He fell for the "degeneracy is bad" meme and believes that he is not a reactionary
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Where is the filter?
I really don't care about culture or ""morality"" but i tend to use degenerate as an insult to people who care abut that stuff.Gets them all riled up and shit.
If wanting to fuck a cuckcakes ass while my gf spanks her is degenerate, then fuck it I'm a degenerate.
I've been posting on imageboards since 2007, what makes you think I give a flying fuck what's degenerate and what isn't?
What I always found funny is that both the terms "virtue signalling" and "degenerate" occupy their vocabulary.
I can't think of anything more virtue signalling than calling someone a degenerate.
You should not lie with a woman unless you`re willing to die for her.
To be fair, Engels thought homosexuality was degenerate and was far from a reactionary. The two are mutually inclusive.
I remember progress, it meant something else than the discovery of a new hole to stick a dick in.
Now we have pornographic ideology, and Holla Forums is incapable of realising their own contradictions.
wrong pic, ftfy
I want this broscience "overpopulation is creating fun" meme to die. Cairo is more overpopulated than any degenerate western city.
Calhoun's work centered on experiments in population density excluding concerns about resource availability. "Density" here is best defined as the proximity of other competing organisms, and the experiments suggest that at a certain level of density, well below that required by physical needs, there is a complete breakdown in social behavior.
Of course it's not overpopulation alone, but I think it proves an answer to why both European nations and advanced industrial economies like Japan and South Korea are experiencing a collapse in birth-rates that - outside importing millions of foreigners from the Third World - can't really be solved.
Unless you want to go the typical Holla Forums route and start with "It's capitalism's fault!" and argue backwards from there
In principle, the theory that density leads to a break down in social behavior is correct, put 20 people in a tiny room for their entire lives with nothing to do but eat, drink and fuck, and it will happen, as it does with mice.
To draw the conclusion from this that degenerate behavior in certain densely populated countries, as in the PUA/pol theory, is caused by the population density in those countries is grasping at pseudo-scientific straws.
In cities that are much more densely populated, and where is there no shortage of food and water either, the people are far more conservative and have more children than in a sparsely populated country such as Sweden. It isn't just that there is no evidence for a causal link, there isn't even correlation.
As Holla Forums has it's economic determinism and test everything against it ad-hoc, so does Holla Forums with biological determinism. It's the same lack of applying critical thinking.
are you some kind of fag?
Hasn't population density been consistently correlated with crime?
Except as I pointed out in the second post, resource scarcity was irrelevant in Calhoun's experiment. Throughout the entire experiment the mice never lacked for food or water even when the population reached its peak.
Holla Forums barely touches Calhoun's experiments. PUA/pol theory is on a spectrum of "Its the Jews fault" to "Its Western men's fault for not having a strong enough pimp hand with their women"
There are a lot of factors involved, such as stresses caused by the complexities of life in advanced industrial economies, lack of social roles, etc.
But most importantly, the mice in the experiment exhibited similar behaviour to most aforementioned post-industrial economies - past a certain peak, the population inexorably declined (Calhoun's so-called "spiritual death") as the birth-rates of South Koreans/Japanese can attest (Westerners are more difficult to ascertain, since practically every nation has received massive levels of immigration).
It truly is baffling how apathetic the scientific community has been towards below-replacement birth-rates. Everyone seems perfectly happy with the "Oh, people just don't want kids anymore, idk, secularisation I guess, who cares lmao" explanation
Do you know what that word means or do you see it as a Holla Forums buzzword?