Why is left literature so much more prominent and in larger quantity than right literature?
Why is left literature so much more prominent and in larger quantity than right literature?
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Because our average Autism Level and study level are higher.
Not gonna disagree with the word filter tbh
because the right-wing get their ideology from warhammer 40k and the legends of king arthur
You mean World of Warcraft, I don't think any of these dumbfucks have the patience to watch TLOTR movies nor the intelligence to read the books.
Because people who have brains think, the right wing have always been "omg i hate X fucking reee, everyone should act like the status quo and anything different should be killed".
There really isnt much depth to their philosophy if you can even call that
this particular guy actually has a big library of fantasy books
his "theory" section however is littered with the likes of Evola
It isn't. It's the same thinking of why all the intellectuals in the Soviet Union were leftist and all the ones in Nazi Germany were right. It doesn't change the fact that without Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle who would all be considered right wing are the foundation of literature and intellectualism in the West nor the fact the printing press was invented solely on religious motivations. If you look at the span of literature it's extremely even and even dominated by the right in the past due to the fact only the bourgeois were educated enough to read and write.
Because the right-wing worldview is based on emotionality, not theory. They don't want to better understand the world, they want to feel good about themselves and mad about a big Other. Their favored literature is not the book but the tabloid.
Because commies need tons of literature to somehow justify the stupidity of a planned market economy. Then 50 years later they wonder hey a planned market economy doesn't work after all, how could this be we have written so much about it?.
Because the "right-wing" is just a variant form of the existing status quo. It doesn't propose a change to the existence fundamental structure of society; capitalism.
The left wing however is actually proposing a different society. It is actual political theory, while the right-wing is just people confused about the current reality and nostalgic over old times when reality was better.
We have mountains of theory, being a right-winger is literally about feels>reals
1. because we're smarter
2. because in the post-war western governments tried to diminish left-wing radicalism through subversion, infiltration and even financing of left-wing ideas that could suit them (like anti-Soviet socialism) and helping promote its adherents on the academic/journalistic world while, due to the war, far-right thinkers could just be outright banned.
More books = more dumber
What a mind blowing revelation.
How do you get "right wing" out of some faulty science and mysticism from a slave society? …Actually, come to think of it that really is the basis of "right wing" thought.
because most right wingers are illiterate
For every valid critique of the current status quo that is read, 10 about how to keep the proles in place, 50 STEM textbooks from proles climbing that ladder and 100 ideology-enforcing feelies or assorted bullshit are read.
And that's among leftists. I can't even imagine the situation in the general population.
No wonder Holla Forumsyps love their racial science so much.
You see words being used. You have no idea what they mean. You put them in an order that makes no sense in the apparent hope that they will have some deep meaning. Have you considered a career creating anime titles?
Most great authors and poets were fascists tbh. It's probably because the right has a strong sense of aesthetics and social ideals and feels obliged to engage in romantic struggles, such as those of beauty against ugliness, the grand against the ordinary, the high against the low, the traditional against the new etc
Help! My Planned Market Economy is Collapsing Because Of Human Nature!
We still don't know the name of the spy we shot that day.
My Syndicalist Little Sister Can't Possibly Compete With The Capitalist Iphone Production Figures?!
Guys, I just realized something as I read this thread. Maybe the political spectrum of "left" and "right" doesn't actually exist and humans made that up to make political theory easy to understand and force ideological consistency of our leaders?
Anyway, to answer OP's question: what would you define as right wing literature?
Ura! Pioneers' Music Club
Tamako Kolkhoz
A Certain Soviet Railgun
This is actually the correct answer btw
Also Marx was heavily influenced by Aristotle and Plato was basically a communist.
Because Atlas Shrugged is such painfully boring read all rightists are turned off from literature after reading it and instead opt for jpeg images
Not OP but
Ayn Rand
Neoclassical Economic Textbooks
George Orwell if you're retarded
Mein Kampf
The nonsensical ramblings of Hans Hermann Hoppe
That should cover most right wing ideologies
their mysticism wasn't faulty you just have no soul
This thread is the left equivalent of John Stewart and Bill Maher leading a round table discussion in what makes replicants tick
No, the lefty ones, or should I say "sane" ones, for example the Frankfurt School, chose to GTFO that shithole.
Socrates was tried and executed on charges of not conforming to religious piety, Plato thrashed the poetry-based education system and even the traditional myths themselves with gods mutilating and killing their parents, Aristotle challenged Plato enough to found his own school and went out of his way to analyze the constitutions of other countries to see where his own polis could be improved upon.
Neither do you.