Why is every anarchist squatter commune dirty and disgusting full of people who refuse to keep it clean and just want to consume cheap fast food and drugs?
Why is every anarchist squatter commune dirty and disgusting full of people who refuse to keep it clean and just want...
Because they're liberal hippies pretending to be socialists.
Why do taxes go towards public education if all it does is produce retarded fucks?
Your post would have been funny if I got it in a text like 5 years ago but I grew up and evolved. Go on. Lets see if something other than a beavis laugh can come out of this thread.
Because they are still in the squatting phase and havent legalised their situation, afterwards many of these places can become really nice.
it's why I don't get involved in any left organisations
I dislike most leftists. Maybe it's because I don't drink, do drugs, have tattoos, am very private etc
Lifestylism: not even once
join the right my man
Tragedy of the commons.
Because no rulez! They become anarchists because mommy and daddy in their middle class neighborhoods grounded them for smoking weed. They're children thinking society can function without law and order.
No, fuck off
God damn it why can't we have a clean, suited and booted but proletarian left wing? People like Eugene Debs or Ernst Thaelmann
Go back to Holla Forums faggot.
t. guy with tats and gauges.
wtf are gauges
Really puts into action your neural network.
i also can't believe their butthurt over town hall constantly questioning having this scum letting the building decay like this while receiving money for their "cultural activities"
the nerves of these people
i've always been ML but this taught me to never expect this kind to be anything more but fuel for the gulags