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Inb4 Holla Forums has a massive tantrum again
Ricky D really did help out
Also we probably got a lot of redditor refugees from the 100 Flowers Campaign
Are we Yorkists or Lancasters?
>>>Holla Forums6637770
they are so pissed.
The growth has been really amazing. I hope this causes leftypol to get some of dat meme magic like pol has
oh, so this is why they were posting a picture of catgirl drawfriend and stuff
excuse me, what's RDW?
kek, eat shit Holla Forums
Haha that post is me. I used to lurk Holla Forums quite a bit but I stopped going when it got flooded with 4chan refugees, but it looks like it's got better now. I go in every now and then for a bit of bants and to make jokes and sometimes point out they're doing something stupid, or in this case, not.
Imagine damage control when we will take second place.
earlier today one of their volunteers wrote "Holla Forums will never take over Holla Forums"
i wonder if he's trying to overdose now
unable to recognize and process sarcasm or irony, are we?
explain where it indicates sarcasm
Long time Holla Forums user here
If you've used Holla Forums before you'd know the moderation is anything but professional. People are always getting angry at the BO dysnomia for being very /un/professional, in fact, and derailing random threads, making comedic 1-minute bans or "funbans", etc. and the board has anything but "tons of users", a reoccurring joke there is that the whole board is compromised of the same 2 or 3 shitposters and spammers. so the entire phrase "Holla Forums will never surpass Holla Forums, this board is moderated very professionally and we have tons of users :^)" is p obviously supposed to be sarcastic.
And hell, I'd say the concept of Holla Forums getting mad about Holla Forums at all is bullshit. the mods are constantly stickying shitposts (for example >>>Holla Forums6637144 ), they are perhaps the most avid shitposters on the whole board. so posts like and thinking they're "LE SO BUTTHURT xDDD" is pretty dumb. Their subtitle even says they have "More sticky threads than 4chan!", that's the joke.
For an example, pic related is them editing a post complaining about them to say "i love the mods they are funny and cool". Do you really think they operate entirely without joking?
You seem to take the internet very seriously, and therefor assume everybody else does to the same autistic degree as you, but that's not the case. I'd bet nobody there actually unironically cares about the board rankings, especially the mods- they already control a legacy board name anyway, I don't know what else you could ask for as a hotpocket on Holla Forums.
The look on the Pepe?
Holla Forums is a leftwing website now
Holla Forums will always be libertarian irregardless of if Holla Forums or leftypol owns it, purely because of site mechanics and design
You can't really attach an ideological label on a site that values bsolute free speech and who's boards are user managed, retard
Leftypol has lots of potential to grow. Spread the word!
Libertarian socialism aka anarchism.
if nothing else does it for you, here is proof that our mod friend at least actively browses Holla Forums >>>Holla Forums6638376 and is most likely laughing at your expense
I was shitposting thanks for dispelling any illusions the weak-minded may have I guess
suck my dick my man :^)
I'm more alarmed that Holla Forums of all places is marked safe for work.
Did you guys refresh the front page so much you broke it?
dude i was just adding to the shitposting regarding the situation and you went full autistic analysis on me, calm your mittsies. the only one who took any of this serious now is you.
Kek, one guy even wants to datamine the bitcoins out of our integrated verticle Tox matrix.
Given I once had to write them a guide on advanced raiding tactics I am not concerned about the end results of this ideas guys.
*ideas guy
The site keeps going in and out for me as well.
uh that's literally what you're doing though??
also lots of text ≠ autistic analysis, the only people that think otherwise are illiterate babies tbh.
People that automatically equate lots of words to autism are really just showing their hand in that they've never attempted to put any effort or ingenuity in their posting beyond monosyllabic lowercase no effort le ironic shitposts xD
haha you are a joke
You're the joke, ideas guy. You aren't even smart enough to infiltrate a Tox network yet you're autistic enough to suggest it and get genuinely angry over poster count. You're the worst of both worlds.
haha wait do you seriously think I am the screencapped poster in ? I smell autism and it's coming from you
nice projection, I know you're really sad and uncomfortable that the icelandic gardening forum board you for some reason choose to personally identify with didn't win over the other iceleandic gardening forum board, but everybody else doesn't actually really care in any serious way.
I'm not the guy jumping to the defense of random retards, retard. Everything you say is pretty autistic and stupid so I just assumed it was you.
Whatever you say tard.
well, when someone like you seems to be really retarded and unable to pick up on basic lingual concepts, you should be happy that someone like me is there to explain it to you real nice and slow.
He's talking to two people you idiot.
>>>Holla Forums6638778
guys they are at it again.
it would be nice if you send some reinforcements to the front.
can you read you mongrel? they both link to
shiggy diggy
Fucking hell, even Holla Forums must be out of your depth.
except multiple people aren't replying. protip: to people other than the samefag, its pretty obvious when you're samefagging
The guys from earlier were funnier, these guys are just salty americunts.
Posting during peak burger hours: Never ever.
The idea of putting stickies on Holla Forums is already going too far. the mods are incompetant and dragging people into shit they don't care about.
can you read?
Look here you dolt
Hope this helps, if it does it will probably be the only thing posted here you will ever understand.
Yeah, you realize you've been retarded. Bye.
were you dropped on your head as a child?
Heh wow triggered much?
Dys would never do such a thing, he relishes the chaos.
Should we start instigating more raids against us just to troll Holla Forums?
I'm relishing their tears
based mods
~500 posters-era was the best.
never change Holla Forums :,)
haha triggered xd
why is Holla Forums so bad at using Holla Forums-originated memes? You can't just sperg out and scream "triggered" at everything you don't like, irregardless of whether it sounds like they're mad.
It wasn't the ban you complete fucking retard, it was the clean up of the thread that was funny, I just posted the ban because it completed the post. If you weren't such a gigantic newfag you'd know how to check the logs, and that the salty guy got a longer time for being so salty.
Fucking hell any wonder Holla Forums is struggling to grow with such a slow witted and mad community. The entire board can be summed up with "Post anything and get accused of being absolutely furious - TOP KEK!".
I hope they've managed to move it on from the template thread posting kiddos of a few months back but with the users that have come over here I doubt it.
Damn u r triggerd
watch as he replies to this too
"Heh triggered much?" is from an old masterchan bashing comic that always used to get posted there, but everyone left when twats like you came along very recently.
watch as he replies to this too
heh.. nothing personnel.. kid
what "clean up"? are you illiterate? this is the board log. I see no mass deletion or mass banning.
Is it possible to be this stunningly retarded?
Clearly you made a thread on Holla Forums a while back and they called you a faggot, and now you're eternally ass harassed. And you're in no place to be talking about shit communities, posting on Holla Forums.
nope, not giving you the (you)s.
What are you talking about? how is some obscure fucking comic an indicator for oldfag status?
Called it (kinda)
Sites fucked, I was confused as fuck too, but that post and loads of other posts disappeared. Wrong of me to presume it's the log and not the board itself I guess. They're back now.
lmfao, shut up faggot. So much presumption and pretension for a guy whose best defense of his template thread board is "yeh, well, Holla Forums memes" - where the fuck are the memes coming out of Holla Forums?
Have fun with your "would you fuck" threads, ragefugee.
every thread can be called a template thread or somehow unoriginal / 4chan cancer if nitpick and preform mental gymnastics enough. And please, enlighten us on this random comic you pulled out of your ass and post it. You are starting to sound actually unironically delusional.
nah, stop posting image macros though.
We're back fams.
Totally BTFO porky lad
by the time your cringeworhty reddit drama dies down Holla Forums will be back above leftypol tbh.
It wasn't the reddit drama as much as the exposure we got from RDW
>>>Holla Forums6639556
>>>Holla Forums6639543
>>>Holla Forums6639520
>>>Holla Forums6639486
They are now comparing us to Chrischan
>>>Holla Forums6639602
Holla Forums is getting butt fucked with a fucking drill at this point.
Richard Wolff
As expected, bet he is fapping to mlp right now
70% of the scumbags that post in Holla Forums come from here:
>>>Holla Forums5993405
Holla Forums is just a containment cage for the massive plague those right wing faggots are.
kys tankie
you first horse fucker.
laughing anime girl.jpg
confirmed animu horsefucker from that plagued cage.
I insist user you should really consider suicide.
Nope, never touched the pony thread. stay delusional though.
First Reddit and now 8/b/. So what's next on the agenda? Maybe there should be a request line where people can call in and ask who they want Holla Forums to piss off.
You're several hours late.
I guess Holla Forums would logically be next, though they're having infighting problems right now that don't show any signs of stopping. It would be great if someone here thought of a way to take advantage of this.
>>>Holla Forums6640150
The spergout is reaching unseen levels.
You're a hero digging in the NaCl mines so that we don't have to.
Celebratory song time
You should Holla Forums delighted
What going on, why is leftypol growing suddenly. Is it Trump, the Wolf shout out? Something else?
Maybe the events of the r/socialism drama are still echoing throughout the net.
Guy got BTFO, funny that he got banned for posting something else in salt. He was being chill earlier in the thread but it seems like our kidding around made him pop a vein.
The thing is, I explained this to Holla Forums because they thought we were using proxies and artificially inflating our user count because those damn commies just want to beat bee, who is the best. They then raged because REEE REDDIT, almost as if causing redditors to become anally prolapsed is a bad thing. What a bunch of buzzkills. Pretty sure 90% of Holla Forums came from reddit in the last 4 years anyway.
We can only really take advantage of it through being a presence on the same site at this time, which we've managed to do. This episode will surely disillusion some of them, and they may realize the problems with sneaky capitalists, rather than just sneaky merchants.
Holla Forums is not you enemy kid.
Nazbols are improving average posting quality, attracting new nazbols
How many people were on r/socialism. Seemed like a dead channel when I went there
Honestly I think NazBols would do well in Holla Forums, you and your gang should go check it out.
They have 80,000 subs but ban everyone for being mean people (and other slurs). They're so fucking insane they look like a COINTELPRO op and the only thing that doesn't put the final nail in the coffin in my suspicions is they have a discord with pretty much all of them but the owner in, who I suspect is actually COINTELPRO.
This is because they were using proxies and resetting their routers to stay higher than us, thinking we were doing the same.
we nicked 200 users from r/socialism. now they're down to like 150 active users, and Holla Forums is the largest radical left forum. it's why the mods are pissing their pants and offering "concessions"
Remember, quality over quantity.
They'll never get their concessions, it's the oldest trick in the book.
I would say existing makes me of higher quality than a router reset, but I have absolutely no evidence of this.
The FBI probably just had to pm comet and say "Hey, I'll buy your account for $500, don't tell anyone" and that's been subreddit for the past 5 years.
Holla Forums here, thanks but no thanks,they would do better as Holla Forums and Holla Forums.
Holla Forums is not political and we would like to keep it that way, we don't discuss ideology or vote for puppets,we just want to have our lulz,raids and shitposting.
The sad thing is this makes perfect sense. Guy has absolutely no political knowledge and it's sad he's ran the place for so long.
This is actually why I suggested them, rather than any attempt at board subversion, which I'm not a fan of. Did you turf out the stormfags yet or are they still shitting up the place?
The guy in question went on a podcast today and made some comments that suggest he might be part jewish so in reality all it means is that
Holla Forums was right again
wth every stormfag thread on Holla Forums we trolled them and told them to get the fuck out and posted gore and muh fun.
they gave up after a while, we also did this with that communist fag who was posting leftypol memes.
Holla Forums is not your contested ground .