So this happened

so this happened.


Other urls found in this thread:


This is going to be fun…

Daily reminder Arabs immigrated to Israel after jewish settlers built up the region and introduced modern agriculture, turning uninhabited land into cities over decades

daily reminder zionism is a cancer on the face of the earth and all people who believe in apartheid will be shot in the face someday

Oy fucking vey.


Libre Palestina!

Daily reminder that this is a straight up lie.

kill yourself


daily reminder that no one is buying your bullshit


This should be a banner


Based Pflp
I wish they were more relevant in Palestine

they are, just not as relevant in gaza.

anytime you hear of an attack on zionist soldiers that happens outside of gaza its PFLP.
like the truck attack that happened a week ago killing 4 israeli soldiers



no fucking way in hell is that real

German antifa/antinationalism is insanely pro-Israel. Just another example of how disgusting Germany is.

It is

most liberal bullshit i've seen this week and i was at the protests

its germany.
(stalin should have delt with the krauts while he could

Somebody show this thread to Holla Forums.

Not sure how they get around all their cognitive dissonance tbh

Sounds based tbh

Article claims no one has taken credit for it

why that doesn't make any fucking sense? just because they are jews?
are they pro isis too just because isis is muslim? what kinda antifa is this


pflp has taken credit for it

9/10ths of it is just to troll the fuck out of "anti-imperialists" or nazbols and other scum like that. It basically started as "siding with shitty dictatorships because they're anti-western is fucking retarded" and all the pushback against that basically made them take more and more pro-western positions, until literal shilling for Israel occured. They legitimately *only exist* as a reaction against "hurr durr fuck the west" within the radical left.

It's pretty easy to shit on tankies without becoming an israeli shill but what do I know I clearly am just not red-piled enough

that surely is a good tool for killing the fascist collaborators(trots).

this. you can't be a leftist and be pro israel

for some reason that norweigan guy who shot all those kids at the socialist camp wrote in his manifesto that he was a zionist and supports the state of israel then in another few pages talked about how jews were ruining everything.

its not judaism thats a problem its zionism and apartheid

so you're saying they're only pretending to be retarded? in order to troll some other fringe retard? I see. However, this whole thread consists of antinationalists supporting Palestinian nationalism. Why should anyone take seriously an ideology that appears as an awkward superposition of different levels of propaganda?

Socdem camp.

I see so many not getting this distinction, both left and right.

anyone who says this is such a fucking retard its not even funny, you aren't fooling anyone with your "pseudo leftist who happened to be born jewish so has a soft soft spot for israel" can you imagine if leftists arabs defended fucking isis just because they happened to be born muslim? theres no real ideology or theory behind it. liking israel means you are not a real leftist

Ideologically they are mostly based on critical theory, especially the works of Adorno. They tend to take the position that Western Liberal Democracy is less shit that feudalism or theocracy or tinpot dictatorships, but politically they cross a wide divide from people who are otherwise tankies, to anarchists, to autonomous marxists. But the thing that unites them is basically opposition to the part of the "left" that sides with shitty third-world dictatorships.

So while they're all hardcore zionists and this is very central to their movement, it's entirely a result of "hurr durr muh anti-imperialism"… there's no pretending, all of that is a legitimately held belief, it's just a result of so-called "leftists" supporting reactionary nationalist movements, so they back the other side out of spite.

even trotskyists hate israel


im sure most of them still hate israel if they are antifa and read marx, even if german antifa is goofy

as if anyone needed more proof that israeli apologists are retarded

Why? Why is it so centered when you have human slavery ongoing etc? It's almost as if you're incoherent Cold War relics high on different levels on inconsistent theory and need to at least read Bookchin or kys.

Israel is a racist, white nationalist state. It isn't a cold war relic. It is the culmination of a hundred years of imperialist ideology courtesy of European jews and non-jews who wanted to get rid of them.

So is this a fracture point with liberals? I thought pro-Zionism was a majority opinion on this board and for progressives in general. Is that not the case?

why the fuck would leftists like jewish nazis

It's pretty minor geopolitically in terms of everything else going on in the world.

"progressives" are just embarrassed socialists or edgy liberals

Unless hillary was your idea of a leftist than the answer is a pretty resounding no on zionism. It's literally etho-nationlism, might as well advocate for a white christian nation too

Well I mean the Palestine situation. The other shit they get up to is pretty bad, but leftists rarely want to discuss this.


wow nice bait almost had me

I amended that. I'm questioning why the focus is so heavily weighted on reeee Palestine, muh imperialism, muh nationalism etc. Do you forget US has been aligned with Saudi Arabia as well?

Daily reminder it was the PFLP that did the terrorist acts in the 80s that Gaddafi took the rap for.

Why are you so concerned with everyone's focus on Israel? Are you one of those "raised jewish but totally not religious" jewish leftists?

being against the KSA is super uncontroversial you're not really making much of a statement by decrying them. Anti-Israel is more of a thing since common people actually support them and it's a discussion that needs to be had

Like pottery.

I'm just saying it's weird.

wew lad

"Chilling" in literal camps you mean?

How can you don the YPG flag and shill for Israel. Turkey and Israel share the same oppressive mentality. During the Lebanese Civil War, the PKK fought on behalf of the PLO and Palestinians.

You don't have to advocate for the destruction of Israel but don't deny its history of subjugating Palestinians.


no its not. apartheid is not "minor" you fucking faggot.

you do realize israel is why the arab israeli war happened and why the middle east devolved into the shitfuck it is today via western imperialism?

because he's jewish.

thats it. thats why. he's jewish so he gets bummed when people shit on israel. he's not a real leftist


free palestine

Yes I do but being mad about history can't alter it.

finkelstein (a jew) disproved that bullshit

palestine hasn't had an election in ten years.

Israel may take over the west bank soon.
Why can't the Jews just be shipped to Germany or something and give the land back to the Palestinians.

gas yourself jew, if you are going to defend zionism just because you happened to be born jewish then follow your leader and gas yourself

Daily reminder a proper popular uprising in Palestine would see the Israeli's lucky to keep what the UN handed them, let alone remain on the land at all.

Clearly that's not the case.

then you are a right wing zionist fuck who desrves to be basehd and is not a real communist