Even though I have watched Jason Unruhe's videos from time to time, I am actually not that knowledgeable about Maoist Third Worldism. I actually thought it was a joke ideology that Unruhe invented. I had no idea that it actually existed before he started talking about it. I read some Maoist Third Worldist material on reddit.
They argue that the reason why the west turns to the far-right instead of turning to the far-left is because capitalism (and the imperialism that comes with it) benefits the first world working class more than socialism does. Apparently the first world is wealthy only due to past colonialism, neo-colonialism, imperialism, etc. If we stopped exploiting the third world and we moved towards socialism, apparently the standard of living for first world workers would be worse than it is now.
In the eyes of a Maoist Third Worldist, a McDonald's burger flipper is not worth $15/hr. The first world McDonald's burger flipper who makes $15/hr is a parasite in their eyes.
I have to wonder if the Maoist Third Worldists are right about there being no revolutionary potential in the first world. And first worlders wanting capitlaist imperialism because they know that it is in their best interests. Not socialism.I have tried to debate with libertarians and American Dream capitalist shills recently. Pointing out that they are exploited. That they have to work 40 hour work weeks for the bourgeoisie when there is no reason why the work week should be more than 20 hours due to all the automation and labour productivity gains made by the wokring class.
I mention that they are slaves to the rent-seeking bankers. Working so hard to pay off their bloated mortgages way past inflation. I mention that they are slaves to their landlords. Paying sky-high rents that have went above inflation. I point that labour is paying the price for the propping up of asset bubbles in real estate, stock markets, bonds, etc. They tell me with a straight face that they don't feel exploited.
They say that they are happy. That I'm the only one who is miserable because I can't hack it in the world, blah blah blah. At best they say that crony capitalism is behind the asset bubbles and inflation.
It's hopeless. You tell the people that they should be working less for the same annual pay. And that they shouldn't be paying so much for a mortgage or their rent. And they don't seem to care. They are fine with the status quo. It's like their brainwashing is deep-seated. Or is it? Maybe they're not as stupid as we think. Maybe they are justified in believing that being a bootlicker capitalist imperialist is better for their self-interests than being a socialist.
Would we still have all the wealth that we enjoy today in the first world if one of China or India said "fuck this, we're going to become Marxist and we are no longer going to serve our neo-colonialist overlords?"
That all said, I don't really see much revolutionary potential coming from the third world at this point either. In China, where are the real socialists? The Communist Party are just corporatist fascists. In India, you see some Marxist trade unions. But India is still very much a fascist stratified society with castes. You see some leftist populism in Latin America. But you're starting to see their momentum deflate these days in Venezuela, Brazil, etc.