now.
you guys are wrong
Ironic coming from a trot
Social fascism is not leftist, sorry
Aaaah like clockwork assertions without any evidence
Shit left my shit posting flag on
u r a fagget
Hey, if you don't think this place is a playground for alphabet soup and Holla Forums to test ways they can pit us against each other, I got a trot to sell you.
because they're planning to rape us, probably
either way there's a 99% chance they're thinking about rape
What is this, 1960?
Left unity is a dumb meme
Top kek
So is getting fuck-all done for revolution. Yet here we both are.
Socdems are status quo with "socialistic" characteristics
Not revolutionary, pro-capitalists.
Nazbols as shitty and divisive they are at least are against capitalism.
So when are we going to replace socdem with socfash flag?
My question had nothing to do with Trotskyist theory, but the fact trots act the same as social democrats despite their pretensions of being revolutionary.
Go on then explain
Go ahead and educate me, nihilist
He's the one who asked the question you faggot
Most Trotskyist organisations tend to base there politics on the vague notion of "acting for the Revolution" by spreading " class consciousness " but in practice that means getting social democrats elected, aimless activist non politics , selling newspapers and constant petty infighting .
Marxism-Leninism is the only correct line. kys
My nigga
This is true tbh.
The revolution is a vague abstraction that has no relation to reality , communism can only be established in the here and now by the efforts of many individual struggles and the notion of a global transformation of the social relations in one grand historical event is pure fantasy.
They want to be tankies but they're too beh-tah
That's most leftists tbh
We do what got us into power before, and got us the closest the world has ever been to FALC.
What would you have us do? Sit in our basement and shitpost?
The general cadre have mostly busy work to do but it helps build party unity, engages them in intellectual struggle, and helps us grow and become local staples. The party is necessary to secure the revolution and the party can only be built through political action.
No you don't, the last time you rode your way into power by a wave of worker and peasant revlot you didn't create. Thats the problem your politics can only work in a set of historical conditions that no longer exist.
No i don't , i want you rethink your poltics .
A.k.a aimless nonpoltics thats going nowhere
says the fucking NAZI.
Arguments between anarchists and trots and anarchists never go well. The only thing trots hate as much as other trots is anarchists. Everytime it's a debate on what happened 100 years ago in Russia. It ends in a massive thread of quoting every line of your opponent and attempting to rebuke it.
Anyway you both need Jesus
I can't stop, i can't stand people being wrong on the internet it's a nasty habit
stop being naziphobic please
Do you understand what a transitional demand is?
Do you understand how to build a movement? Do you understand how to genuine revolutionize the industrialized workforce?
What you associate with Trots is actually just Bolshevik in method.
opinion= irrelevant
I'll stop being "naziphobic" when you stop being a lying snake
what have I lied about? Trotskyists are the nicest!!
Wouldn't those collective actions be considered the revolution?
no trots are gay and dumb
Why are anarkiddies always such bourgeois idealists?
Kettle calling the pot black
Hahahaha you what mate
WSWS is literally an ICFI publication hahahahahaha