Why do you seek to do the devil's work and destroy religion?

Why do you seek to do the devil's work and destroy religion?

The Lord is merciful in his work and yet you seek to steal the bread of our soul. I cannot understand why you would want a world of blind hedonism, subjective purpose, and Luciferian practices.

I'd be down with Christianity if any Christians actually lived as Jesus commanded. Unfortunately, the religion we ended up with should more accurately be called Paulism.

Besides being a lesbian I think I'm probably more Christian than you are in practice and I don't even believe in it.

And "Luciferian practices" would probably be blind self interest, at the cost of the many, for the benefit of few.

Which is precisely what we are against.

As was Christ.

Boss in heaven, boss on earth, etc.


We need proofs

There were actually a couple times where divine right of Kings created pockets of actual straight up satanists. "The king is an asshole, god sanctioned the King, so god must be an asshole. Satan fought god, so maybe he's actually the good guy."

Jesus was at best a lifestylist. Prove me wrong.

Because they make profit. And personally, because I don't like fallacies for my comrades.

Historically, knocked down a lot of tables of gold and said "FUCK THIS SHIT I'M OUT" and everyone got pissed at him for doing so and inciting possible revolt so he was crucified.

I think like, fucking with a bunch of money bankers have and getting executed for it isn't even a right we have? But it seems so minor compared.

He violently whipped a bunch of bourgies out of their headquarters and then got executed by the state. I'd say that's more than most people here will ever do.

How is god going to protect me from wage slavery and labor alienation?
Why does god let the church collaborate with Hitler and Franco to exterminate unionists?
That god guy sounds like a jerk, a total porky

ChristCom wouldn't appreciate that, m80. If I were in charge you'd be able to worship Jesus to your heart's content. Only difference would be there would be televangilists wouldn't be driving around in Jaguars and politicians wouldn't be allowed to ban something 'because God says so'.
Yes, us commies are known for our decadence :^)
You mean letting individuals seek out what makes them happy instead of forcing a system of beliefs on them? Or what?
We don't all read Crowley, m8. Some of us think all religion is bullshit.

If this is a troll thread, thanks for being original at least.

He only threw them out because they were ruining his temple experience. It had nothing to do with any sort political belief.

Does motivation really matter here when he was mad at their money

Christ was probably more of a communist than Trotsky was lmfao


How to do Christianity correctly:

"The Diggers were a group of Protestant radicals, sometimes seen as forerunners of modern anarchism, and also associated with agrarian socialism and Georgism. Gerrard Winstanley's followers were known as True Levellers in 1649 and later became known as Diggers, because of their attempts to farm on common land.

Their original name came from their belief in economic equality based upon a specific passage in the Book of Acts. The Diggers tried (by "leveling" land) to reform the existing social order with an agrarian lifestyle based on their ideas for the creation of small egalitarian rural communities. They were one of a number of nonconformist dissenting groups that emerged around this time ."

Who /proto-communist/ here?

very troubling… where is Lin-Manuel Miranda to rectify this
