When leftypol leaves the basement



Please don't associate Holla Forums with anarcho-LARPists

Speak for yourself Holla Forums
You guys are NEETs who support a billionaire trust fund kid like Donald Trump. You are so cucked. At least we lefty NEETs are smart enough to know what's in our best interests.


Anarchists are pieces of shit. you won't catch me defending one. Should have hit the bitch harder.



good work Holla Forums

also antifa is trash. we've been through this before

I thought men and women were completely the same and totally equal in ability huh really magnetizes those melons.

Antifa are trash. But Trump supporters are the biggest cucks on the face of the earth. So it was quite enjoyable to see that antifa anarchist punch Richard Spencer in the face

Who ever said that?


Why are you imposing hetero normative patriarchal norms of never hitting huh don't you know gender is a spook really makes me think


You've got your meme goggles on too tight.

I don't get it, on the right people are going through just fine? And then he charges at the masked woman, who supposedly spit on him (through the mask??)

a retarded kid in a wheelchair should have the same rights as me but if you punch one you're a piece of shit
only nazis and right-wingers don't understand this

Classic socialdemocrat

It wasn't satisfying because he was a trump supporter
It's satisfying because Spencer is an actual Nazi and every nazi deserves at least a punch to the head

Huh gender norms are totally independent of sexual dimorphism huh why are you hitting a woman huh don't you know Kurds are arming woman in rojava huh woman can do anything a man does really carmelizes my onions

So women are retarded mentally handicapped children?

We agree!

Damn, that punch really dislodged something, Richard



he's a nazi who openly calls for genocide of blacks too. having trouble finding his tweet

Anyone here who tells that men and women are exactly the same is trying to bait you. You're an easily baited group.

Why are you comparing women to the mentally challenged wheelchair bound?

Why larp as a black block anarchist, wish to deconstruct the patriarchy and abolish traditional gender norms, and then get mad when a guy wishes to not adhere to the rule of "never hit a woman they're weaker"?

Huh really relaxes my reflexes maybe isis won't shoot at female Kurds because you never hit a girl huh really makes me think


not an argument, I argued you can have different standards for appropriate use of violence based on the person's ability to defend themselves

gunfight =/= fistfight
you're just a dumbfuck

Would you hit a skinny guy?



not physically no. males tend to be about 15% stronger. not sure what your point is though.

I thought it was more shock that the policeman didn't do shit. He should have anyway.


I'm giving an extreme example of different capabilities of defending oneself. Women are less capable (usually) of defending themselves in a fist-fight. Punching a guy? You shouldn't do it (unless they call for genocide like dick spencer), but punching a smaller guy is less "brave" or "tough" than punching a big guy, and even more so for punching a woman.
This is not a difficult concept.

stop saying that good lord it's not funny

Americans wtf?


Yeah so they shouldn't go around hitting people faggot. I'm less capable of defending myself in a fight against Mike Tyson does that mean he doesn't have the right to hit me if I hit him first?

Most work is shit tbh


Your male chauvinism is showing.



theyre unemployed "anti facists" what did you expect?
they think racism is the fault of a capitalist plot to keep infighting so races keep eachother down.

you cant see it in this video, but that woman hit him and spit in his face before getting a jab in the chops.
its not like he hit her as hard as he could, she just got a quick knock to the chin. she didnt even stumble. she just stood there in shock "omg a man hit me?"

Trump supporters all deserve a punch to the head. Thanks to their classcuckery, the world economy is going to implode within the next few years

fucking """"anarchists"""" lmao

These Antifa pussies are getting up to 10 years for their involvement in the riots. If you're going to get 10 years in jail, you might as well kill a cop. What is wrong with these anarkiddies?

That's a good thing you fucking cuck.

Accelerationism doesn't lead to revolution. It leads to people checking out of society and wasting away ODing on Fentanyl. This is already happening thanks to late-stage capitalism.

I thought females would stop being oppressed if the state were abolished.

Good, we are overpopulated as it is.

you faggots need to just think about what youre regurgitating for 10 seconds and think about why you've come to those conclusions.

Dude are you a fucking socialist or are you a fucking alt-right faggot?

That's right, black bloc, anarchists, feminazis, commies, BLM and people not as deep in the closet as you are with their/your interracial cuckoldry fetish are all one big group and they're all out to get you!
take your meds


it's school and society that promotes less physical activities for women and thus makes them smaller and less strong. when the state is abolished and women are no longer bound by gender roles they will go back to the strong dominat people they once were.

Not my problem.




cuckoldry is on your mind a lot huh

jesus user. do you really think that way? unironically?

I love how they antifa LARPers are now just profit makers for journos/photographers/etc. Absolutely hilarious the irony in it, they cannot escape the capitalist system even in protest.

the guy that suckerpunched that alt right guy was a literal cuckold that has a very active fetish porn career/hobby.

no, that was a misidentification, the cuckold is a dead guy and has no relation to the suckerpunch guy.



White Knights are always the most sexist people. She's a grown women. She should understand their are consequences to her actions.

Wow he got recked by a literal cuck that makes him even more pathetic.

No, the cuckold died a year ago, you tard.
Oh, but wait, that's how you get all your information, from JPEG memes.

Plus, this.


spencer getting punched? good day

antifags getting punched? another good day

Holla Forums stop talking to yourself.

gotta admit they look fuckin identical though

the brain tumor shit could be some weird bdsm role play or how she says shes dropping a client

either way who cares


What? I was just making fun of their logic calling the guy that punched him a cuck. It would just make the guy even more pathetic.

seriously? they looked so damn similar down to the cheekbones.
maybe its a phenomenon like feminist fishmouthā€¦

he sucker punched someone and ran awayā€¦ after stumbling. i guess thats "got recked" to you, huh.

funny how the both of you are so knowledgeable about "slave ray". and funny how one of you even claims to get this information from somewhere other than "jpeg memes" ā€¦ where did you find out "slave ray" died user? were you a regular on that site?

You could tell by the noses. I had an argument with a Holla Forumstard about it this morning.

The point is that it wasn't necessarily a call for help so much as outrage at the lack of help. There is an expectation that the policeman is there to stop crime so when the policeman does nothing they point it out. This is not difficult to understand.

you'd think they'd learn the first time. even still I can't say I'm surprised.

He was a big guy (4u). He probably could've easily restrained her in some other way cause she looked a lot weaker than him. But no he went for hitting her. Pick on people you're own size and all that.

wow, thats a strange superpower.

It's obvious in the side by side comparisons.



that he died a year agoā€¦

Don't you have some cuckold porn to "research"?

Nice argument fam

BLACKED.com actually does make some very good videos. I know it's cuckshit but the quality is excellent.

Slave Ray died a year ago, yes, we know from Holla Forums detective work.But regardless, we knew that the punching man wasn't slave Ray because of the nose.
Is that clear enough?

well its a non-profit porn site run by jews. the cinematography should be very good. it has all the greatest jewish minds working on it. and because it will never turn a profit, like cuckold porn, it has to be a work of passion rather than profit motivated.

and how did you find out all that info? it wasnt jpeg memes on chinese cartoon message boardsā€¦ so what was it?

is blacked.com really a fucking non-profit? fucking lel

Stirner was anti-capitalism you fucking cuck

or mayyyyybbbbbbbeeeeee there will be some sort of organizations to stop these things from happening. The Marxist definition of the state involves mediating class conflict and maintaining class domination. A small group meant to stop occasional instances of violence and conflict is an entirely different undertaking with different implications. Aside from that, there are also social norms here that.

It still amazes me that nazis for all their talk of honor just throw that shit out the window when someone opposes their feels. how can you not see how cowardly shit like this is?
I ain't no anarchist. The state's gotta wither away as classes go away.

Erm wrong one

Stirner was anti-capitalism you fucking cuck

yeah no, i don't think so.

Also do traditional values go out the window when you're dealing with leftists or something? "Don't hit a woman" is a pretty common cultural norm

Anarcokiddies will never learn :^)


If you wish to destroy traditional values do not make empty appeals to them.

I watch UFC and they have women beat the shit out of each other now. She shoulda ducked and then took him down and got into high guard

I'm not saying I believe in traditional values. I'm saying you should, being a nazi and all.
I've explained why I think he shouldn't have hit her.

We've tried to reason with poor white trash for a very long time. And they keep voting for right-wing corporatist fascist Republican Party. So fuck them. Fuck these kids. The anarkiddies are pussies. If you're gonna get 10 years in prison, you might as well gun down some pigs and Trump supporters



Whatever happened to real far-left terrorism in America? All the terrorism is coming from the far-right, Islam and Black Nationalism.

This is why soc dems are fucking retarded.

why hello there FBI

Stirner wasn't anti anything

Go fuck yourself Stirnerfag


leftists arent humans. Come on dude this is like super basic.

Tell me, what the fuck is the left doing today is oppose late-stage capitalism? The left is effectively impotent these days

what fucking far-right terrorism even exists?

fuck off nark

says the fascist

Dylan Roof. Trump supporters. Timothy McVeigh. Chris Harper-Mercer was a Republican. Elliot Rodger was definitely an alt-right tard.

all Holla Forumstards are virgin whiteboy neets. i've never seen an example to the contrary

also you may be schizophrenic and autistic.




and Dylann Roof were all far-right terrorism.

Which is why I find it amusing that they support corporatism. TOP FUCKING KEK

This. There's a stormfag who stated that right wing homosexuals are actually leftwing, and that if you irrelevant shit you're left wing too.

the nazis are very effective girl punchers. most of them had to fight off groups of girl bullies in jr high.

no, you don't.

He was half jewish and half chink. If anything that is more evidence that miscegenation is a horrible idea.

literally what is a social construct

Roof was a random psycho with a gun. It's like saying that texas sniper cop shooter was far-left terrorism.

mcveigh was anarchist and anti government.

breivik I'll concede but it's not in america.


Elliot Rodger was a self-hating eurasian. He hated his Asian side. And he had very racist views towards Asians, Blacks, Latinos, etc

he literally had a jew for a father. They'll probably invent some new name for those as the jews infest china in the coming decades.

That Texas sniper was associated with #blacklivesmatter no? See what I mean. It's only Black Nationalism, Muslim Radicalism and far-right bullshit that does terrorism these days. No far-left terrorism

black lives matter is far left terrorism

which is why he went and killed a bunch of whites lol.

Roof was not a random psycho, psychic evaluation did not find anything wrong with him mentally. Also he his goal was to start the "race-war" so no he had perfectly clear motivations.

Mcveigh was an avid fan of the Turner diaries, he was not an anarchist in any sense. Maybe he had some libertarian sympathies.

ISIS is far-right in every sense of the word. It is absolutely reactionary, and religious violence always falls on the side of right-wing politics.

Elliot I agree did not stand for anything, but MRA. Still right wing, but not terrorism.

They are IDpol. You never see any white far-left terrorists anymore. All the fucking disillusioned white people just seclude themselves, do drugs and kill themselves. Or a small minority turn into lone wolf shooters like Adam Lanza. White people are pussies. They don't want to do revolution.

All these people ITT are the same people saying gender roles are completely arbitrary and not rooted in sexual dimorphism at all.

I can't get enough.

but they seized the means of production, they are far left.

Read his manifesto. He was extremely racist towards asians, blacks and latinos. He even killed 3 Asians.

Antifa are idpol radicals that should probably be snuffed out like the cockroaches they are at some point.

Not that it isn't funny to see how Nazis get annoyed at them.

that guy probably thinks the USSR was far right since they hated fags

So did the Nazis

There is no theocratic system that was never left-wing.


If you are too dumb to figure out the inherent justification of apolitical system and its place on the right/left spectrum, then you are probably not competent enough to talk about any political position.

just because they arrived at a common destination (control over the means of production) from a direction different from your commie shit doesn't mean they aren't far left in the ways that matter

I really wonder who's behind this post

Yes it does mean

A far left position would control the means of production but they would not surrender them to an authority of divine/clerical background.

The Nazis similarly surrendered the political authority to the fuhrer and the nazi party, which in no way did it have re appropriation of wealth as its justification, but racial imperialism instead.

It's not a matter of means, but of the roots of an ideology. For example I would never claim Stalin was not left-wing or Robespierre just because they were dictators, and it is ahistorical to claim so.

The ride never ends for you, does it?

these mental leaps

North Korea worships the kims as god kings. Are they not far left now?

Poor white trash votes for rich white trash

Good luck getting cucked by American corporations Holla Forums

I can't wait until Trump gets rid of SSI, welfare, social security, etc. and you fucking Holla Forumstard neets kill yourselves after your parents die


So did Breivikā€¦

same tbqh those are broken systems and something new needs to replace them. People will happily accept Nazi with the right incentives

go to >>>Holla Forums

great refutation

lefties aren't humans. also the fucking joke that norway refuses to kill him and even lets him play video games all day really proves how weak libshit made his government. Think he even won a suit lately that norway infringed his human rights by not letting him hang out with other prisoners

Go suck corporate cock you white trash NEET Trump voting idiot

Neither a fascists m8.

I hope you fucking slit your wrists after Trump kills SSI, welfare, social security and your parents kick you out of the basement

come on m8



yeah it's reasonable to me that you would believe that.

I own property I rent out lol

no mistake comrade



anarchics once again proving themselves to be worse than useless

what a surprise

maybe one day these kids will stop playing lefty and read a book instead of spurging out on the street for an hour, making leftists look like morons, before going home to pat themselves on the back

So does my uncle, it's a nice suppliment to the pay from his job at Nintendo.

wait is owning property considered unbelievable on Holla Forums????
