
Anyone else starting to think Holla Forums is on to something?

I mean I think both we and the far right agree on one thing: bourgeois liberals are into some sick shit. You don't knowingly uphold a system like this without sacrificing more than a few sacred cows.

Over the past few years, MASSIVE institutional pedophilia has been uncovered, be it Jimmy Saville, The dozens of pedos in the Thatcher regime (no surprise there), and all the pedos in Hollywood, as revealed in An Open Secret AKA the scathing documentary that nobody watched.

Now there's this, and our Holla Forumstard friends have some decent evidence to back themselves up. Are we going to just ignore this over partisan lines?

Other urls found in this thread:,_D.C._street_design_conspiracy_theory's_Refuge_case

I have no doubt there are elitist circles that run pedophile rings. There is no proof here however.
Even fucking Alex Jones doesn't believe it.

porky is absolutely into fucking kids. he's not doing it from a fucking pizza restaurant.


Nope. They don't.
It's all just pure paranoia.

Well, there's that whole Bill Clinton stuff, and the Westminster scandal in England that also leaked into Belgium and Germany.

So yeah, there's likely some true-detective-tier pedo shit going on, but it's unlikely to involve Hillary directly or some fucking pizza-restaurant.

There's evidence of some kind of fucked up bullshit going on, or at least enough circumstantial evidence to warrant an actual investigation/official suspicion, but –whether because of cointelpro or just because of the sort of demos this kind of thing attracts–there is also a lot of fringe bullshit mixed in with legit pizzagate stuff.


Fuck off with your dumb conspiracy shit and also >>>Holla Forums


The guy who owns it has connections with the most powerful people in the world. It is not just a pizza place.

I mean even though I'm Holla Forums in beliefs I'd give them up and join a socialist revolution if that's what it takes to get rid of these sick fucks.

Seriously. It baffles me how people acknowledge that fronts exist but repeatedly insist that a pizza place run by one of the "most powerful people in washington" is "just a pizza place"

What did you mean by this?

>all that "evidence" with weird as its qualifier
real fucking detectives here guys

I have to admit I find the whole thing intriguing. It's probably just a whole lot of confirmation bias though. Are people still looking into it?

People have died while investigating it? Holy shit. I'm spooked!

Holla Forums has threads about it almost every day.

Why is it that Holla Forums ignores Trump's connection to Epstein?

They don't. It gets brought up along side with all the fucking jews he has in his family/nominations.

all the more reason to look into this ourselves imo. We could bring a whole new perspective.

I don't think I've ever seen a pizzagater try to implicate Trump in any of it. Moreover, I'm banned on 8/pol/ for the latter thing.

A lot of people flew on Epstein's plane and Epstein himself doesn't have a connection to comet pizza.

Back to >>>Holla Forums you untermensch

I really doubt they were using a pizza place as their evil HQ but they did pretty much seem to be using pizza as cover words for child fucking in general.

I still have yet to see any substantial evidence of comet pizza being involved in anything necessarily harmful to children. At best there have been wide swaths of implication from people outside of it, rather than in.

The pizza place is directly over an old tunnel system. There is other properties owned by Alefantis that also lay on top of this old tunnel system. There are even pictures of them on instagram digging big holes.

The pizza place wasn't the HQ. It's potentially a waystation on a route of child trafficking.

How do you think you get that kind of evidence? It would require trained professionals with the necessary equipment and access. That's not Holla Forums. Only the police or the FBI are able to get the kind of evidence that would make it clear what is happening.

I'm not suggesting they bother at all. It's better to have had evidence than to make a narrative for which evidence shall appear.

Governments do have a history of those sorts of activities. I watched this documentary on the house of lords having a pedophile ring:
I don't know much about pizza gate tbh, but you never know

Yeah. I mean that's why you had that guy with a gun show up at the pizza shop though clearly it's obvious that they would close up that end of the business after the allegations started.

Maybe the FBI will give it a try under Trump. Heard that Flynn's son was aware of the whole thing.

Elites are sick

It's all conjectural and missing key evidence (unsurprisingly, considering it's just autists on the internet), but after a decade and a half of internet detectivating I can tell when there's foul play involved. Too bad Porky's media is using the rightard connection to make sure no law agency will ever touch it.

I thought your kind likes delicious cunny?

Rolled 2, 3, 2, 2, 5, 3 + 6 = 23 (6d6)
Holla Forums was onto something a long time ago, now it's just a limited hangout.
Protip: It's not just comet pizza in dc, it's all over the world, every country, and those who found something really incriminating won't post it on any chan, that's only alerting the sick fucks to what's coming for them.

Another pizza place was busted for the same exact thing, so I don't think it's out of the question

you kidding?
they absolutely could be

its not a HQ
its a restaurant where Obama bought and 'consumed' a $65,000 'hotdog' and 'pizza' combo

Holla Forums is on to something, sure. The important question is, what can they do about it?

These pedos have connections to government, big media and big money (THEY'RE PORKIES). They work together and protect each other, and they can control what's said on the news. What can a bunch of autismal internet "detectives" do?

To attack the pedos is to mess with the entire corrupt capitalist system. In other words you're messing with PORKY.

Looking at it from Holla Forums is like reading poetry in motion. We know the solution better than Holla Forumstard classcucks.

No. Holla Forums is filled with schizophrenic and retarded children

No he didn't. That was referring to him ordering food to the white house, it had nothing to do with Comet Pizza.

Anyway, this whole thing is another one of /pol's dumb conspiracy theories. Holla Forums is not onto something, Holla Forums also thinks that the Jews Jewed the Universities and the historians and now the Jews Jew the nigger Jew Jew to cover the Holocaust. They're psychotic.

EXCLUSIVE: Trump's 13-year-old 'rape victim' dramatically DROPS her case. Woman withdraws legal claim she was assaulted at Jeffrey Epstein sex party
'Katie Johnson's' shocking allegations first emerged in a lawsuit filed in California in April this year
She claimed she was lured to a sex party by pedophile Jeffrey Epstein where she was forced into rough role-play sex with presidential candidate
She said she was 13 when she met Trump after leaving her home in Oklahoma in 1994 to try to pursue a modeling career in New York
On Wednesday Johnson suddenly cancelled a press conference at which she was set to reveal herself for the first time
She spoke to - and we have now learned that lawyers are pulling the case she filed against Trump and Epstein
She had no proof that her story is true and Trump has denied her claims
Clinton supporters had seized on the story as a possible knock out blow

Read more:

This predates Pizzagate.

Maybe we should support eugenics after all, I don't care if I get to go with them. At least it's a guarantee 90% of Holla Forums will be wiped off the earth.

Could we maybe use this debacle to teach Holla Forums about class consciousness?

I went to an Italian place last night, they didn't have mussels (and therefore couldn't serve the frutti di mare I ordered), they only had one server to service was slow, and they somehow ran out of menus. Also the food was mediocre and there were a bunch of old people around.

I guess it was a front for a geriatric sex slave ring. And the diner I went to last week with fat people and bland coffee? A fat people sex slavery ring. And every Jimmy John's everywhere is a front for a sex slavery ring of one stripe or another (but generally black).

I had no idea there was so much freaky sex slave shit going on in the world. You've really got my noggin tobagginin, Holla Forums.

If we want to BTFO Holla Forums we should study Murray Bookchin, as Bookchin addressed the specific sociobiological arguments (e.g. The Bell Curve) that Holla Forums has taken as dogma.


Debacle? I'd say it was a soaring success.

Bookchin attacks a lot of what sociobiology Holla Forums has adopted in "Re-Enchanting Humanity". You can download this book here:

Bookchin also attacked all this in their essay "Sociobiology or Social Ecology":

they're purposefully ignorin pedos in white owned/dominated sectors. no talk of DoD pedo leaks, no talk of major military academy pedos, no talk of oil industry pedos or anything like that. its part of their "jews are pure evil" schtic, they'll only put blame on whites close to jews. They don't even talk a lot about the Catholic Church or elite pedos in the Bush Sr and Reagan admins or Nixon or any right winger. Especially not Hitler whose SS was infested with pedos

Ok, what did they achieve?

Old meme is old.
Not eve Holla Forums cares

So they got MSM attention to deny it. How is that an accomplishment?

Call me when a pedo is killed or goes to jail, or when the children are saved.

a $65,000 takeaway meal ordered using known pedo terminology
keep deluding yourself
in America huge swathes of the GOP and DNC are pedos
they're all bourgeoisie
these people make in a month what some people dont make their whole lives
plus all the muh privileges
theres psychotic delusions and then theres connecting the dots
notice how Holla Forums didnt resort to the ' its all run by jews again' meme this time?
because for once theres something fucking concrete here
something that could get sick evil fucks like Clinton, Kerry and Biden the fucking death penalty

Even if Holla Forums is right about something, they are wrong about everything, nulling even if they're right.

That said, they're not right.

They need help.

Everything related to Holla Forums on this board should automatically result in a one week ban.

No it isn't known pedo terminology. The Cheese Pizza meme was started on Holla Forums in like 2004, pizza and hot dogs is not "known pedo" terminology, and I implore you to find me a website that sites it as such that isn't already knee deep in your crackpot, schizo conspiracy theories.

Yes they did. Have you ever been on Holla Forums?


Cheese pizza is known pedo slang you idiot.

It's pretty clear that "pizza" is a euphemism for something. However it could be anything. Why right wing morons' minds suddenly jumped to pedoshit I do not know.

We found the 4channer who thinks WE WUZ TRUMP!

no they didnt
they linked it first to Podesta
who also along with his brother are the spitting images of the Madeline McCan abductors
he also has records of emails he sent and received dated to the time of Madelines disappearance in Portugal where coincidentally Podesta and his brother were at at the time
these emails were all deleted but the time and dates they were sent are sus as fuck
that along with all the 'art' work he displays in his home which eerily looks like stuff raped child abuse victims have drawn

$65,000 is nothing. Certainly not enough money for any nefarious activity on the scale you are implying.

Government accounting is weird, remember the $8,000 muffins a few years ago?

Your work is useless, you can't touch the elites, because you have no CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS. Like an impotent dick.

They could be "known pedo terminology" and it wouldn't actually make any difference. Literally anything can be innuendo.

I say, as someone who's actually /still/ really interested in the Omaha scandal of the late '80s and thinks it's worthy of consideration, I don't think the pizza thing is worth anything.

^ Like this is nutso. I believe that Clinton and co. are guilty of lots of horrible things (that nobody grills them on because killing thousands of foreigners for power is ok as long as like 4 Americans don't die when you aren't looking), but people have been trying to push them as just running around the country raping and pillaging everybody since the 1990s. It probably had some basis in Bill not being able to keep it in his pants, but people take what they can and run as far as they can with it. I don't think Washington elites personally abduct children for sex rings. I can think of reasons they would, but if they're running human trafficking rings then they already have to have people working for them so it actually doesn't make much sense from a 'keeping it quiet' standpoint.

Like this. It could be fat kids. It could be ass. It could easily be vag. Maybe it's a bunch of poor cats named "Muffin" who get passed around and gang-raped by the assembly, who don't need to be fed because they live off the power of Satan.

leave America
a girl virgin between 6 and 10 years old can go for anywhere between 500 and 1000 USD on the streets of Mumbai
of course a regular fuck with a regular whore is about $1-$5 in India so come to your own conclusions
I dont im not American but do tell I love hearing more of the corruption of our overlords who must never be trusted

class consciousness is another term for limiting your worldview according to the directions of a pre-ascribed ideology you can adopt
come to your own conclusions and create your own labels for parasitic bastards tbh

Bill evaded the secret service and rode Epsteins 'Lolita Express' 26 seperate fucking times
you're right they dont
according to Epsteins model you use wealthy non-public proxies like fake modeling agencies most usually headed by women because girls wont find them as so suspicious

$65,000 is a lot of pizza.

Source? Find me something that verifies it as known pizza slang. It's not "pedo slang", it's a Holla Forums meme that never caught on in actual pedophile communities.

Yes - they did I remember it.
Oh I know - those dastardly satanist Jews always catch Holla Forums and foil their plan. Damm you Jews! Just in case you DID remember to take your meds today, you realize the pictures of the abductors is a picture of one person - two possible interpretations of him. It was supposed to be a guy in his 30's - one guy.

It makes no sense. Our friend is schizo.

What exactly makes you think this was pedophilia and not laundering money or some other transaction crap

You really over estimate the ability of Hillary Clinton to care about anything but $$$

And seriously under estimate how boring she is as a person.

She doesn't seem the type, she seems the type to give some money to some banker fuck along the campaign and cover it.

I still have fuck of a clue why this wasn't the immediate logical conclusion even people on Holla Forums could have made.

But once again, I am unfortunately optimistic in Holla Forumss ability to actually do anything coherent

NO. There's an entire framework ready for me to use, written by great thinkers.

more like EXPANDING my worldview and giving me more tools to analyze socioeconomic relations.

This didn't occur in Mumbai, hence why user was judging the amount of money. I have it from a friend that boywhores in Thailand go all the way for about $17 USD. He ended up living over there because lapdances in America tend to cost about $20 for like 6 minutes. And a lapdance is, ostensibly, quite legal.

it did liar and you'd know that if you had been on these tubes long enough

id post the pic if id saved it but I didnt
look it up liar its eerily fucking similar

because they have been doing that for decades through legitimate avenues
the only almost universal taboo these days is pedophilia
the entire Clinton dynasty is corrupt as fuck bourgeoisie
nothing is sacred or matters to them besides satiating their own depraved appetites and keeping the reigns at their hand

All this shows is that Holla Forumsyps have an eerily deep understanding of the child sex and child pornography scenes.

yeah the third world is cheap and its easy to make people disappear or its easy to bribe officials
in the USA where wealth among the elites is of no concern and it is possible with enough money to make however large an incident disappear as long as you pay for it
thats why a 65,000 dinner for ONE is suspicious as fuck

Fuck off you stupid fuck. I'm not searching pedo slang to help you stop being a newfag that's wrong nigh on every time he posts.

No it didn't. It caught on in Holla Forums, but if you are as intimate with pedophile culture as you say, could you provide a source? If you sail to do so, you can continue with your schizo babble unchallenged.

I'm not lying about anything, I know it looks similar. This is how conspiracy theorist work - disregard context and look for spurious connections.

And most of the ones with stars next to their name in his notebook have under further investigation been actively tied to the pedophilia.
Trump had a star next to his name in Epstein's notebook.

Yeah sure. A "friend" told you that.

That's not an answer, they're politicans, they can get away with finnance and capital all they fucking want


Yes I agree

Again, why the leap to pedophilia, you are not making any sense

For anyone who pays attention to politics this just seems like money laundering to a pizza place politicians go to during election season

Or maybe it was corpses.

I think he also tried to drug me once. Dodgy fellow.

because they're older than this place
check out masterchan or libre and the infos all there
even before the pedo purges of the last year this information was readily available thanks to pedoanons

oh yeah sure im totally gonna screencap fucking posts containing borderline child pornography from years ago so I can refute your newfaggery
it didnt catch on on Holla Forums originally
this is slang on fucking /hebe/ and /1/

why a pizza place
why the eerie fucking connections
why the secret tunnels
why the fucking white rabbit symbolism

Facebook? Wikipedia? Twitter? Youtube? Vine?

When it comes to "cultural importance," 4chan ain't even fucking Pornhub.

I miss cool Marxhead, I've seen this one be wrong about fucking Marx.

Isn't it past your bedtime?

necrophilia is basically decriminalized anywhere which has laws concerning dead organic material and food
the only taboo left is pedophilia
the way I saw it connected on Holla Forums is in the past in the 60's and 70's for instance oligarchs would use blackmail to ensure trade deals were upheld
if two companies owned by these two guys make a deal but it could be catastrophic to one of them if the other backstabbed them they'd use mutual blackmail as a form of insurance against reneging on a deal
in the 60's and 70's this could take the form of homosexual sex tapes
like we both have gay sex with a rent boy, film it, we both have a copy and if one of us breaks their promise we release the film to the press and career and public image destroyed
that wont work anymore the world is quite liberal towards homosexuality these days
its not career destroying
but pedos?
theres nothing more efficient as blackmail insurance than raping and murdering and 8 yo girl, filming it and holding onto the evidence in case of betrayal

That's not even a counter though. That's just further evidence to suggest money laundering!

wouldnt a fucking legal firm or insurance firm or literally anything fucking else be a better way of laundering money than a pizza restaurant?
who's gonna believe someone bought a $65,000 pizza when theres a dominos down the road who'll do it for a fiver
unless this pizzas main topping is pure heroin and its served to me on top of a fucking naked 8 yo whore then im not paying fucking $65,000 for it

It's visited by democrats every election cycle

confirmation bias

why the secret tunnels

What tunnels. Did this silly shit turn into secret tunnels under a pizza place.

Listen to yourself

why the fucking white rabbit symbolism

I don't fucking know or care enough about something this silly to even ask

No? Ask the mob about how good restaurants are for money laundering. Less oversight, less IRA goons who want a piece of your action.

Yes, that is what money laundering looks like, thank you for reminding me.

Another weird thing is this, which was built upon an old satellite pic from a decade ago that was really popular.

Thought it was odd that it cropped up again in this.

Fuck off


I just think that if a major american sports team is only able to put away some $56k of alcohol away over four hours that $65k worth of pizza is something to wonder at.

Personally I don't think Hillary is directly tied to it at all aside from letting Podesta or whoever use Clinton Foundation resources to move kids around. If she has no qualms about bombing children, I don't really think she would have any in selling them either.

But really I haven't been following this pizzagate stuff too closely and I don't care either way because one way or another it's just another data point on a litany of crimes for which Hillary et al deserve immediate execution.

You can do this to about any picture of a street

My god, it all makes sense now

she greenlit moving sarin gas barrel bombs from a military depot in 'liberated' Libya to sell to the FSA in Syria who used it to false flag Assad by gassing civilians with them
fucking 50 kids at least in Syria killed with nerve gas supplied to rebels so Clinton could make some extra dollaroonies

I didn't know the VP had his own home. I thought he and his wife just had bunk beds at the White House.



You people honest to god think old American politicians think anything sexual about anything but their economic and social capital.

That's where you're wrong.

They're boring and shift money around all day. That is the problem. Stop distracting from the real problems here, IE, a place Democrats go to gets a lot of money; into an asspull conspiracy theory full of confirmation bias and sometimes outright fabrication in order to cover the truth.

The truth being just how careless these people are to throw money around this openly.

They want a sexy solution to their problems, one that makes their droll lives seem more like the Hollywood shit flick or video game they toy away with. This is this reason why they still believe bush or the mossad or w/e did 9/11, because the simple solution is too much! They need life to emulate hollywood and they push forward even the weakest correlations to further that desire!

not really
in a world where the bourgeoisie control the intelligence services
and the intelligence services control the media, radio, television, newstations etcetera
do you believe the narrative they speak freely which conveniently supports their claims?
or the unspoken narrative that arises by connecting the dots to certain groups and trusting only in human nature

Restaurants are absolutely the best money laundering.

Yeah, except the guy in the bottom right is a general and open satanist who was recently arrested for fucking kids and leader of the temple of set. The Brits also had this satanic panic, and our Establishment pedophile ring got caught out but they deliberately ruined the case.

The elites are fucking kids and Holla Forums has stepped so far into the crazy on this one they are uncovering actual stuff by diving into seas of shit, like David Icke levels of information overload.

David Icke has been saying for years that certain people have been fucking kids, and they've been implicated. He also thinks that we're living in a matrix projected on a hologram from the moon or some shit, and that the Queen is a lizard. Why does genuine information on this keep coming out wrapped in all sorts of crazy bullshit?

The core is true, we've fucking caught them doing it. They are obfuscating.

yeah id believe it if it was small scale thousands
a big buffet party for a group can cost something like that
$65,000 for an individuals single meal is just taking the piss
thats slapping your dick across the publics face and laughing at how the peasants wont figure out how you spend saturday nights

I swear you all have a psychological defect

>My efforts are either a success or they are an abject failure
> I am/other people are either all good or all bad
>>>>>>>>> If you're not with us, you're against us.[14]

They're boring and shift money around all day. That is the problem. Stop distracting from the real problems here, IE, a place Democrats go to gets a lot of money; into an asspull conspiracy theory full of confirmation bias and sometimes outright fabrication in order to cover the truth.

No Hana Arendt I'm sorry but they're not boring. They're fascinating, they spend all day high on designer drugs, trying to cheat on spouses and escape tax collectors. They're fascinating people and a lot of them are pedos or sexual deviants or sex addicts/kink masters. A lot of them are raving psychopaths who have killed people for fun and do coke every 30 minutes. You're retarded and what you believe is pathetic and naive. The elite are always sick, sick fucks. Having impunity, the power to have people killed, maimed or harrassed with zero consequences is a drug. The most powerful drug, besides information of course

Nice summer blockbuster you've got written up there.

Get help

I once heard Oprah flies fried chicken from Ezell's in Seattle because that's her favorite chicken. Money means nothing to these people.

Hell there are restaurants in NYC that ship PIZZA (gasp) all over the world upon request and regular people do it all the time.

like literally
absolute power always corrupts
Tiberius was a decent man in his youth
but as Tacitus wrote as an aged pessimistic emperor Tiberius took great joy in taking infants from their mothers breast and placing his penis in their mouths which they would suckle til he climaxed
when you have the ability to do whatever the fuck you want few have the fucking decency to resist the urge to do just that,_D.C._street_design_conspiracy_theory
Pardon the website, but it serves a purpose here.


I bet you still believe the ol' elagabalus was a tranny thing because of Cassius Dio! LOL

Do you think the Aeneid is a valid primary source on the Trojan War, too?

at most $2000
a few hundred for the chicken and a few thousand for the heli
this is a pizza cooked and made and served at the same restaurant from 'locally sourced ingredients'
god dammit leftypol you trust too much in your demagogues and systems
accept the reality almost all the politicians in government are evil sick fucks

Spanish speaking comrades can find more information on the investigation inconsistencies. DNA samples were found and didn't match the suspects, multiple irregularities were found in the process and one of the parents was convicted for pointing out this, the bodies where found in 6000 euros carpet and according to the official investigation, the ones responsible where 2 guys living on welfare.

As in other similar cases (Marc Dutrox), the bodies presented signs of mutilation consistent with rituals. Keep in mind that it's not that rituals are genuine, or some shit like satan exist. But rituals and secret communities are part of how the humans create a sense of closeness. Porkys have class conciousness because of this kind of things (and also gain leverage from one another).

Absolutely plausible.

Schizophrenic. You should go back to Holla Forums and/or kill yourself


I dont trust Cassius Dio, Pliny or Suetonius because they were pro-republican chroniclers who embellished their accounts
Tacitus for the most part stayed objective on his accounts of the Caesars which is why I respect him

in lack of any other reliable source besides late era Hittite accounts then you have to take it with a grain of salt really


I know you're all high on self righteous indignation and so on but

I didn't say they were doing anything sexual. I think that child trafficking is really lucrative and that Hillary wouldn't be above using her resources and global contacts to profit from such a thing. I don't think Hillary herself is luxuriating on a twink-throne being served by a harem of little underage boys in banana hammocks. Personally, I don't see the utility in laundering what is in effect small money through a shitty pizza parlor when the big banks already do it out in the open with millions, which is what the clintons deal in, and face absolutely no repercussions for doing so.

You can be as assmad as you like but all I'm saying is that it's especially suspicious especially when you have Hillary and people associated with Hillary all tied up with convicted child traffickers.'s_Refuge_case

I swear I'll slap you niggers silly



What does that post have to do with the street design in Paris?

Anybody got an idea as to what "pizza" meant? Preferably something that hasn't been marinated in Alex Jones' brainpan. It was definitely a code for something.

What did they mean by this?

Your friend walks in on you making out with someone. He realizes it's a corpse, apologizes, and leaves humming the "Diff'rent Strokes" theme.

"Well, it's not technically illegal here" he thinks to himself, his opinion of you not having changed at all.

it means a slice of delicious 8 yo ''vag or anal' pie lad

I dont know
an onlook into how pseudo-religious bullshit permeates our society even today and has done for god knows how long
we may not believe in this bullshit but some rich bored fucker might practice it to pass the time

the only problem with human necrophilia is
how did you acquire that corpse?
in the UK for instance bestiality is illegal
however an animal that is dead is classified as 'food' under UK law
and there is no law against fucking your 'food' in the UK
so raping a live sheep may be a crime
put a boltgun through its skull before you stick your dick in the pooper and its perfectly legal
because its not illegal to fuck your food

They sit at home in their Mansions, drink really expensive wine, read a book, prep for press confrences, and make deals with bankers

They are perhaps the most boring people imaginable, and that's what makes them dangerous.

When life is that boring, everything awful you do in geopolitics becomes a routine.

Stop with this distraction shit and actually look at the situation.

It is nothing short but

financial corruption


You… seem to know an awful lot about the lives of the bourgeoisie. A suspicious amount in fact.

Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Democratic Party?

It'll still never work. These people are too huffed upon their own sexy solution. What you offer them is NOTHING compared to the reality where every politician is in fact an ebil satanist human sacrifice muppet for the reptillian/jew controlled NWO!

It's probably because pedos are just a much greater % of the population than people realize

Because I pay attention to what these fuckers do on a daily basis.

Especially in defense.

The truth about evil is it is never interesting, the more outright evil it gets, the more whistle blowers there are. The truth of evil is always banal, money goes here, money goes there, no matter how obvious. It's boring, and easy to ignore. Sure, we could be dealing with our poverty, but we could funnel money into a pizza place that provides us with a dine out with our bougie pals every election.

Think of it as a multithousand dollar money laundering tip.

Money could have saved the life of someone in need, is the real evil. All this money being used to pay people on the back, is the problem.

The problem, just how far detatched these mother fuckers are thousands of dollars becomes nothing short of a tip.

I've never signed to a political party.

Nah its a opportunity to laugh at alt right nothing else.

The person you're arguing with is either a Holla Forums falseflagger or nazbol, anfem

Do those food laws apply to human beings under normal circumstances?

Necrophilia is actually a felony in a number of states. Perhaps the UK is different.

Has that situation with the friend ever happened to you? There's a difference between something being legal and it being ethical or accepted.

I wasn't clear at all, I just found it weird that it was cropping up again, rather than actually believing it. My reply to their posts came before they posted theirs, which were similar to the one I had already replied to.

I'm curious as to whether the satanic shit is actually employed in the child abuse, or just thrown in to make it seem more out there, or included in the abuse to make it seem more unbelievable. I think one of the primary reasons is the intelligence services doing it for blackmail material and cash, but I'm wondering is the weirdness to it added in to throw us off? Make us look crazy? Does it make the elite feel better about themselves if they're being spooky while doing it?

It's confusing and I'm not sure if that's a primary function or a secondary feature. Maybe people are just fucking crazy, the intelligence agencies are the dirtiest fuckers on the planet, and I'm thinking too much into it.

Okay, but what does all of that have to do with the street design in Paris?

American Psycho was, like, fictional, and the dubs man did not actually exist. You do know that, right?

yeah you see common law is so old it views certain crimes as inconceivable
I think food laws do pertain to corpses in the UK since it wasnt so long ago you could requisition human flesh for consumption from bodies donated to medical science from the royal academy
>Has that situation with the friend ever happened to you? There's a difference between something being legal and it being ethical or accepted.
of course
but whats acceptable for the bourgeoisie may not be acceptable to the working class
homosexuality for instance
taboo among the working class
eccentric personality for the bourgeoisie

Did you come out of a time machine from the 1930's or are you just a third worldist?

Yes of course the elite pedofile rings exist. Hollywood is full of pedofile, music is full of pedos, fashion is an entire industry built around sexual attraction to children. There really is no doubt that the upper echelons of business and politics (one and the same, almost) are teeming with kid touchers

I mean in general
the bourgeoisie are always more decadent and liberal than they appear

right on the fucking nail tbh
I'd really be interested in seeing the CEO's of big business undergo the pedo test in the pedo 'rehabilitation' centers in the deserts of Nevada and Utah
nearly all of them would fail it im sure

MI6 pls go

Look into all the shit in the UK - Leon Brittan, Dolphin Square, Jimmy Savile, Dunblane. These aren't even isolated incidents, there are many large coverups. Even small stuff every now and then, weird shit happens and it gets buried, a kids home full of CSE victims burning down, """Plain clothes detectives""" pointing guns at victims, that English kid that went missing and turned up in a Dutch snuff film. Just look at how the inquiry into Establishment child abuse gets a new person appointed to it every year or two. There's a 100 year D-notice on Dunblane for fuck's sake.

The UK is a teeming totalitarian shithole and its problems are far vaster than Westminster pedophiles.

yeah you only put something like that onto the most fucked up shit that requires the generation alive when it occurred to be dead before you talk about it

What's this? I'd google it but I'm not sure I'd want to.

As the bishop said to the choir boy–come again?

they stick a wire around their cock and show them child porn
the wire detects if they get an erection via increased blood flow
if they do they stay in 'rehabilitation'
only 13 of the thousands of pedos sent to these specialised prisons have ever been released

Duh fuck? So these centers just keep child porn on deck?

fucking duh
if the FBI operates child porn deep web servers to ensnare pedos you think that the department in charge of 'rehabilitating' pedos instead of incinerating them as defective citizens wouldnt have child porn for 'research purposes'
the average citizen has barely any rights
if you work for the government in some way you get more rights than the average peasant for sure

A D-notice is an absolute ban on uttering anything to do with a certain thing, which I couldn't tell you about if I knew, which I don't, because nobody is allowed to know about it, or let anyone know they know about it.

It has become an unfact.


jesus mary and patrick

theres a D-notice on what the SAS did in Yemen too in the 80's
and on Princess Dianes death

That's pretty crazy.


But what does the pizza-related map on the hankerchief lead to? More pizza?

The SAS really like doing drive-bys. Did them in Ireland and Afghanistan too. Did anything big happen over there in the 80's? Don't really know much about the place.

Some say there was a shape charge under the hood of Di's bonnet, designed to cause the car to flip, with MI5 being the paparazzi chasing her into the tunnel away from prying eyes. Nobody has told me I'm not allowed to know this yet though.

Legend has it, if you guess what really happened, the magic of the D-notice makes you forget it.

Don't argue with untreated mental illness. It's not rational, it's not based on evidence, it just is and if wasn't a pizzeria it would be chemtrails or ethics in gaming journalism.